Cleaning and disinfection of water in the well. Fundamental rules

April 26. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 1994. Comments To record cleaning and disinfection of water in the well. Fundamental rules No

Wells, wells remain as many years ago, they serve residents of remote areas. If it is strictly adhered to the technology of the construction of structures and exploitation, then the resulting water will constantly delight the owners with their quality.


But to preserve the necessary parameters of the fluid, during the use of the well, it periodically needs to be cleaned and disinfect water. Therefore, it is worth considering how to do it yourself, without calling specialists.

Requirements for high-quality water


Water suitable for use has the following parameters:

  • lack of smell;
  • colorlessness;
  • transparency;
  • without a taste.

In case of inconsistencies, at least one point is to clean the water in the well, especially if it is used for cooking.

Signs of worsening quality


There are the main causes of changes in the composition of the liquid, depending on the signs allocate:

  • turbidity;
  • the emergence of smell;
  • the appearance of the color;
  • changing taste.

The first case arises due to the appearance of soil impurities in the composition of water, it falls through the holes in the design. This is due to insufficient sealing of the seams in the well - the problem is easily determined, because a significant deterioration in the quality of the fluid occurs after heavy rainfall or spring floods.

The smell of the produced water is explained by the release of hydrogen sulfide, which is associated with the decomposition of rotor bacteria. Then it is worth determining the exact cause of the troubles that have arisen, only then develop the method of struggle. Even if the source of pollution is visible with the naked eye, it will not be enough to eliminate it, it is important to completely remove infected water and disinfection.

Water color may occur for various reasons. For example, with irregular use of water from the well, cloudy appears and black color - this indicates the reproduction of organic substances in it. They fall into the liquid, both through the connections of the rings and with the wind. The situation is aggravated by the water status, then it will have to be done not only to clean, but also to ensure its constant consumption.

Yellow color indicates the presence of inclusions of iron in aquifer, then even after disinfection, the problem will return again. We will have to think about the additional cleansing of the incoming fluid in the form of a filter.

With a green tint of water to fight the easiest way, because it arises thanks to the ingress of sunlight. This in turn provokes the reproduction of microorganisms. Then it is enough to eliminate the direct hit of the light deep into the well, that is, to build a canopy or roof.

In the absence of explicit signs of water impairment, you can try the extracted liquid. Specialists are recommended at the construction stage without applying materials having organic origins. This may affect the composition of the water subsequently, for example, a sweet taste indicates the presence of a nitrogen compounds. In turn, they contribute to the active reproduction of harmful microorganisms, which lead to the destruction of the metal, not to mention the human body.

Methods of cleaning


In any case, even without worsening water quality it is worth maintaining its natural properties and carry out prophylactic cleaning of the well. After all, over time, a flask is formed on the wall walls, the mucus appeared gives the progress of harmful microorganisms. Also during the operation of the design at the bottom of various kinds of garbage, the precipitate accumulates.

Preventing quality reduction

In preventive purposes, cleaning is carried out 1 time in 12 or 24 months. It depends on the frequency of the well, with irregular water flow, it costs more often to pay attention to the design.

To clean up prophylactic purposes, it will be necessary:

  • pumping water;
  • cleansing columns;
  • verification of the status of the structure;
  • replacing or flushing bottom filter.

At first, the well remove all the water, for this we use special pumps, designed to work with a dirty liquid. It is necessary to delete the entire gathered or from the bottom, so reach the bottom filter.

Mine is manually cleaned by the resulting plaque with the help of brushes, scrapers and rags. It is further important to disinfect all purified surfaces to remove pathogenic bacteria. This is performed by a chlorine lime solution, 3-5 grams of pure chlorine or 15-20 grams of chlorine lime are added to its preparation in 1 liter of water. The resulting composition is poured the walls of the well or applied with a brush.


The joints of the rings of the mines are checked for sealing, if necessary, we are wicked by a special strengthening composition. To ensure protection against the penetration of precipitation, a clay castle is created in the design. Usually it is envisaged at the stage of the construction of the well, but sometimes they are equipped only after the problems occur. To do this, it will be necessary to dig up the top ring by 2 m of depths and 0.5 M width. Next, this space is filled with tightly clay, a bias are provided from the well. Such protection is reliable in the case of clouding water after falling out of precipitation.


It remains to rinse or replace a bottom filter, which is a stacked gravel layer. Such filtration allows you to limit the ingress of organic compounds and heavy metals from groundwater. Since enough layer 0.1 m, it is easier to simply replace the polluted gravel.

Disinfection directly water


After such a cleaning, the well should be filled with liquid, then disinfection of drinking water is already carried out. For this, the active solution is poured, it is prepared in advance in proportions: 200-250 grams of chlorine lime are added in 1 liter of water. In order for chlorine compounds to disappear during the reaction, the solution is prepared in a glass or enameled dish with a tightly closing lid. Already a real mixture for 2 hours can be poured into a well, only without precipitation. Chlorination should be carried out at least a day with a closed well, then the water is completely pumped up with the subsequent filling.

The procedure can be repeated 2 times to ensure a qualitative result. Fill the container several times, until the smell and the taste of chlorine, and before use, water is refined for two weeks after cleaning.

Water disinfection methods are the most diverse, but the popularity of many is due to the simplicity of fulfillment and reliability proven by years of application. Step-by-step process performed by professionals, is reproduced in the following video:

Effective way to disinfection

If in a certain area is periodically known cases of infections of inhabitants in an intestinal wand, it is necessary to carry out regular chlorination of water. It is carried out depending on the calculation of the total volume of water in the well, which is calculated individually. To do this, it is necessary to multiply the water surface area to the height of the well. A chlorine solution is added to the liquid, but the dose should be not more than 5 grams per 1 liter of water.

For self-calculation, it will take 3 glasses with 200 ml of water from the well, 2, 4 and 6 drops of 1% chlorine solution are added to them, respectively. Next, it is thoroughly stirred and covered with a lid of glasses, they must stand from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The dose of chlorine is considered sufficient if the water has a barely caught characteristic smell, in its absence - the amount of solution increases.

Replacement cartridges

There are also special water cleaning devices, so-called dosing cartridges. They help to disinfect liquid for a certain period. Cartridges are ceramic cylinders of different capacities, they can accommodate 250, 500 or 1000 m3. Specialists fall asleep in them chlorine lime and calcium hydrochloride, then the cartridges are installed directly into the water well. Specialist services are needed to calculate the dose of active substances and determining the period of their action.

It is known that water in the well changes its composition constantly, it depends on the location of the aquifer and weather conditions. It is important to control the quality composition, because the health of the consumer depends on this. To do this, it is periodically necessary to clean the well and disinfection of water, if necessary, contact a special laboratory.

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