Repair the foundation with your own hands

June 17. Repair and construction work, Foundation Views 3141. Comments to record the repair of the foundation with your own hands No

Living in the house, you begin to notice that cracks appeared in some places of the walls. This fact may indicate that the problem associated with the destruction of the foundation of the building arose. It should be repaired.

Causes and signs of the destruction of the foundation

To accurately determine what type of repair of the foundation of the house should be done, you need to know about the reasons and signs of the destruction of the foundation. The reasons for the occurrence of problems with the base of the house include:

  • negative impact of the natural environment;
  • human activity;
  • incorrect technology for creating a foundation.


The first factor is characterized by:

  • frosty bent;
  • sleeping soil;
  • pushing or tipping the foundation.

Seasonal soils are the reason for raising the house in the winter and its lowering upon the occurrence of warm days. If there are significant temperature drops as a result of a radiation, an outdoor foundation is raised to 8-10 cm in one season. Moreover, the internal base under the house is in its place.

The most dangerous factor in the negative impact of natural factors is the fact of sending the building into the ground under its own weight.

Inadequate human activity can also cause the destruction of the foundation. Special damage The base of the house can cause water streams of rainwater, which lead to excessive wetting of the construction in the fall and freezing in winter.

As for the incorrect filling technology of the foundation, it is primarily expressed in its improper fill and the use of poor-quality concrete mortar. The destruction of the foundation associated with the "human" factors can be prevented. With natural impact on the basis will have to be considered.

The main sign of the presence of problems with the foundation is the presence of depressions and cracks at the bottom of the structure. Immediately determine the growth trend of slots. To do this, the installation of paper or plaster beacons to cracks.

If after 7-10 days the beacons remained in their place, cracks are filled with broken bricks and close up with cement mortar. When the beacons were deformed, this is evidence of the motion of the foundation. This means only one thing: it will take close to repair the foundation.

With their own hands, without any problems, you can restore the ribbon, pile and columnary types of bases. In the presence of reinforced concrete foundation, special techniques and certain knowledge in construction will be required. The only thing that can be done is to strengthen such a base of the house.

Restoration of a cracked base

The priority task for overlooking the carrier parts of the foundation or in the event of cracks on the base is the exact choice of the optimal method of gaining the design. The destruction of the foundation throughout the perimeter of the building, which became the result of the impact of high humidity or a sharp change in loads, provides for a digging of trenches around the foundation.


The surface of the design is completely cleaned of dirt and old plaster coating. Anchors are driven into the basement. Anchors attached a metal mesh. The grid is covered with a concrete solution, which is very thoroughly tram.

To strengthen the foundations, in the manufacture of which used soil concrete, boot concrete, monolithic concrete or bay laying, a wide reinforced concrete clip is used. With old masonry, it connects to the device through anchoring. At the same time, it is necessary to envisage that the reasons made anew basement are absolutely shaked with the old part of the foundation.

Often it is necessary to engage in the strengthening of the carrying ability of the structure in its weakest places. This problem is solved by filling the new foundation in principle to the old ground. Their connection occurs with the help of anchors and piles that pass through the base of the house.

Replacing the old foundation

If the base has become unreasonably, the repair of the country foundation involves the creation of an absolutely new design. In this case, the old foundation is unloaded. Moreover, this process must be accompanied by the giving the building of absolute stability.

This work can be carried out in various ways:

  • make wooden backups - "chairs", placing them perpendicular to the foundation layer;
  • create stone pillars and enter them under the walls (there will be a load of the load on the ground from the overlap);
  • use the disclosure (to support the base wall with the load drive at an angle from it to the soil).

Before direct replacement of the foundation, lighthouses are installed. They warn about the appearance of deformation phenomena in the process of carrying out repair work. After fastening the beacons, a dig of a pit is carried out.

Work on the installation of a new foundation is carried out by small intervals not exceeding 2 m. Slopes are used to more reliable wall strengthening of the walls. Further actions suggest:

  • digging the base;
  • cleaning from the land of the site under it;
  • creation of space formwork;
  • cleaning the soles of old masonry from the ground and rubble;
  • breaking the old dilapidated cement mortar;
  • fill a new concrete with adding rubble.

