Corner windows: photo and design

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Corner windows in the interior - the detail is quite unusual and the original, capable of becoming a highlight of the whole room in the case of properly. In this article we will talk about the types of corner windows, we will give examples of their use in different types of rooms, and also pay attention to the features of the design of the corner windows by the Curtains.

Types and positive qualities of angular windows

The room having angular windows looks very unusual, and in addition, panoramic glazing has a number of benefits:

  1. Overview of the view outside the window in the presence of angular windows is becoming wider, it is especially valued if the house surrounds beautiful nature.
  2. Panoramic glazing provides room a good illumination, so even on a cloudy day there is an opportunity to save on electricity.
  3. At the installation stage, you can play with their shape, size, the height of the flaps, which will create an original design.
  4. Glazing can be made asymmetrical, which will look unusually and originally.
  5. Corner glazing can be made of standard dimensions, then all work will cost cheaper and will be easier in terms of execution.

Depending on the composite version, the angular windows can be divided into 3 types:

  1. The angular window can be made in the form of solid glass that does not have noticeable seams. It looks like this glazing is beautiful and unusual, and for the implementation of such an idea will have to use special angular profiles. In the corner of the glass joined each other with the help of a transparent sealant.
  2. The angular window made of several elements can be shrinking in the corner of the ram. Special profiles are not used to perform work, and the location of the frames are close to an opaque sealant of a suitable shade.
  3. The panoramic glazing of the third type assumes that in the corner of the room there is a narrow column or part of the wall, and separate windows are located on the sides of it and approached the corner.

The angular windows are also classified by the types of materials used in the process of creating them. Consider popular options for angular glazing:

  1. Frameless glazing looks stylish and elegant. It is performed from solid glass cloths, the thickness of which ranges from 6 mm to 10 mm. Since such windows do not have frames and are more damaged, they are often produced from tempered glass and equipped with special anti-burglar fittings. Separate parts of the glasses are suitable with each other with the help of transparent sealants, which makes the seams completely invisible. Such glazing does not protect the room from the cold, so it can be applied in houses located in warm latitudes, as well as in summer unheated cottages.
  2. Metal-plastic windows are considered a warm type of glazing, because they have good thermal insulating qualities. Corner plastic windows can consist of several cameras, the number of which ranges from 3 to 7. The more cameras have a window, the better it keeps heat indoors. In the event that the panoramic glazing is performed from the windows of large dimensions, it is better to give preference to a three-chamber profile installed in a single-chamber energy-saving package - so the mass of the entire design will be not too large.
  3. Aluminum windows are used both in cold and warm glazing, although aluminum refers to materials that do not have good thermal insulation qualities. Even if the aluminum window is equipped with a special thermal master, according to its heat insulating properties, it will significantly give up a wooden or metal-plastic design. But aluminum has a small weight, which makes it possible to use it in the windows of large dimensions. To increase the strength of the material, in the process of smelting in it, a certain amount of silicon and magnesium is dominated. Among the advantages of aluminum, it is also possible to name its ingrediation, moisture resistance and temperature differences. Linear expansion of this metal is small, and high plasticity allows you to produce a variety of forms. In the case of warm glazing, the windows are equipped with a polyamide thermal master. At the corners of the windows, they connect with each other with the help of an aircraft profile or a special sealant.
  4. The glass-component windows are distinguished by very high strength characteristics, as well as high ability to maintain heat. In thermal insulation qualities, such windows can be equated to wooden, only, unlike wooden, they do not burn. Grokromampozite is inferior to plastic in terms of decorativeness, it weighs it much less and is not prone to deformities. Perform an angular glazing using glass-based windows possible, but it is necessary to take into account that at the moment it is almost impossible to find an angular profile from such material, it means that the frames will have to be allowed in the corner in any other way. In addition, the glass amples is 30-50% more expensive than a plastic counterpart.
  5. Wooden windows are made of natural, aesthetic and environmentally friendly material, which is characterized by excellent thermal insulation qualities. Minus wood lies in its flammability, but this problem can be partially solved by treating the material with special compositions. In the angular glazing, individual windows are joined with the help of sealant and do not require additional use of corner imposses. Such a compound allows you to create structures with a height of about 3 m.


