Select the plinth under the tile. Features and characteristics of outdoor plinths

February 24. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 1562. Comments Select the plinth under the tile. Features and characteristics of outdoor plinths No

Outdoor plinth is a decorative decoration element that performs some practical functions. Why it is needed by which it happens and how to choose an outdoor plinth, we will tell in this article.

Functions of floor plinth

  1. Plinth, first of all, plays a decorative role. It is a peculiar fraction of the walls of the walls and the floor, emphasizes and highlights its beauty.
  2. This small detail masks the gaps that remain when installing some types of flooring.
  3. With the help of a plinth, you can hide the wires and cables.
  4. It helps better fix the lower cuts of wallpaper, as well as cutting sections or linoleum.

Types of floor plinth

Outdoor plinth is made classified by manufacturing material, and we will consider the most popular options presented in the market.

Wooden Plinth for Paul

The most expensive view of a wooden plinth is made from a massive board. Often, it is precisely valuable wood species: walnut, pine, oak, ash, etc. If you consider the positive properties of such a product, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Long service life during which the plinth can preserve its original decorativeness. In the case of which it can be renovated.
  2. Ecology is one of the most significant advantages of the tree.
  3. Beautiful, dear, presentable appearance.
  4. Not bad wear resistance and durability.

When choosing such a plinth, it is worth paying attention to its disadvantages:

  1. Wooden product is difficult to mount. The wall should be perfectly smooth because the natural massive board will not be able to repeat the shape of the bulges and depression, and therefore, in those places there will be ugly gaps.
  2. When installing such a plinth, there may also arise problems with decorating fastening places. Working on sawing and fitting parts better entrust the master, otherwise you can spoil a lot of material.
  3. Of course, the natural massive tree of the valuable rock will no longer, which can also be considered a minus.
  4. Wood is poorly tolerated with increased humidity and frequent temperature differences. If the conditions in the room are unfavorable, it can crack either to move away from the wall with the finishing coating.

The plinth of massive wood is used, as a rule, for the design of the floor from the same material.

Veneered plinth is a cheaper view of a wooden product. It is produced from glued pine, which is an decorative layer on top of top attaching a thin veneer from valuable wood. Such a plinth is covered with special means to protect against fungi and ultraviolet, and the color of the product is applied using toning impregnations. Veneered plinth has such positive properties:

  1. It is relatively inexpensive, in any case, much cheaper than a massive profile.
  2. He, like any product of wood, environmental and hygienic.
  3. The appearance of such a plinth is very attractive.

The main drawback is poor resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations. So that the plinth is not concerned, it is not recommended to mount in rooms with a "warm floor" system.

Plinth from MDF is an even cheaper vehicle option. It is made from fibers compressable under the action of high temperature. We list the positive characteristics of floor plinths from MDF:

  1. Unlike a whole board, the MDF does not have internal stress, and therefore it is better to carry and moisture, and temperature drops.
  2. It has all the advantages inherent wood: environmental friendliness, naturalness, hygienicness.
  3. It is simpler in the installation, because, unlike the array, it is easier. Therefore, you do not need to level the wall to the perfect state.
  4. Plinth from MDF is well repelled dust, and also almost does not fade under the action of the sun.
  5. It costs cheaper than its wooden analogues.

There is a product and cons:

  1. MDF is larger than solid wood, subject to mechanical damage.
  2. It is impossible to restore the damaged plinth.

PVC floor plinth

The most economical option is the plastic plinth. It is inexpensive and is popular, but for the design of the floor from a noble tree is hardly suitable. Consider in detail the advantages of PVC plinth:

  1. Plastic plinth is cheap and very easy to install. It can be installed personally, because there is no need to direct fragments at an angle of 45⁰ and customize them to each other. The product consists of fastening and decorative parts. One mounted on the wall with glue and self-drawing, the second is put on top.
  2. Such a plinth is easy by weight, it is well cut and even bend. If you heat PVC to a temperature of 70 ⁰С, it will become so plastic that it can be given almost any shape.
  3. Plastic plinth does not need painting. The sale of the very rich palette of shades for every taste is presented.
  4. It perfectly tolerates and humidity and direct exposure to water, and temperature fluctuations.
  5. Such plinth is universal and is suitable for floor covered with tiles, linoleum, laminate, carpet, porcelain stoneware. For floor with carpet, they even sell a special type of plinth, which decorate the cutting of the carpet.
  6. Sold plunths from PVC along with all the necessary fasteners and other details like angular compounds, plugs, etc.
  7. From the inside such a plinth is hollow, which makes it possible to hide a large number of wires behind it. True, the hidden cables are desirable to further fix something.

If we talk about the minuses of plastic plinth, then it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. The appearance is rustled, and under the expensive flooring is not suitable.
  2. Plastic is not too durable. It is thin, easily cracks and does not withstand strong impacts.
  3. PVC does not like frosts.
  4. In the event of damage, it cannot be renovated.

