Parquet varnish coating: Step-by-step instruction

March 30. Interior decoration Views 1342. Comments To write Parquet varnish coating: Step-by-step instructions No

Parquet coating lacquer is an essential part of the work on the arrangement of the wooden floor. Usually this stage is carried out immediately after a high-quality surface cyclove. It is necessary to understand that the surface varnish is not only the protection of the parquet from external factors, but also a chic appearance, which will not compare with any other outdoor material. At the same time, the parquet is one of the most expensive coatings, but it must be borne in mind that its durability is an order of magnitude higher than all known analogues. When re-cyclumin, the parquet looks like a new one, and its reliability remains exactly the same as in the first days of operation.

Features and benefits of parquet varnishing

Few people know about all the advantages and negative features of the lacquered parquet. First, it should be noted that the lacquer on the surface of the tree emphasizes the texture, and also gives the material shine. If you do not produce a varnish, a few weeks old wood floor will have a terrible appearance. Dirt will definitely accumulate, and humidity - gradually destroy the material.

High-quality varnish will significantly reduce the abrasibility of the surface. Modern materials are easily opposed to water, chemicals, as well as other substances that can be accidentally shedding on the surface. Resistance to ultraviolet is also the most important property of varnish.


It is very difficult to produce varnishing in a large private house, as the lacquer is applied to the surface several times. With this information, we can conclude that, in general, the process can delay a week, and maybe a longer period. In small apartments, parquet is used very rarely, and there is no particular need for it.

The process of varnishing includes a number of important aspects. In order for during the work, the divorces are not formed, which significantly spoil the appearance of the surface, need to be lacquered in the direction of wood pattern. Also during the application of varnish on the surface, various irregularities can be detected. To get rid of them, you need to use manual grinding.

To once again not to spend a cyclical, you need to be sure that the varnish is really high-quality. Due to emerging defects, it is necessary to immediately use grinding, and this is again the waste of cash and strength. When buying a varnish, you need to pay attention to the products of well-known manufacturers, who have been improving their goods for several decades.


Main features of parquet varnishing

It is most important to know that the application of a varnish on the surface of the parquet occurs with the help of a microfiber roller. In some cases, a brush or spatula is used. To ensure the highest possible varnishing, you need to take care that there are no gaps and cracks on the surface. To get rid of them, you just need to put a putty. Without it, parquet will gradually lose their initial properties. The spacure must consist of a mixture, which includes wood dust, as well as components of classical putty, which are often used when finishing the walls.

After using putty, the surface of the floor should become perfectly smooth. Otherwise, this events will have to be held regularly.


Beginning of the process of parquet varnishing

You first need to choose a quality parquet lacquer. Today we can find a wide variety of nail polish, but in this case you need to make a choice based on the types of wood in DIY stores. When you purchase is necessary to give preference to products known firms that have at least a few years, producing paints and varnishes. Low quality varnish can occur within a few weeks after its application to the surface. Plating begins to blur. Accordingly, the timber can also be subjected to a gradual deterioration.

Depending on various factors, you can choose these or other types of lacquer products. Frost lacquer will maintain wood even at extremely low temperatures. Flexible types of material will never be allowed to damage the wood even after being dropped on the floor a heavy object.

The main stage of varnishing

Now we need to equip microfiber roller and apply a first lacquer layer to the floor. You have to understand that part of the varnish should immediately pour into a small container, which will evenly apply material on the roller.

The first layer should not be too thick. On the contrary, it almost should not be seen, because after this stage will require intermediate sanding surface.

The process requires the grinding of the intermediate to the parquet surface is perfectly flat. For this purpose a special sanding machine for wood. With the help of a spirit level you need to check every centimeter of surface. If any irregularity persists, it will be noticeable after drying final coat of varnish. Of course, in a particular part of the room sanding work will have to be repeated.


The second lacquer layer also should not be particularly dense. Use it also to detect small irregularities. Lacquer has to dry for ten hours. It is understood that for optimal results it is better not to walk on the lacquered floor for days.

In the last step the final varnished parquet surface. In this case, the varnish can not regret. Apply a layer of material must be such that the wood pattern looked most harmonious. a couple of layers of varnish can be applied if necessary. Also possible to apply other protective materials. In this case, much depends on the climatic situation, as well as on the quality and type of wood.

The final layer of varnish dries for several tens of hours. For obvious reasons, the use of sex is best only after 2-3 days. You need to make sure that the material is really dry. When small flashes are found, you can use grinding and re-apply a small layer of varnish.

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