Fig. Rules for landing, cultivation and care

June 17. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 7376. 2 comments To the record of fig. Rules for landing, cultivation and care

The choice of plants for its own garden is a rather complicated and at the same time very exciting. In this regard, interest is caused as usual species - apple tree, plum, cherry, and more exotic rocks.

For example, many owners of their own land dreamed of growing figs. The event is quite complicated, especially in the conditions of northern latitude, but still quite affordable to the implementation of the venture. To choose suitable varieties and land at focus competently, read the recommendations set out on all processes of growing this culture.

Advantages of planting figs


Tree figs not only will significantly diversify the landscape of the site, the benefits of its fruit is very significant. Moreover, we note that they use it, both immediately after harvesting and in a dried form. Therefore, you do not have to worry about how to preserve the fruits whole and prevent their premature damage to enjoy as long as possible with an amazing taste of wine berries. 2_

Features of the unpretentiousness of market seedlings during development will allow the landing of this tree in the site, practically with any conditions. Note some of the advantages of such a solution:

  1. Figs are not very demanding for the quality of the soil - it germs well in the rocky, and in sandy soil.
  2. The possibility of obtaining a double harvest is in the middle of summer and autumn.
  3. Pretty high resistance to winter colds of many varieties is up to 20 degrees of frost, which eliminates landing restrictions on climatic environmental conditions. Figs_2b.

Important! Separately, we note the large size of the fruit of figs, which will certainly take you joy.

Where to plant figs?


To understand how harmoniously this tree will be combined with other plants on your site, preview the photo of the figs of the adult individual. cOMMON-FIG-01

When choosing a specific landing site of this culture, consider the following requirements:

  1. Well lit space.
  2. Lack of blown winds.
  3. Preferably the South side is relative to the house to ensure the most comfortable conditions for the development of figs with respect to the amount of solar heat.
  4. The depth of groundwater is not more than 2.5-3 meters.
  5. The flat surface of the site or color elevation.

    Important! Plots located in places of cluster of cold air - lowlands, floodplains of rivers, beams are categorically not suitable for growing figs. pOST-19402-1177859235.

When to plant figs?

With regard to the appropriate time to planting figs, there are very accurate recommendations. Take this work to the middle-end of March, immediately after warming.

Important! To manage this procedure to make this procedure, buy in advance and prepare inventory saplings. In this case, you will not have any inconsistencies during the decoration of the local area. 4917

What to choose a variety?

A variety of modern figs may well cause quite long reflections on the topic: What variety is better? figs.

To reduce the time of the acquisition of seedlings, determine the requirements for clear criteria in advance:

  1. Winter resistance - permissible minus temperature for wood survival.
  2. The timing of ripening of fruits.
  3. Harvest abundance.
  4. Dimensions of fruits.
  5. Features of the taste of a concrete figure of figs. fig

In the conditions of our medium strip climate, the following varieties gained particular popularity:

  • Brown Turkey;
  • Dalmatian;
  • Cordrica;
  • Cadot;
  • Smirnensky;
  • San Pedro (white and black);
  • Sochi №7;
  • Crimean black;
  • Braunschweigsky;
  • Nikitsky;
  • Gift 50th anniversary of October;
  • Brunswick. polza-inzhira.

    Important! Studying the peculiarities of growing each of the above varieties, select those options whose characteristics are as close as possible to your requirements. Consider the possibility of a combination of several species on one territory, especially in the case when the site is defined by the garden.

Recommendations for landing

FRIGHT-FIG Tree-or-figs-tasty and useful

This culture is one of the few, which is beneficial to the variety of ways to land. Most often apply the following options:
  • making holes;
  • digging trenches. 1360673707_figovoe-derevo.

    Important! Choose the most convenient way, given the features of the planning of your local area.

What seedlings are suitable for landing?


Give preference when buying seedlings by two-year individuals with two side branches - the degree of their survival is significantly higher, and the fertility period will come earlier. 84200127_4_644x461_inzhir-SazhentSy-7-Vidov-Dom-i-Sad

How to prepare the Earth to planting figs?

Despite the fact that this tree is unpretentious to the quality of the soil, be sure to perform a preliminary fertilizer of the soil to help the plant develop faster and ensure proper health seedlings. 100787553_2_644x461_sazhentsy-inzhira-fotografii_rev001

Given the simplicity of this procedure, you will not have to spend a lot of time and effort on its implementation, and effectiveness will be at a high level.

Important! Take into account the fact that on how correctly you do the preparation of the soil, the abundance of the future harvest depends largely. 4F752C36FD5C.

Soil preparation sequence:

  1. Remove the top soil to the level of the planned depth of the holes or trenches.
  2. Mix the dumped mass with sand, humid and leaf ground in equal parts.

