Formwork Mounting Technology

January 17. Construction, Foundation Views 4531. Comments To record technology installation of national formwork No

The formwork is something, without which it is simply impossible to give the right shape products from concrete and reinforced concrete. It is engaged in an industrial scale, but some species are available for manufacture with your own hands.

Materials and application

Formwork is the beginning of the construction. In its performance, a simple structure. The task of the components of the formwork is to hold the concrete flooded in them without changing the configuration, up to its readiness.

Where is used?

Formwork uses:

  • when bookmarking the foundation;
  • erection of walls;
  • performing overlaps;
  • device columns;
  • wells.

Materials used for manufacture

In order to build a formwork, you can apply:

  • 50 mm board;
  • phaneur;
  • metal sheets;
  • polystyrene foam.

As a national team so   and the non-removable formwork for the foundation found its application. The last option remains part of it when construction is completed. True, this type of formwork, it is for the foundation, not as popular as removable.


Foundation Collection Formwork

It's not difficult to acquire a ready-made formwork for the foundation, but this is, of course, expensive. Formwork do it yourself will cost much cheaper, but to do using wooden shields,   it is simple enough:

  • first clean and align soil. If you do not align and remain a tubercle, then the formwork can settle down;
  • clogged into the ground pieces of a wooden bar;
  • they are attached to plywood or boards in the direction of the low-top;
  • vertical is checked;
  • outside, the struts are mounted with a 100 cm interval for greater strength;
  • check the density of the connections.
  • in order for the resulting formwork to correspond to all requests, it is responsible for the question of controlling all sizes.


Formwork Control Tools

Walls in the house, ideally, strictly parallel. Without properly arranged formwork, this condition is impossible. Therefore, during the installation, you need to check all the parameters. And for this you have to be:

  • meter;
  • plumb;
  • construction level.

Formwork is installed. After that, as a rule, a solution is prepared and proceed to the fill.

Disassembly of the panel formwork

After a period of time after the fill of the concrete, you can proceed to the dismantling of the formwork team, depends on the time of year, the brand of concrete and how much it was flooded. It is better to be restrained and clock 30-48 not touch it. What then do this:


  • armed with a wrench and start disassembling towards the opposite assembly, that is, the top-bottom. Otherwise, the board may be under the weight of the concrete weight to fly;
  • having removed the fasteners, they cut down the hammer every shield so that it is better to go away;
  • we dismantle the shields.






It was an example of a formwork vertical, but when performing work on the construction of your own real estate, the formwork of the house horizontal will also be needed if it is necessary to make overlaps from concrete.


How to mask the installation work on the installation of horizontal formwork on your farm? 


Composite horizontal formwork

The set of purchased horizontal formwork includes the following composites:

  • supports made of steel or wood whose height can be adjusted;
  • tripods providing support vertically;
  • beams: axial and transverse;
  • forks - they fix the beams;
  • surface for pouring concrete. It can be a national team or with a whole sheet of plywood, plastic or metal.

Assembling horizontal formwork

  1. We define a place for racks. We place them on the site, under the place where the overlap is planned. Step 1-1.5 m;
  2. At the top on the rack of the felt plug, which have the form of the letter P;
  3. Insert axial beams in the forks. Break them to the wall;
  4. Over the axial beams put the transverse;
  5. Put the sheet for the fill of concrete;
  6. Align the resulting building horizontally;
  7. Racks adjust in height;
  8. We check the fastening on strength;
  9. Lubricate a sheet that was laid at the top.


Formwork for columns can also be performed with your own hands

This design in the assembly is not so simple as the two previous ones, but with a large desire you can do it. Make metal and wood.

Metal formwork

You will need:

  • metal shields;
  • corners assembly;
  • springs bent into the bracket
  • clamps with hinge compounds;
  • armature for limiters.

Now proceed to the assembly:

  1. We take the shields, the required sizes, corners and make M-shaped structures - semi-blocks;
  2. From the obtained structures using brackets, rectangles are collected;
  3. The column is covered by clamps. Otherwise under pressure of the solution, metal is deformed;
  4. Based on the concrete and on the end rhars, we note the position of the axes. The stable position of the lower part is attached to pruning fittings - limiters;
  5. Mount the following formwork tiers;
  6. We establish wedge liners;
  7. Perform a swaging.

The column is high above 3 meters. As a rule, such a column is well reed. Here, to pour liquid concrete, you need to make a closing hole in the second tier. After the mixture after the mixture, and in the further window for feeding the mixture, the top of the formwork will serve.

At a low column (up to 3 m), a solid formwork is used, made of shields of the same height.


Wooden opal

Collect wooden formwork with your own hands harder, on, but it costs less. Advocatively, if the number of columns is small. For its construction, you need:

  • wooden shields;
  • tree or metal clamps;
  • wedges.

The assembly is done like this:

  1. The shields are going to the box;
  2. Dress up clamps;
  3. Wedges are inserted to secure clamps;
  4. Based on the frame. The axis of the frame should coincide with the previously marked column axes;
  5. Paste the case.

To stood the column vertically, you need to use a theodolite or plumb to check this parameter. Vertical is checked by points on the shields.
Disassembly is performed in the following order:

  • remove struts;
  • dismantle shields;
  • remove the clamps.


a - collected case; b - clamp; B - said formwork body.


1 hole;

2 - body;

3 - grooves under construction constructions;

4 - clamps;

5 - wedges;

6 - base;

7 - Cutouts for wedges;

8 and 9 - shields;

10 - stops;

11 - frame;

12 - plug;

13 - strut.


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