Concrete paving slabs: Production and Styling Features

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Concrete paving slabs are very often used to arrange roads, garden sites, as well as road highways. This is relatively inexpensive products, which, besides, also easily fit. For sidewalks, large-sized stoves are used, while for small country sites, you can make a choice in favor of a small tile. You can also often meet reinforced concrete slabs that will serve at least a few years. They are often used to create public transport stops. Even with strong braking, the surface remains in the initial state.

Making concrete slabs

It is very difficult to produce paving concrete slabs at home. Most often, large enterprises are engaged in this, who have huge shops and many personnel at their disposal.

On the other hand, the handicraft production of concrete slabs will help save a lot of funds, given the constant increase in prices for construction products.

First you need to prepare the molding mixture. This requires a concrete mixer. It is desirable to prepare small amounts of concrete, as it will not work out at once to make more than three or five large plates. It is worth noting the fact that with such work, it is necessary to control the moisture content of the aggregates, otherwise you can ultimately get a low-quality mixture. It is better to once again consult from specialists, otherwise the error can cost big money.


The concrete mix must be coated with warm water, the temperature of which should be in the area of \u200b\u200b30 degrees Celsius. The mixture should be stirred for 15 minutes. It should be understood that the mixing process first occurs without aqueous solution. Closer to the end of the process you need to add a plasticizer.

The ratio of the amount of solution and water should be strictly taken into account, otherwise, as mentioned earlier, we will get low-quality products. Next, the solution is poured into the pallet for the concrete mixture. For some time, which depends on the brand of concrete and aggregates, the solution must be made to stand out.

The next step is the spill of the concrete mixture in forms. It is worth noting that for forms it is best to take plastic blanks. In this case, after solidification, the slab will not be deformed, and it will be very simple to separate the product from the form itself.

Paving slab

Vibration seal concrete mix

After the spill, the filled form should be placed on the vibration table. Concrete seal must occur within 5-10 minutes. It is necessary to visually monitor so that there are no flaws on the surface of the mixture. If the sealing process was successful, then ultimately we get a really high-quality product. Also, if there is an opportunity, you can use vibrating platforms available only at large enterprises. With their help, several large forms can be seal. In the event that the concrete mixture until the seal was slightly grabbed, you need to use the maximum power of vibration equipment and make a seal for 15 minutes. When using the vibration table, it is advisable to get acquainted with the documentation in which the maximum allowable weight of the form with concrete will be indicated. If the value is exceeded, future plates may have internal voids.

After the vibration equipment, the shapes with concrete are sent to racks on which future plates will be solved. It should be understood that different brands of concrete and aggregates can gain hardness in different ways. Thus, it is necessary to extract products only with complete confidence that the concrete scored high strength.


To extract plates from concrete forms, a special device resembling a hammer is often used. It is necessary not to overdo it with blows, as the concrete can easily crack, and the product will become unsuitable for use. As already mentioned, plastic forms guarantee the integrity of concrete during the extraction.

Next, the plates must be sealing some time, because after removing the concrete can expand a little. After a few days, the plates can be safely used in construction work.

If you need an increased stroke strength, it is necessary to place various metal elements in the forms of concrete during the spill. Most often fittings, which makes a concrete product almost eternal for use. If the plates are planned to be fastened the countryside, then there is no need for a reinforced frame.


Laying concrete pavement plates

Fortunately, laying concrete slabs is noticeably easier than the manufacture of this product. This process does not provide for cash costs. Work on laying should be carried out at neutral weather - when there are no precipitation and not too hot.

To begin with, it will be necessary to create a recess of the turf to a depth of 150 mm. The deepening will need to fill a little sand. Obviously, the surface on which the laying will be produced must be even. To test the flight, you can use the building level or a conventional thread stretched along the site. Around the platform it will be necessary to create a border barrier. It is also necessary to ensure the flow of water during the rain so that the precipitates do not accumulate in one place. To do this, it is enough to create a small slope of the plates.

The sand needs to be carefully tumped so that during the operation of the plates did not fall deep into. If the soil is loose, you can use geotextiles that will create a stable territory.

The underlying layer should be qualitatively rammed that the plates do not move and do not deepen any millimeter. The top layer under the plates should consist of sand. For high-quality placement, plates on the site will need a rambling. If the slabs are small-sized, then there will be a small xyiyan that you need to fit each plate under the level of the site. For the lunch of large plates you need to use vibrating plates. If individual plates are not amenable to tamping, it should be simply slightly mixed with the sand base with tap water.

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