A separate type of plastic plinth is a flexible plinth. It appeared on the market relatively recently and is now often used where the curvilinear borders of the floor should be issued. It beats very well and can take absolutely any forms. It is made of plastic with a somewhat modified chemical formula. It is also resistant to moisture, water, but it is more expensive than a simple plinth of PVC and requires certain skills in the installation.

Installation It begins with fastening along the bearing profile wall, which is installed on the screw. Then the decorative profile is heated by hot water or hairdryer to a plastic state. In such a state, it is attached to the carrier profile and leave to harden.

Metal Plinth for Paul

Sometimes on sale you can meet the flooring plinth made from metal products. As a rule, they are made of aluminum or stainless steel. The disadvantages of the metal plinth include high cost, but it is very durable and perfectly tolerate moisture. Metal plinth is the optimal solution for bathrooms, kitchens and toilets.

Ceramic outdoor plinth

Plinth from ceramics or stone is considered an exclusive product and is made under the order. Such a plinth is suitable for expensive exclusive tile, because only he can harmonize with it and emphasize her beauty. It is installed, as a rule, with the help of tile glue. If there is no possibility to order a similar plinth, then you can arrange the boundaries of the floor by segments of the tile, which it is paved.

If we talk about the shortcomings of such products, you need to highlight the following:

  1. Replace the damaged fragment is very difficult.
  2. Mounting such a plinth is not very easy, especially when you do not have skills to work with tiles.
  3. Ceramic plinth can be used exclusively in combination with tiled flooring.

Tips for the choice of outdoor plinth

  1. Choosing a plinth, designers recommend paying attention to such factors: material and shade of floor covering, texture and color of walls, the appearance of the doors. Often the plinth is chosen in the tone of the finish or in one color scheme, but some prefer to play in contrasts. It is worth saying that with such a clearing the design you need to have a good taste.
  2. If the floor in the room is wooden, the plinth is better to select from the same material, and it is desirable even at the same manufacturer. So you will achieve the maximum matching of the shades of the floor and the plinth.
  3. When laminate, tile, carpet, linoleum, linoleum are mounted as an outdoor coating, it is necessary to choose the plinth and the walls.
  4. Sometimes people try to pick up the plinth on the door tone. In this case, it is better to get the advice of a professional designer, because the probability of spoiling the interior is great.
  5. Now it has become fashionable using white plinth. With the right design of the whole room, such a design really looks exquisitely. So as not to guess with a shade, first it is better to create a model of the room in the computer program, there to consider how those or other options will look, and after receiving the final decision.
  6. In rooms where a low hanging ceiling, the floor is better to arrange a narrow plinth of one shade with the walls, to visually make the room above.
  7. If the standard altitude room, then the plinth is better to choose the standard, that is, with a width of from 45 to 70 mm.
  8. But in highly high rooms, narrow plinths cannot be used categorically. In this situation, the optimal option will be a wide plinth of a contrast or white shade.

Floor Plinth Color Choice

The color of the plinth must, first of all, to harmonize with floor-coating. Consider several options for designer solutions.

Plinth under the white floor

White floor is especially good in small rooms, where you can create an illusion of space with it. By making the room visually wider, such a shade of the floor, at the same time, brings some coldness into the interior. With half of the white color, any shades of the interior are perfectly harmonized, and to choose a plinth under it, you can use any details of the situation as a reference point:

  • doors or platbands;
  • window frames or window sills;
  • chandeliers or other elements of the interior.

With the help of a plinth, nor to anything that does not bind white color of the floor can be harmoniously associated with the rest of the situation into a single harmonious composition.

Gray paper design

The floor in gray tones has a calm property, it looks elegant and restrained, besides, recently enjoys unprecedented popularity. In the room decoration, gray floor can be combined with a variety of bright shades like red, yellow, turquoise, lilac, pink. It looks great in combination with white and black items. But as for the plinth, it is better to choose it into the tone of the flooring.

Paul in warm colors

Outdoor coating of brown, beige, yellow, sandy color can be considered a classic. By the way, such a floor successfully looks almost in any interior style. To beautifully arrange its borders, you should choose the plinth of the same warm shades. It is desirable that it is selected in the tone, but you can change the color intensity.

Registration of the dark floor

Many interior styles, such as High Tech, Pop Art, Avangard, Japanese or Egyptian, assume the presence of a dark floor. It can be both radical black and dark brown floor, a wenge or chocolate color coating.

The dark floor looks great in the cabinets, spacious halls, cafes, dance halls. With dark floors, the same dark plinth is well harmonized. In monochrome interiors, it is possible to make it white, so that it echoed with wall decoration or other objects of the situation.

We choose floor plinths. Video

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