Winter greenhouse with her hands

March 5. Repair and construction work Views 2375. Comments To write winter greenhouse with your own hands No

Greenhouses are present practically on each site, they help get fresh fruits earlier than the season. At the same time, some require full removal for the winter, others stand in disassembled state.

But there is a separate type of structures that can function even in winter. Thanks to this building, the harvest is collected all year round. Therefore, it is so important to consider the issue of the Winter Greenhouse.

Criteria for the choice and differences in structures


First of all, before the construction of a new building, it is worth deciding on its purpose. From this are repelled when the building parameters are selected. Therefore, they decide in advance which cultures will be grown, it can be both vegetables, greens and fruits, exotic representatives.

As for the level of location, it is distinguished by 3 types of structures:

  • arrangement in the finished building;
  • with gluke into the ground;
  • buildings on the surface of the Earth.

In addition, depending on the preferences determined by the architectural design of the building. In the photo there are a variety of winter greenhouses: arched structure with one or gable roof. It may also be an extension to the existing building, the choice depends on the financial capacity and the area of \u200b\u200bthe site.

Accordingly, the materials for the manufacture of the greenhouse will be selected, for this use: brick, metal, wood, plastic, glass, polycarbonate. As a rule, they try to provide for the most practical and economical option, often combine components for the optimal solution.

It is important to consider communications and building building. In order for cultural cultures normally, light and warmth are needed. Therefore, technical heating or biofuels can be used as heating, alternative options. For lighting, natural resources or wiring are selected, the question is discussed depending on the nature of the terrain.

It is also important to the internal arrangement of the greenhouse, the plants can be in separate containers on the shelves or to dissolve directly on the beds. The stores offer special containers that help to distribute enough crops on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Placing a building

2482F_OGRODEK-ZDJECIA_1_JPG_SZKLARNIA-W-Ogrodzie-Greenhouses - Blinkweb-com

Before building a winter greenhouse, it is important to think through all the nuances of the process. To maintain optimal parameters inside the greenhouse with minimal energy costs, it is necessary to position it correctly. Therefore, as a rule, try to orient the structure along from the east to the west. It should be borne in mind that the terrain should be windless, strong gusts will affect the inner atmosphere.

In addition to weather conditions, it is necessary to take into account the convenience of location relative to other buildings. Then not only the process of erection, but also the operation of the winter greenhouse will be comfortable.

Energy efficient option


Successful project of winter greenhouse is not a building with powerful heating, but a construction in which heat is preserved and a sufficient amount of natural light comes. Then growing plants all year round with minimal cost.

Such structures are obtained using modern materials. For example, polycarbonate is considered popular. Material is characterized by a low weight, insulating and lightweight characteristics. At the same time, cellular polycarbonate is available financially.

Then the arrangement of winter greenhouses is better to think with gluing into the soil, in which case, heat from the soil accumulates inside the building. As a heater of walls, foamed polyethylene is used, in the presence of a reflective screen of foil, maximum heat preservation is achieved. When the roof is erected, additional materials are not used, it is enough to put polycarbonate into two layers on the frame. In this case, the air layer must be maintained, that is, the sheets are mounted with a gap of 100 mm. This ensures the effect of the thermos, keeping the main advantage of polycarbonate - the ability to skip light.

It turns out a greenhouse in which the temperature of 20-22̊s remains in severe frosts, at night - 13-15̊s. For the heating of the room use a low power heater. Such a regime is considered favorable for growing seedlings. In addition, the proposed design is suitable for reversing the greenery - onions, celery, parsley. Then no special lighting is required, which is not enough in winter. At any time, mushrooms are well developed on the lower racks.

Materials and components


Materials will be used in the process:

  • bar 100x100mm, 50x50 mm;
  • board 50x100 mm;
  • twine;
  • chinked board or porch;
  • insulation (small slag, clamzite, sawdust);
  • foamed polyethylene with foil;
  • cellular polycarbonate;
  • galvanized.