Features of the use of angular windows in different types of rooms

Corner glazing in the living room

In the living room with panoramic windows, you can equip a wonderful area of \u200b\u200brecreation, placing an angular sofa in the glazed part of the room with a variety of soft cozy pillows. In my free time there is nothing better than to lie on such pillows, enjoying an excellent view from the window.


If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is small, it is not worth overloading the space, instead you can use a couple of comfortable chairs. In such chairs you can read the book, drink tea or just talk against the background of an excellent panoramic view.


Opposite the corner window, you can put a cozy chaise longue, and the bookshelves are equipped nearby. In such a place it will be convenient to read, and just enjoy sunny baths in a warm dinner day.


The living room is a place to meet loved ones and friends. Opposite the corner window, you can put a large table for which noisy companies of guests will be collected. This table, together with the original window, will be the central part of the interior and the favorite place of the whole family.


The design of the angular window does not necessarily imply the placement of furniture elements under it. Sometimes it is enough to put the pots with alive plants near glasses. This option is especially successful for small apartments when the places under the window for the sofa or the table are simply not enough, but so I want to focus on the original design element.


Corner windows in the kitchen

Corner windows in the kitchen are not only a decorative design element, but also perform practical functions. Thanks to good natural light, under the windows you can position the working area. If the washing is placed directly in the corner with the window, on both sides, it is desirable to put the stove and a table for cooking.


By the way, the kitchen angular window can simultaneously play the role of a shelving with shelves, on which there will be containers with spices and other food products.


Sometimes the angular window in the kitchen performs the functions of the apron. In such a case, the shelf for the seasoning and spices can be mounted above the window, where access to them will always be comfortable and fast. It is worth noting that the window instead of apron is a fairly practical solution, because the glass surface is easier to care.


If the kitchen has large dimensions, it can be done in it and a small recreation area. Immediately near the corner window, you can arrange a sofa with small multi-colored pillows, and around it placed work surfaces: stove and table for cooking. Each centimeter of space in such an interior is used with the benefit, because even under a small sofa, there is an opportunity to make a cupboard for kitchen utensils.


Another way to design the working area is the location of it is not under the window, but opposite it. In such a case, the cabinets with the worktop play the role of a kind of bar counter, which divides the room to the functional zones.


In a small kitchen area, an angular window can be made of a dining area. There will always be light and cozy, and during meals you can enjoy the surrounding species.


Corner windows in the bathroom

In modern houses and apartments, bathrooms become not just a place of functional purpose, but also a peculiar corner of comfort and relaxation. Receiving a hot tub can be combined with reading an interesting book for a glass of good fault. Of course, the atmosphere of the room should have a similar rest, and the interior in this case plays an important role.

In the design of the bathroom room, the corner window can become a central accent of the interior, sometimes it is not even necessary to complement with other details. If the room is located on the upper floors of the building, an excellent view of the city will be opened through the panoramic window or nature.


A narrow bathroom with an angular window can be expanded with the help of a mirror finish of the walls. Bright natural lighting, falling through the windows to the room, will be reflected from the mirrors, making room even lighter. The effect is emphasized and the bright tones of finishing materials used in the interior.


Corner glazing in the bedroom

Corner windows in the bedroom will appreciate those who like to enjoy the light of stars or evening lights before bedtime, and in the morning - to meet the first rays of dawn. The bed in the bedroom can be placed directly in a glazed corner, and so that the light does not seem too bright, the windows should be closed with dark curtains. The shade of the curtain is selected in accordance with the color range of the room.


Under the angular window, you can position the functional zone, for example, to put a sofa with pillows there. So that the excess space did not disappear for nothing, the boxes for storing small things are equipped below.


In the bedroom, decorated in bright colors, the corner window will become a catchy accent. It is possible to select it using a bright shade frame.


The angular window looks very successfully in a small spoolnke, located, for example, on the attic floor. Such an element of the interior will fill a small room with a bright light, and immediately after awakening it will be possible to admire the windows of the environment.


Corner windows in the office

It is difficult to come up with a more successful solution than the angular window in the office. Options for designing such a room can be invent a whole set. For example, under the window you can position a small sofa or sofa, where it will be convenient to relax in the break between the affairs. Light from the window will allow relaxing and reading an interesting book or newspaper.


