Stroshings of walls: under pipes, wiring, air conditioning

January 26. Repair and construction work Views 2268. Comments to record wall strobs: under pipes, wiring, air conditioning No

Conducting overhaul inside the house often implies the replacement of wiring with the transfer of sockets and switches, as well as the laying of other communications in the wall. To fully fulfill all these works, you will need to carry out the walls of the walls.


Selection of tools

It is very important for the walls of the walls to choose the optimal tool. To create a stroke, you can use:

  • hammer and chisel;
  • a perforator equipped with a special nozzle;
  • bulgarian with a diamond disk;
  • stroboresis.

The most longtime way is to use a hammer and chisel. These tools should be applied when creating short grooves in a wall made of soft material. For a brick or concrete surface, a hammer with a chisel will not fit. This technology has significant disadvantages:

  • high labor intensity;
  • long period of work;
  • obtaining low-quality strokes.

The stroke of the walls with a punch with a nozzle can be carried out in a brick and reinforced concrete surface. Grooves are better quality. Although require additional processing. In some places, it is necessary to level the extreme part of the stroke. The main disadvantage is the noisy work of the perforator.


An excellent option that provides high quality grooves is the use of a grinder with a diamond disk. This technology is different:

  • ease of use of the tool;
  • rapid sticking;
  • in small expenditures.

The only drawback is too much dust.

The best tool for the stroke of walls under wiring is the strokesis. This tool is equipped with dust collector and interchangeable discs. His only "minus" is a high price. Therefore, the most advantageous decision will be taking a stroboreza for rent.

Technology of creating a stroke

Before laying the grooves in the wall, from the room you need to make the maximum possible number of furniture and other items. If the furniture is too heavy, it can be covered with a plastic film. Be sure to prepare a building vacuum cleaner, since dust will be much. Be sure to turn off the supply of electricity into the room.

Stroke with hammer and chisel

This technology stripping technology provides the following actions:

  • with the help of chisel, the edges of the groove are placed;
  • usually the width of the shifting is slightly larger than the width of the acute end of the chisel;
  • the chisel is installed in the transverse position to the groove;
  • through impact hammer on the chisel, the tool is embedded into the wall;
  • after removing the upper layer, the shit is deepened by 2-2.5 cm along the entire length.

The final deepening of the shine can be carried out during its creation.


Strobling with a perforator

Two nozzles are used for the sticking of the walls of the walls: the blade and short boring. After the surface markup on the line, where the groove will be located, holes are drilled to a depth to 2.5 cm.

In parallel, another two rows of holes are drilled at a distance of 1-1.5 cm. After that, the blade is assigned to the extreme holes and the shock is created. The shovel can not be put in cross position, since unnecessary pieces will be crushed from the wall.

Bulgarian with a diamond disk

The only difference of this method from the two previous technologies is the use of a grinder, which is facilitated and accelerated by the creation of cuts for grooves. Two parallel lines are applied on the wall, which are the boundaries of the shoes.

Bulgarian disc is carried out on these lines. Next is used a perforator or a hammer with a chisel. The groove is knocked up to the desired depth. The work of the Bulgarian is very dusty. Therefore, you need to get a respirator in advance.

Strobling with the help of stroke

In essence, the strokesis is an advanced Bulgarian model. This tool possesses two connectors that are designed to insert two disks with diamond spraying.

The advantage of the tool is that it is possible to regulate:

  • the distance between the inserted discs (the required width of the groove is installed);
  • the location of the casing of the stroke (fixes the depth of the cut).

These characteristics of the instrument allow you to qualitatively carry out the stroke of the walls under the pipe in the bathroom.


When using the dust removal tool, which is located on the casing, is connected to the vacuum cleaner tube. For this reason, a lot of dust is distinguished during the walls of the walls, and the process itself will not cause special difficulties. The material from the sliced \u200b\u200bborders of the stroke is removed using a perforator with a spatula.

Regardless of the technology of creating a stroke after completing it, they should be allowed and covered with primer. The wiring is fixed in the groove and closed with putty or plaster.

Features of the stroke of concrete walls and air conditioning holes

Most internal partitions and walls are made from concrete. Their sticking can be carried out using all the above tools, with the exception of the hammer with the chisel. When working with a concrete surface, you should consider a number of nuances.

It is not recommended to use the strokesis. In the concrete surface there will be a significant part of the material, which will have to delete by another tool.

It remains to make a choice between the perforator and the grinder. Preference is given to the first tool. Due to the higher power, the perforators are the most suitable option when the concrete wall is stroke. It is possible to reduce the amount of dust by moistening the working surface.

When creating a stroke in the supporting structure, special attention is paid to the reinforcement located in the wall. It can not be damaged. Since this will lead to corrosion and weakening the supporting structure. To prevent this, you should use the metal detector.


The stroke of the walls under the air conditioner begins with determining the location of the old wiring. If the old cable layout scheme is preserved, then they are guided by it. If not, you will have to take advantage of a special device. The surface of the surface is carried out taking into account the size of all elements of the air conditioner. The most optimal size of the shine is: in width - more than 6 cm, in depth - 5 cm.

Useful advice

When the walls are sticking, a number of recommendations should be followed, which will facilitate the process and will not lead to a deterioration in the state of the surface. These include:

  • the electrical cable is carried out by the shortest path in a strictly vertical or horizontal position;
  • the wiring does not fit in the corners and in close proximity to the door and window openings (the minimum distance to them should be within 10 cm);
  • it is not recommended to lay the cable in the slabs of overlapping and horizontal seams;
  • the wiring, located horizontally, should be from the slab overlap at a distance of more than 15 cm.

Video about the stroke of the walls:

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