Birds for birds. How to make a birdhouse do it yourself

April 10. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 4325. Comments To recording birdhouses for birds. How to make a birdhouse do it yourself No

Many of us remember labor lessons at school, which had to make birds for birds. It would seem that such a fascinating lesson for a schoolchildren does not carry a lot of benefit for others. However, in fact, it is a birdhouse that can solve a lot of problems.

First, thanks to such a man-made house for birds, the latter will be able to quickly bring their offspring before the onset of cold weather. And, secondly, in such a way it is possible to effectively protect your own garden from all sorts of parasites and harmful insects that the starvets feed on. Therefore, the creation of a birdhouse is a good point not only for feathered, but also for a person.

Selection of material and tools for the manufacture of a birdhouse

The process of creating a birdhouse is pretty simple and for almost everyone who has at least some kind of work skills with a joinery tool. However, there are some subtleties in this work, which is worth considering.

  • First of all, it is necessary to correctly choose the material from which it will be manufactured.


  • To do this, almost everything can be found in the house or garage: trimming plywood, chipboard, cardboard and even plastic bottles.
  • However, the best material can be considered a natural - high-quality wooden board. Well, when such a board is already available in the presence or if desired, it can be specifically to buy in a construction store.

In addition, to create a birdhouse will need such tools like nails, hammer, pliers, knife, pencil and others.

Bedroom design


What exactly should be a birdhouse, solve everyone. At the same time, it is important to provide such important points in its design:

  • if the birdhouse is attached not to the tree, but, for example, to a pole or under the roof of the house, then it is necessary to make special shelves or porchos for a walk of birds;
  • it is necessary to make a long stick to the back wall of the house for birds, which will allow it to be easily fixed on any surface;
  • the roof of the birdhouse must be attached to the precipitate not accumulating on its surface, and the flocks down, and also have a visor length to 9 centimeters;


  • the pilot or hole for the entrance should be rounded shape so that the birds cannot be injured when the wind or departure.

Creating a benchmark

  • It is worth starting the work with creating a birdhouse drawing and the workpiece of its separate parts. As a rule, a house for birds consists of anterior, rear and two side walls, bottom, roofs, sleeves covers and fasteners, which are cut from the selected material using the jigsaw.
  • Then you can move directly to the assembly of the entire design. To do this, take two side walls and one front, which has a hole, and secure them with nails in the corners. Most of all suitable for these purposes, nails with a diameter of about 3-4 millimeters.
  • After that, you can check the birdhouse for strength and, if necessary, score a few more nails.


  • The next stage is the installation of the rear wall and bottom of the nest. To do this, turn over our design by the front wall down and nail the back and lower part. We again check the house for birds for its strength. If the design is risen, you can kill a pair of nails around the perimeter.
  • Next, it is necessary to equip a place where birds could sit before flying into the birdhouse. It can be a small plate or a thin line of arbitrary size, from the bottom of the opening for the input, which also nail with nails.


  • The last stage of work is the installation of the upper part of the house - the sleeve for the roof and the roof itself. To begin with, they are followed to the nesting room in such a way that the roof is located exactly in relation to the finished box and note the pencil of the place of attachment.


  • After that, they connect nails between them, and then insert into the house and securely fix on the spot. You can make a roof if you wish to make a removable. It will give more opportunities to clean the house. So, the nesting book is ready. The only thing that remains is to kill a long bar to its back wall, with which it will be attached.


  • Paint the birdhouse for birds is not necessarily. Sometimes the sharp smell of paint can only ease its future inhabitants, as well as paint is toxic and harmful to the health of all alive.

Choosing a place to install a birdhouse

The creation of a birdhouse for all the rules is only half an in order for the birds really settled. No less important is the right choice of space for its installation.

  • It is best for this tree, a pillar, the end of the house, etc.
  • The birdhouse needs to be securely secured using self-samples or wire, if it is a tree, at an altitude of about three meters. This is done so that no predators can get to it. In addition, the design should be qualitatively attached so that it does not fall asleep, did not turn over and in no case fell to Earth.


  • Installation of birdhouses traditionally produce early spring long before the arrival of birds so that they have time to fully master their new home and produce offspring in it.

Thus, create a birdhouse with your own hands without any problems. This exciting occupation can be done by the whole family, attracting to work, including children.


You can see the process of creating a birdhouse on video:

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