Important! If you decide to significantly reduce our efforts for planting figs, buy a ready-made soil mixture, such as Lemon or Rose and add to the buried ground. Olympus Digital Camera.

Factory planting technology in pits


Sequence of work:

  1. Note the places of the alleged landing.
  2. Drop the pits with a depth of 1 meter and the diameter of the same size.
  3. Delivery walls to sow brick or concrete.
  4. At the bottom, form drainage from the broken brick layer of 30 cm.
  5. Thoroughly confuse. eFB91A450247.

    Important! Such a procedure will ensure not only the proper circulation of moisture in the soil, the particles of this stone are an excellent obstacle to the excessive growth of the root system of the tree. 1-8

  6. Add chest stone and bone flour in the next proportion of parts 2: 1: 1 in accordance with the order of enumeration of components.
  7. Put a part of the prepared mass on the bottom of the pit.
  8. Place the process of the root seedlock.
  9. Install young trees in the prepared pits.
  10. Put the soil remnants.
  11. Slightly confuse the soil in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rolling ring. c29B85BA6CC6.
  12. Tighten the surface with any suitable material, a layer of 10-15 cm.

    Important! View video instructions for planting figs in accordance with this technology.

Trench method of planting figs


This method is great for planting figs in the form of a shrub. When using this method, the work move is as follows:

  1. Make the marking of the trench by calculating the length, based on the number of seedlings.

    Important! Suitable trench width for figs - 0.6-0.7 m, depth - 0.3 m. ficus-Carica.

  2. Soil prepare on the principle described above.
  3. Form at the bottom of the trench several holes in such a way that they are located not far from the locations of the direct installation of seedlings.
  4. Put on them part of a feeble soil.
  5. Next to the landing places of shrubs in the doorway.
  6. Place the seedlings at an angle of 45 degrees. 68B12360FDA1

    Important! This approach will make it easier to prepare shrubs to wintering.

  7. Put the trench by the remaining soil.
  8. Safety seedlings to supports.
  9. Perform the mulching of the surface of the entire landing area. ingir_2.

    Important! Browse the video in which the result of planting figs in trenches and the convenience of its preparation for wintering is clearly shown.

Frame care


In the process of growing figs, the care of these trees is not much different from the usual necessary procedures for other plants:

  1. Timely watering.
  2. Regular feeding.
  3. Sular branches.
  4. Reproduction.
  5. Shelter shrubs for the winter. 00075212

Some features are inherent in each stage, so carefully read them to ensure the full development of culture and abundant crop of fruits:

  1. Immediately after planting moderately water every fig tree 2 times a week to help him firmly root. NYP_2_WEEKS_OLD_IN_THE_FIGTREE
  2. Every 3 weeks during the growing season, bring liquid natural fertilizers.

    Important! Avoid using fertilizers with high nitrogen content. The appropriate option is a 3-day infusion of ash in a proportion of 1 liter of substances per 10 liters of water. 371

  3. Picture young shoots in a timely manner, leaving only up to 4 well-developed branches in a length of 40-50 cm.
  4. Perform a full-fledged trimming a month after the tree drops all the foliage.
  5. When removing dry shoots, note that no hemp remains on the trunk - cut them to the very foundation.

    Important! Browse the video on how to properly carry out the trimming of figs to exclude damage to the shrub when performing this procedure.

  6. For the winter, building a shelter with ventilation for figs, for example, from sheet polystyrene.

    Important! Be sure to secure the design so that it is not damaged by the winds. pow-Figs.

  7. The harvest assembly is carried out only after full ripening of fruits.
  8. Gently remove the fruits from the tree, so as not to crush, as completely harsh, they are pretty soft.

    Important! When removing the fruits, be sure to put the protective gloves, otherwise the juice produced by the tree in the sections will cause skin irritation. fig-Tree-AT-DAN-ISRAEL-01


Despite the fact that the figs are not very whimsical to the conditions of growth, the proper care is still required. Therefore, do not ignore the recommendations for the cultivation of this tree. If all the necessary regular procedures are fulfilled, the fig will certainly please you with a thick greens of an interesting form of foliage, thanks to which the attractiveness of the entire site will increase significantly, and an abundant harvest of exquisite large fruits.

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2 responses to figs. Rules for landing, cultivation and care

  1. Kalush Bvalia:

    Quote: "... give preference when buying seedlings by two-year individuals with two side branches - the degree of their survival is significantly higher, and the fertility period will come earlier ..."

    Filkina gram, blah ... as well as many other things in the material.
    Parshivo, when the amateur is screaming, or in no further ...

  2. Rashit:

    at least who would write landing scheme /
    To: R. M. Shaffin "Fruit Cultures of Russia" reference table, reissue?

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