By carrying out work on one site up to 5-6 m long, you can begin to the following.


Strengthening stones - one of the options for improving the properties of the old design

When the house was built in Soviet times, there is a possibility that a lay stone was laid as a foundation. In this case, the repair of a brick foundation provides for the implementation of the following consecutive stages:

  • rye pita near the foundation to the depth to stone and at an angle of 35º;
  • installation in the pit of a metal (or asbestos-cement) pipe with a diameter of 20 cm;
  • pouring into a concrete mortar pipe;
  • absorption of concrete soil;
  • repetition of the procedure after 2-3 days;
  • installation of beacons on cracks.

If the reasancement movement continued, it is necessary to fill the cement mortar into the pipe. This continues until the soil is finally filled with a solution.

Next, the next phase of strengthening the stones is carried out. Along the foundation (with a ribbon form) or through the perimeter of piles (with a base base), a trench is rotated 25-35 cm. By its outer part, both the boards are laying for creating a formwork.

Between the stones located at the base, metal pins are clogged. Metal grid is attached to them. The design is obtained, identical to the reinforcement frame. It is poured with cement mortar mixed with small gravel or rubble.

This type of fortification improves the bearing capacity of the foundation and distributes the load in the horizontal plane. And this prevents the process of fast settlement of the house.

Wooden House Restoration Nuances

In the last century, and most wooden houses were built without a foundation made of high-quality cement mortar. Often the technology of creating the foundation assumed:

  • digging trenches;
  • sand cushion device on their day;
  • subsequent laying on sand and broken brick sand.

For this reason, the foundation of the foundation of a wooden house will be the most correct solution for owners of such real estate. The main signs of the need to carry out repair work are:

  • the appearance and increase in the slots in the lower crowns;
  • putting a cavinc;
  • expansion of seams and junctions between the logs;
  • sailing at home;
  • the occurrence of distortions in window and doorways.


The repair of the old foundation of the wooden house from the installation of temporary metal / wooden backups begins. With their help, the pressure is transmitted from the building to the surface of the Earth. But it is more expedient to use special jacks.

Before lifting the structure, it is necessary:

  • strengths of windows and doors are strengthened (in order to prevent distortion);
  • floors are removed;
  • the house is released from all the furniture and other things that it takes the design.

Preparatory work is over. You can proceed directly to repair. It consists of such stages:

  • from the outer and inner part of the design, shurtes are rotated;
  • they are strengthened by boards and spacers;
  • formwork is erected from boards;
  • it is poured in it;
  • at a distance of 30-35 cm from the walls of the building poured a concrete solution.

After complete solidification of the concrete, the remaining leaves is also poured by concrete solution. From the outside of the foundation, waterproofing material is stacked. After that, the shurts completely fall asleep the earth. After 3-4 days, the house falls on a new base.

Using screw piles

There is another pretty original and cheaper way to repair the foundation of a wooden house. It is to use screw piles. In fact, this process is similar to the transfer of the structure to a new base.

Like the previous technology, the rise of the house is carried out with the help of building jacks. Under the building there are beams, cut with a reserve up to 6 cm. This is necessary for reliable mounting beams to pile. Jacks should not fall into the ground. Therefore, under them should be put on the wider boards. The rise of the house is carried out slowly and neatly.

Each corner of the house rises separately. At first, one corner rises, then - the second, third and fourth. At the same time, the middle part of the walls is necessarily controlled, under which the metal channels should be placed in a timely manner. After raising the entire building on the required height, each corner is put on durable bars or chawliers.


There are wells on each side of the house. Steam screw piles are cleaned. They should be arranged so that the beams rest on them. The beams are attached to the pile. The house is lowered to a new foundation, and the old unnecessary base can be dismantled.

Finally, you should notice the following. Sometimes it happens that after repair work on strengthening the foundation, cracks or a house will begin to appear in the same places. This suggests that one repair is not enough. We will have to engage in the reconstruction of overlaps, walls and the foundation.

Video repair of the foundation of the house:

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