How to insulate the well do it yourself

April 26. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2764. Comments to record how to insulate the well do it yourself No

Often, water supply in rustic houses provides a well. This structure should be durable and uninterrupted operation. Water must be served in the house and in winter when frosty weather stands on the street.

To ensure constant water supply at any negative temperatures, it is necessary to insulate the well. About how to insulate a well for the winter, and it will be discussed in this article.


Causes and consequences of the well freezing

Effective thermal insulation work involves identifying and eliminating the reasons for water freezing. The main factors affecting this negative process are:

  • well manufacturing material;
  • water level in it;
  • depth of the primer of the soil.

Absolutely can not worry, the design is made of wood. Our ancestors were always erected by wooden logs, of which even in the most severe frosts could be dialing the water bucket. Today, most buildings are made from reinforced concrete. Under certain circumstances in such a well, water can freeze.

The greater probability of the appearance of an ice crust is in a wetlands. In it, water is at the level of 1.5-2 m to the ground surface. When the well device with water level above 8 m, the problems associated with its freezing does not exist.

The warming of the well is necessarily carried out when the depth of the primer of the soil exceeds 2-4 m. If the soil is freezing to 1.5 m, then thermal insulation works can not be carried out.

The freezing process itself leads not only to the impossibility of the fence of water. When melting ice, its expansion occurs. This is the cause of damage to the barrel of structures and water pipes. Significantly decreases the operating period of the well.

A glacial plug causes a special alarm that was formed between reinforced concrete rings. This can lead to the displacement of the rings, the land collapse in the well and on the surface.

There is another problem. Ice cork begins to clean up first at the edges. As a result, it is sent at maximum speed to the lowest part of the well. As a result of the hydrodynamic impact of a huge force, formwork, pipes and pumping equipment are destroyed.

Heat insulating materials

There are several options than and how to insulate the well. You can use the following materials:

  • polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • penoplex;
  • isolon.


The advantages of polystyrene foam are:

  • deformity of deformation;
  • resistance to fungal bacteria and mold;
  • solid operating period (over 25 years);
  • easy dismantling.

Polyurethane foam is characterized by:

  • resistant to the process of rotting;
  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • ability to close all microcracks and gaps.

This insulation does not absorb water.

The main requirement when working with polyurethane foam is the presence of warm weather on the street. At air temperature below 20 ° C material well foams.

The only disadvantage of the above materials is instability to the effects of ultraviolet rays. This problem is solved by using foil, toli or oil paint.


Warming with a solid penplex increases the use of the well. The material does not miss steam, the rotation process is not covered and not covered with mold.

Elasticity, low weight and ease of use - all these qualities are inherent in isolon. This insulation consists of two layers: foil and self-adhesive surface.

Main nuances of using insulation

The most common is the thermal insulation of the well with the help of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. The use of expanded polystyrene is provided:

  • digging trench depth 1.5-2 m;
  • creating a ring of material ("Schip-groove" technology) in the circumference of the well;
  • installing trenches.

The lid is installed on top of the well. In the case of repair or cleansing works, expanded polystyrene can be easily dismantled.

The cheaper option is the insulation of the design with the help of polyurethane foam. This technology does not imply the preparation of the surface of the reinforced concrete rings. The main stages of work include:

  • digging the trench in the circumference of the well (to the depth of the fruit of the soil);
  • preparation of a mixture of polyurethane foam;
  • uniform applying it on the walls of the structure.

After its froze, a 3-centimeter layer of hard and monolithic coating of polyurethane foam should be obtained. Using foil or oil paint, the material is protected from sunlight.

Thermal insulation of the lid and pipes

The easiest way to prevent the occurrence of the ice cork is a warmed cover for the well. The well does not freeze due to the accumulation of heat of water. Its temperature in winter days is holding at 6-8ºС.

Using the cover will be effective when its installation is carried out:

  • deeper level of ground freezing;
  • without contact with water.

The thermal insulation of the top of the well can be made using a lid made from:

  • plywood sheets;
  • reinforced concrete.

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Production of the covers made of moisture-resistant plywood provides the following sequence of actions:

  • two shields matching the well ring sizes;
  • the lower shield is stained with moisture-resistant paint and turn into a polyethylene film;
  • it is attached to the ropes and lowered in the well below the level of primerization of the soil;
  • the top on the lower shield is stacked by polystyrene foam;
  • at a distance of 0.5-0.8 m, the second plywood shield is placed.

Immediately should provide ventilation. Usually this problem is solved due to a small pipe diameter that connects both shields. Her lower part should not come into contact with water.

Well closes using a conventional cover. Its main purpose is to prevent water and garbage on thermal insulation covers.

A fairly effective option is the installation of a reinforced concrete cover equipped with a plastic hatch. Such a lid is more reliable and durable. Often, its service life coincides with the service life of the well.

Installing the root of reinforced concrete is made between the upper and adjacent ring (at the soil level). Seam sealing is carried out using liquid glass or concrete solution.

So that the water goes to the house in winter, the heat insulation of pipes will be required. Now we will talk about how to insulate the pipes in the well. There are several options for their thermal insulation. The main ones are:

  • their laying below the level of soil freezing;
  • the use of heating cable;
  • creating an air layer;
  • the use of heat-insulating materials.

The first method of insulation of pipes is acceptable when there is a small depth of frozen soil. Otherwise, you need to dig a deep trench and rub the land in it. What is not a completely appropriate occupation. Yes, and if necessary, it will have to roll over it all depth.

When using the heating cable, there is enough trenches to a depth of 0.5 m. The cable itself can be laid both from the outer and the inside of the pipe. There are already ready-made water pipes equipped with an elevated heating cable. The cables themselves have self-regulating devices operating automatically.

Creating an air layer in plumbing pipes due to their laying inside pipes from propylene. Propylene pipes have a thin cable. It is designed to effectively replace the water pipe in the event of an emergency. Do not need to dig a trench.


The most reliable way of insulation of pipes in the well is the use of thermal insulation material. Now the choice of insulation is great. Each of them has undoubted pluses and disadvantages. In most cases, the choice of material depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities. For insulation, pipes are suitable:

  • mineral wool;
  • glass gaming;
  • basalt insulation;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • extruded polystyrene;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • styrofoam;
  • foamizole;
  • penolan.

Outdoor insulation design

In carrying out such work, as a properly insulate the well, attention should be paid to the insulation work outside. This process provides for two consecutive stages:

  • warming the walls of the well;
  • device of a wooden log.

The walls of the facilities are insulated as follows:

  • a trench around the concrete ring circumference;
  • its depth is up to 1 m, width - up to 0.5 m;
  • the ring turns into heat insulating material;
  • the trench is covered with a 50-centimeter layer of rubble;
  • the rest of the trench is covered by the Earth.


The maximum efficiency of thermal insulation work will be achieved in the case of the manufacture of a wooden church. Wood is characterized by both the magnificent safety of heat and excellent decorativeness. The log house will fit into any designer solution of country territory. At the same time, he will protect the well from getting garbage and precipitation from entering it.

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