The dimensions of the future greenhouse are chosen independently. If you build a 3.5x4 m design, then the total area of \u200b\u200bracks under seedlings will be about 10 m2. Then, when using standard pots with a diameter of 10 cm at the outlet, 1000 hectares of pepper seedlings, tomatoes, eggplant are obtained. The design will deepen into the ground, but at a high level of groundwater, this option is impossible. In this case, make a spray from the soil from the outside of the walls. The versatility of this type of greenhouse is the possibility of increasing its length, for this it is enough to increase the ski bar and add the required number of sections.

Construction of greenhouse


Arrangement of the greenhouse begins with digging a pit. It should be slightly more parameters of the future structure, while the depth for the structure with a height of 2.5 m - 0.6 m.

Basis of a building

After land prepared and put supports. Production of supports is made of wood. For angular elements, a timber is used 100x100 mm, intermediate - 50x100 mm board. If the greenhouse length is more than 4 m, the skating support is required, it is mounted for maintaining the bar. With the correct calculation, the skating structure will not touch with a polycarbonate coating, and interfere with moving inside the building in the future.

Installation of supports is carried out after marking on the bottom of the pit. Next, the elements are bought, for reliable fixation they are plugged with 0.5 m and raised the ground. Regulation of supports are performed using a stretched twine at an altitude of 1m above the ground level. During alignment, the construction level is used.

It is worth noting that all the wooden elements of the structure should be processed by protective impregnations. In addition, the places that are in the ground are wrapped by rubberoid. It will ensure reliable protection of the foundation and for a long time will retain the structure as a whole.

Construction of walls


Next build walls, for which the installed supports installed with a pinched board or hill. Work is beginning to bottom, the side walls are emitted simultaneously inside and outside. The resulting space as boards extension is filled with insulation. It will cope with the task of clayzit, small slag or sawdust. It is enough to choose the appropriate option. But it is worth adding to the wood in advance, it prevents rodent breeding in the material.

When the side walls are fully covered with the protruding edges of the boards, cut off with hacksaw. The basis of the fastening of the front and rear walls will serve as a bar, vertically nailed in the corners. Then the remaining elements are fixed to it. The front and rear walls are also increasing, starting from the bottom board, from the inner and outdoor side at the same time. As the insulation is being built as soon as possible.

The open top edge of the walls is covered with a board of the appropriate width. In addition to the internal filler, the insulation will serve foamed polyethylene with a reflective surface. They cover the walls from the inside, while the coating should provide protection to the upper boards. Polyethylene can cope with this task, left for bending at the top.

Roof device

The roof is based on the basis assembled. Initially, individual details are made, installed on the basis. Then the finished design is raised to the walls. For its construction prepared:

  • basis;
  • support;
  • rafters internal and frontal;
  • naschelniki;
  • jumper.

The elements of the rafters are connected to the Poledev, and the jumper is installed at half the height of the structure. It should be borne in mind that it is mounted temporarily, respectively, must be nevertheless to the end of the driving nails. After assembly, the rafter is installed on the basis, remove the jumper. Under the rafter mounted the ski bar. Under it already put front supports.

The finished design is covered with a protective layer of impregnation, then white paint. After treatment, polycarbonate is fixed, the project of the winter greenhouse with their own hands involves the use of two layers of material. Pre-drill holes for the self-tapping screw, while their diameter should be slightly more used hardware. It is important in the process not to forget about the washers. Before installing the roof, a skne area is made of galvanized with insulating gasket.

Next, they put the design on the carcass of the greenhouse, for fixing, use nail brackets. When the roof is already fixed on the greenhouse, the side elements of the coating are mounted.

Finishing stage

The wooden door with the insulation should be a thickness of at least 50 mm. Then it provides an optimal indoor microclimate. It is advisable to build a vestibule in front of the entrance - this preserves temperature indicators in the greenhouse.

For the arrangement of the inner space, racks use, they are placed at a certain height along the side walls. Top are already settled with seedlings.

As a visual example, it is worthwhile to watch the video with the result of winter greenhouses:

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