We repair interior doors with your own hands. Tips from professionals on the restoration of interroom doors

January 24. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 1154. Comments Repair the interior doors with their own hands. Tips from professionals on the restoration of interroom doors No

The practical owner will never throw an old interroom door in favor of the new door, but not as high quality. Modern doors are made from different materials, composite materials predominate in most. The cost of such a new door will be at times cheaper wooden, so many are preferred new. But only units are thinking about the fact that throwing out the old wooden door to the garbage, a new one is installed, which will last literally for several years. So it may still think and repair the wooden door?

Repair of interior doors do it yourself. Determine with the scale of work

Before you start work, you need to carefully examine all interior doors in the room. If the renovation is fresh, just the time to put all the doors in order.

We correctly plan the order of work:

  1. First you need to perform processing of the door and remove the old paint. If you notice on the door leaf slots and scratch the door itself "looking askance", you have to remove the door from its hinges and eliminate all defects.
  2. Removal of the top cover. To carry out this phase of work will need special tools. But before you start you need to remove the latch and handle. In general, it is desirable to update the hardware, because during the years of operation it also fails, the surface is scratched and it gets dark.
  3. If the door is glass, then insert to gently remove: unscrew the mounting, remove the glazing beads. Glass put in a safe place.
  4. Now we proceed to the removal of the overcoat layer. For these works useful building hair dryer to warm the surface. Also, narrow spatula needed to remove the top layer.
  5. We must work slowly, warming up a small area, removing soft spatula paint. Replace the dryer building and other tools can be: in the arsenal of a Bulgarian, it is enough to insert a coarse circle and can handle much faster surface. With the help of grinders can remove not only the old coating (paint or varnish), but at the same time to polish the surface to get rid of small dents and bumps.
  6. After treatment, the top layer of the door leaf you will see all the connectors - are wooden dowels. If plans - thorough repair of interior doors with their hands, then you need to disassemble the door. Wooden fastening tool sputtered soft (rubber hammer), the door dismantled into elements.
  7. Now we can think about how to better the clean surface of the door. Quite simply walk through the door leaf attachment with fine sandpaper and polish all good places.
  8. When working, do not forget that the step-by-step removed a thin layer of wood, so if you cleared the sandpaper with grain 100, change the attachment, then you need to strip a sandpaper with a grit of 200 units and so on, gradually reducing the graininess.
  9. The work is done, you can collect the door in the reverse order and put all the pieces. What professional advice: throw away the old and install the new glazing beads, buy new accessories and every item in addition to glue to the mounting location with white glue.

Small refinement: if it worked well, the door was updated, there were a lot of wood dust (after stripping by sandpaper), then it must be accurately assembled and make self-putty. Wood dust must be placed in a small capacity, add some PVA glue, dilute to consistency thick sour cream or even slightly thick. Keep such a putty needed in a tightly closed container.


How to ochpace the recesses and cracks:

  • preparation of the door leaf: the old paint or varnish is believed, the surface is polished by the sandpaper;
  • to fill the recesses and cracks, it is necessary to apply homemade paste to damaged places, carefully launched, leave one day. When the renovated places get sick, clean the fine-grained skin.


Repair of interroom doors in the bedroom. How to apply a new coating

Most of the work behind - now you can talk about how to properly apply a new coating layer. It can be both ordinary paint and varnish. In the event that you like the doors to be painted paint, then the best option is to purchase a white enamel with a brilliance, but for tinting to pay attention to the wide palette of the shades of the tinting paint "Belinka".

Paint Council: Choose not liquid so that there are no problems with staining. To work, you will need an ordinary brush, you can use the roller. The paint needs to be mixed with toning paint to achieve the desired shade.

Collection order:

  1. Collected paint overflow into a small jar, we recruit the tassel.
  2. We paint the door leaf in 2 layers: the first layer is applied to the paint along the fibers, we wait when it gets dry.
  3. The second layer is also applied along the fibers. Sometimes one layer is quite enough. See the situation.
  4. Experts advise: to put paint into several layers, giving the opportunity to dry out a pretty layer. For this, no less than 24 hours is given, then the surface is sliced \u200b\u200bfine-grained sandpaper (2000 units), the following layer of paint or varnish is applied again.
  5. Thus, you can achieve the perfect coating. This is especially true if you planned to cover the door canvas with a transparent varnish.


