How and how to strengthen the formwork

January 17. Construction, Foundation Views 5990. 1 comment to record how and how to strengthen the formwork

The laying of most foundations is carried out using formwork. It acts as a form for pouring a concrete solution. Due to the formwork, the concrete surface acquires the necessary outlines during the decaying of the solution.


The main stages of creating formwork under the foundation

Many are wondering how to make a formwork for the foundation with minimal costs and in short terms. It is quite real. It is just necessary to stick to some techniques that will help create a reliable design with their efforts.

Formwork is removable and non-removable. The first is more common. This is explained by the fact that in most cases the outer side of the foundation is subjected to cladding.

Proper formwork involves creating smooth and smooth inner walls intended for maintaining liquid concrete. Due to this, it is much easier to carry out the subsequent finish and waterproofing of the foundation.

The main material for the construction of the removable formwork includes cutting boards (5 cm thick), metal or plywood sheets. Production of a non-removable design is carried out of polystyrene foam. The main plus of such a formwork is an increase in the thermal insulation properties of the foundation.


The main stages of the installation of the formwork include:

  • purification of trenches from garbage;
  • level alignment;
  • making shields from boards;
  • placement of them around the perimeter of the trench;
  • waterproofing work;
  • strengthen construction.

Nuances of the formwork devices from various materials

For the manufacture of metal design, you will need to create a frame and purchase special forms. These products are attached to the frame bolts. The main advantage of metal formwork is its perfectly smooth surface.

Now about how to make a formwork from wooden shields. For this work it is better to use boards with a length of about 3 m. They are connected by transverse bars, which are driven at a distance of 1 m from each other. For this, nails or self-tapping screws are used. Their caps should be located on the side of the fill of concrete. The production of formwork occurs on both sides of the trench, between which the concrete solution is poured.


Strengthening the design - the key to the quality fill of the foundation

An important factor for creating a high-quality foundation is to strengthen the formwork. This work is more inherent in the wooden structure. It is carried out by:

  • using wooden clamps;
  • sub-vessels;
  • reinforcement of the base between the two formworks.

The manufacture of clamps should be done immediately after placing the shields around the perimeter of the trench. Vertical sides of the clamps in length should be half less than the height of the shield. Only thus the design is attached to additional rigidity. Thanks to the clamps, the load on the formwork arising in the process of filling the concrete solution. In order to prevent the design or retrieval of the design, the installation of the clamps is carried out in the middle between the pink.

In places where the transverse bars connect the boards, there is a strengthening of the formwork of the ribbon foundation using a pump. Setting the data of additional reference elements prevents the design of the design to various sides when pouring a concrete solution. The mounting of the subsoils from both sides is carried out:

  • with the help of fasteners in the top of the shield;
  • with the help of pegs that deepen in the ground by 15 mm.


Installation of subposses is recommended to produce with a minimum step. Such strengthening of the formwork of the foundation will be more reliable. Troops can also be used when creating a metal structure.

When a formwork device, close attention is paid to the sealing of the slots between the boards. The bonded concrete solution can flow through them. To prevent this, the slots are processed by any waterproofing composition. By the way, it is recommended to carry out both the waterproofing of the entire inner part of the formwork. For these purposes, references will be required.

Such a process, how to strengthen the formwork under the foundation, provides for the reinforcement of the bottom of the structure. This work is carried out after laying the waterproofing material. This uses the valve with a diameter of 12 mm. It is tied with wire and mounted on bricks laid on the edge. The reinforcement frame will not allow the occurrence of deformation processes in the foundation at temperature differences and soil shifts.


Finish work on formwork

After the formwork is strengthened, it is necessary to check the correctness of the horizontal and vertical arrangement of the walls of the structure. The uneven surface of the formwork can lead to uneven pressure. If such a defect is detected, the design alignment is made in two ways:

  • by rearranging the support pegs;
  • using the replacement of uneven boards.

Before the fill of the cement mortar, the formwork is checked for various damage. Silvering boards are subject to replacement. They may not withstand loads, and concrete will go beyond the limits of formwork. All pegs should be tightly located in the ground. In the presence of loosened reference elements, they are reinstalled.

Video to strengthen formwork:

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One answer to how and how to strengthen formwork

  1. Sergey Taranov:

    Something is slightly naive, but in general, in the case everything. The cords can be made on carapps, removable, or to synthesize, which is stretched at least on the meter (I have not seen in Russia).
    The top board is not necessary to align. )
    If the forwarding board is thin (\u003c25mm), the soot through the half meter, the vertical hills, the glossing shield-shock and on the screws, and at the bottom and on 2/3 of the height of the formwork, cover the horizontally, dual, put on the edge, the board. And in this case, it is better to pour the height gradually, on the entire perimeter, or a cascade / step (if the volumes are large), but in no case the bunch of one runs the boards on one and squeeze the bubble. With the plywood cassette, the distribution of the load is easier, of course, and with such a cast you do not bother.
    But it is in us, on the promotions, and for the home of the family, probably it is possible and easier. Respect for the author's attention to trifles, whether it is 12 teeth on a saw, a tool belt or a phrase about concrete density. Good roller!

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