Soundproofing of the walls of the apartment do it yourself

August 15. Repair and construction work Views 1955. Comments To write soundproofing walls of the apartment with your own hands No

Soundproofing of walls in the apartment is a serious event that requires a lot of knowledge. To be aware of all neighborships - it's not so scary, but when the bass guitarist lives on the other side, the jokes are bad. Soundproofing allows you to retire from outside sounds, as well as not to create inconvenience to the elderly. In apartment buildings, this is a central problem - you loudly listen to music, to arrange a party. In this article we will deal with how to make the soundproofing of the walls of the apartment with their own hands.

A little about noise ...

Neighbor scandals refer to air type noise. Loud conversation, as well as screams, the exclamations penetrate through windows, doors, cracks in the walls and so on. The noise is passed through the air, from this and the corresponding name. Sometimes it is enough to change the windows to metal-plastic and install the doors of the best quality. Part of the problem is, of course, will decide. And what if the sound comes from the wall?


Impact noise type is familiar to everyone, even those with common neighbors. Even the cultural intelligentsia family from time to time will have to make repairs, and this piercing sound of running drills, and the same unbearable work puncher. However, all of this can be controlled, while even the relations with its neighbors are not spoiled.

Soundproofing walls from "A" to "Z"

Any complex task can be broken down into several, thereby simplifying and his task. The very labor intensive process of insulation, so it is always pulled until it is absolutely become unbearable. Thus, we consider the order of its main stages.

Step One - inspection area

Although the word "survey" more associated with medicine than with the construction, it is necessary to make a full inspection of the apartment. Under the suspicion will fall:

  • cracks (in walls, windows);
  • absolutely all the sockets;
  • any other openings (places walls compound and heating pipes).

Close up cracks and holes with a different cement mortar or gypsum plaster same. The cost of sound insulation wall in the apartment will be lower if you do everything yourself. Also, you'll save if you do not call the electrician. He will need to safely pull out the socket and insert it in the same.


Those who understand a little electricity, will cope with this task easily. The first thing to do - to come to the shield. Protect yourself - turn off the electricity. Further it is necessary to disassemble the wall outlet, pull them out completely, and the hole sealed with foam, fiberglass and others. At the end of the hole sealed, or cement or gypsum. The result - you will forget about the noise from electrical outlets.

Laying insulation

After reading the reviews, soundproof walls in the apartment, you can begin to do the most. Typically, the craftsmen of the construction themselves share many tips. Where to start laying?
1. Crate - binding structure, which frame will serve for insulation material. Profile fixed to a wall by using a rubber tube or other anti-vibration material.


2. The next step - laying of sound-absorbing material. The fact that the effective use which sound insulation in the apartment of the best, read on.

3. When the material is laid, fasten the plasterboard using conventional screws.
4. The next is a familiar plaster, adhesive wallpaper.

Shortcomings and constraints

Already from the process of laying sound-absorbing materials it becomes clear that the area of \u200b\u200bthe rooms will decrease both visually and in fact. For the owners of small apartments, this is just a catastrophe. They wanted to lose the precious volume, they are suitable for thin sound insulation of walls in the apartment.
In this case, sufficiently thick sealing materials are replaced with a thin membrane. It, despite the small thickness, is very dense, therefore it is completely coping with the task of absorption of sounds.

True, there are noise with which any noise insulating material is difficult to fight. These are shock sounds with construction tools, about which it was above. Since they do not extend without through the cracks through the air, but a vibration wave, then absolutely completely completely used to isolate.

How to choose a sound insulation material?

First of all, you need to choose sound insulation material. The most famous are brick, concrete and plasterboard. If you are trying to get rid of the annoying liyny neighbor PSA in the morning, then it is somehow impractical to build another brick wall. Plasterboard is the most optimal option from existing sound insulation materials.

The second question - what to fill the framework? The main requirements are durability, reliability, as well as non-combustibility. For soundproofing walls in the apartment, materials need to be selected with the mind.

The specified non-combustible requirements correspond to:

  • glass gaming;


  • mineral wool.

Also, the craftsmen advise the use of multilayer panels and extruded polystyrene foam. Lovers of everything environmentally friendly can dwell on sheets from pressed cork crumb. It also includes the incomplete processes of rotting, the attack of parasites and rodents.

What will be used as a material hired employees and what price for sound insulation of walls in the apartment they will be called - it is not known. However, it is absolutely for sure that no one will work for a penny. If you want to save and a little sense in the construction business, then try to do everything with your own hands. And let the assistants in this serious business, let the video about the sound insulation of the walls in the apartment.

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