There is another way of applying paint:

  1. Preparation of the surface, then applying paint in several layers with a break to dry out each layer (up to 24 hours).
  2. Then the fresh-colored surface is pretty sacrificed with small grain to align the surface.
  3. Next - toning in the desired color. If you use a special paint, then you need to be as neat as possible in applying, because the paint is very rare, if you compare with conventional paint. Therefore, you need to apply the material in small batches so that there are no drowshes.
  4. Paint with a brush in several layers is applied (the time for drying is given at least 6 hours). To obtain an even shade and a uniform layer, there are enough 2 application. Thus, you can achieve the desired shade and beautiful shine.


Now you know how to restore the interroom door. It remains only to perform all actions in the reverse order: put the door to the loop, fasten the accessories.

Preparation for repair of interroom doors in the house

Mechanical cleaning is good, but when you need to renovate a lot of doors, then it is best to take advantage of special means.

Chemical composition for the restoration of a wooden door: an ordinary wash. Sold in auto shops. Washing - the easiest and fast option of getting rid of the old layer of paint. Literally in a couple of hours you can get rid of no special labor from the old coating. Washing gel, after applying to the surface does not flow and absorb well.

Before proceeding with the work, it is necessary to calculate the repair of interroom doors, taking into account the consumption of materials: acquisition of eathes of different grain, paintwork materials, brushes and spatulas, furniture accessories, strokes, furniture fasteners and loops.


We repair the door in the bathroom:

  1. Remove the doors with the loops to make it easier to work.
  2. We use a special washout of the old paint, we apply in one layer evenly distributing. It is advisable to work in gloves, in a well-ventilated room. The wash can be made independently from caustic soda and flour (from oats) plus some water. The tool must be sufficiently thick, approximately as a toothpaste. You need to work in gloves!
  3. To work, you will need a standard set of tools: spatula, tassels, gloves, rags, safety glasses and a cake.
  4. We perform work in such a sequence: the door was removed from the loops, the accessories were twisted if there is a locking mechanism, it is also necessary to unscrew it. It is better to highlight a convenient location for work: the door is placed on stools, a table or another smooth surface.
  5. The tool is applied using a brush, it is left for a while (we study the instruction).
  6. After the specified time expires, the spatula remove the swollen old paint. She must soften well. The spatula take a narrow with a sharp blade.
  7. Skuring surface: Carefully, plot behind the site. At the same time, noting for itself damaged places with cracks, deepening, dents and disclaimers. From all this you need to get rid of. Cracks and deepening sharpen, minor disadvantages to the sandpaper.
  8. The door leaf is covered with a wood primer to improve the adhesion of the new layer of paint and save the consumption of materials. You can paint furniture as a conventional tassel and roller. Choose an acrylic paint, it will quickly dry, odorless, inexpensive at cost.
  9. The paint is applied in several layers with breaks for drying each layer. After drying the first layer, take a fine-grained sandpaper, polish the surface. Then you can apply the following layer.


Repair of interroom doors. What to do, if…

... The door twisted, creaks when opening and closing?


  1. Strengthen the loops: unscrew the old screws, lubricate the deepening with glue, insert a new fastener.
  2. If the nests are thinned and damaged, then the loop will be turned out to another place: we recommend placing the loops slightly higher or slightly below the place where they were originally fixed. Mounts under the loop are made manually.
  3. The box alignment will be required if the doors are not closed. We'll have to remove the door with the loops, the construction level determine the degree of skew, set the struts to put the box to the previous place. In the wall, 2 holes are made (the recess is no more than 5 cm) on each side (at the top and bottom). A fastening element is inserted into the prepared holes (pins of metal or from wood).
  4. Banal tightening of screws or self-tapping screws on loops will help to get rid of the viper. The loop is additionally desirable and lubricate.

Repair of interroom doors. Video:

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