In the corner with the window, it is quite successful to settle the work area, especially since the lighting in this part of the room is the most bright. Working countertops can be placed directly under the windows, along the walls. To save space and do not burde it with bulk cabinets, hang several shelves for documents, books and other accessories right above the working surfaces. Do not forget to equip the zone with a lamp or a lamp that will be useful in the dark.


The space of a small cabinet area can be used with the mind, equipping the room with practical furniture. The desktop will take a worthy place by the window, and the shelves for books, documents and other useful things should be placed above the working surface.


Features of decorating angular windows

Sometimes the angular windows do not need additional decorations, but in rooms such as a bedroom, a hall or a living room always want to create a cozy residential area. When choosing a curtain and curtains for the windows of the corner type, some recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. Curtains, first of all, must highlight the unusual and original design of the window, and not mask it.
  2. It is desirable to choose special cornices for such windows, since two ordinary direct cornices can simply disrupt the unity of the composition.
  3. If the room is allowed, the curtains need to choose beautiful, elegant and expensive. Ordinary curtains will not create a proper effect. But in the case when the room is made in the style of minimalism or high-tec, the main attention should be paid to the non-accessories and pomp curtains, but the wealth of the fabric.
  4. Type of material, as well as the type of cornice, should be selected according to the model of the curtain.


Types of curtains for corner windows

One-piece curtains for two windows

When choosing a curtain for angular windows, it is important to understand that the fabric is not designed to mask the design, but to highlight and underscore the beauty of a similar interior detail. For corner windows, long curtains reaching the floor are best. The fabric is desirable to choose a soft, flowing, falling beautiful folds.

The role of the main curtains can perform a thin translucent gardin of white or other light pastel shade. Such a fabric does not overload the space, it allows the daylight to be easily falling into the room, and is also an excellent background for others, more brighter elements of the curtain.

On the sides, the window can be highlighted with dense heavy curtains from the darker material. The fabric should be chosen based on the total color palette of the room. The color of the curtains can echo with the tone of wallpaper, floor or furniture, and may be contrasting and underscounted by separate small details of the decor of the room. As additional decorative elements, lambrequins, ties, swarps and other decorations placed at the top of the window can be used.

Dense curtains can be placed on both sides of the angular window, then they will play the role of a kind of frame and emphasize the integrity of the window structure. If the upper part of the curtain does not have additional jewelry, the canvas of the port can be hanging both on the sides and in the angular part of the window.

Adjust the window design, emphasize its form, make the focus on this detail of the interior with the help of a beautiful backlight. The most convenient version of the lighting in this case is the installation of the LED tape along the cornice line.


Separate curtains on windows

Separate curtains are needed if you plan to periodically open the curtains to admire the panorama or simply well to ventilate the room. Separate curtains can be both symmetrical and asymmetric - the choice depends on the overall style of the room.

Almost any short curtains can be used as separate curtains, for example, Roman, French, rolled, Austrian. Blinds or Plistes are also suitable for such design. The short curtains of the above species can be successfully fitted in almost any interior, regardless of its stylistic performance. The plus of individual short curtains is that they can be raised at different heights, adjusting the lighting intensity in the room, as well as the angle of falling light from the window. Such curtains are perfectly suitable for those interiors where furniture is located in a glazed corner: a sofa, chairs, chairs, a table or a cabinet.

In homes, surrounded by beautiful nature or in apartments located on the upper floors of high-rise buildings, from the windows of which an excellent look opens, you can completely abandon the full drapery of the glasses and highlight the design only with dense porters located on both sides of the windows. The same curtains will come in the case when you need to protect the room from bright sunlight.

Individual curtains can serve not only dense curtains, but also thin translucent curtains. Designs are originally looking at the same type, but the curtains are combined between themselves. Such multilayer curtains can repeat the main colors of the interior.

Instead of several shades, you can combine two contrasting curtains. Light gamut curtains should be located in the center of the window, and on the edges, decorate the frames with a brighter shade. Recently, the curtains of the "Sleeve Bishop" model are often used for such design, and they look quite effectively.


Corner windows, photo:






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