What plastic windows are considered the best. Choose plastic windows

January 23. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 1388. 7 comments To records which plastic windows are considered the best. Choose plastic windows

Old wooden windows change new metal-plastic systems for no first year. Manufacturers offer many types of such products. Choosing windows from plastic, their energy efficiency, aesthetic data and functionality should be taken into account. About what these characteristics depend on what plastic windows should be and go on speech.

What plastic windows are better to choose: Main characteristics

By choosing plastic windows, it is recommended to pay attention to the characteristics specified by the manufacturer in the technical documentation. What plastic windows are better to put? It is recommended to pay attention to the following parameters.


  1. One of the materials of the profile should be PVC - polyvinyl chloride. It is resistant to the effects of chemically active detergents, to ultraviolet and temperature drops.
  2. A frame that provides mechanical strength is made of a metal profile with a wall thickness of at least 1.5 mm.
  3. The minimum number of glass chambers is two, their total thickness is at least 30 mm. For their manufacture, quartz glasses are 4 mm thick and more. It is allowed to use internal glasses with a thickness of 3 mm (for two- and three-chamber double-glazed windows). The technology of production should ensure the absolute purity of the inner surface of the glass package. Glasses should be separated by a remote aluminum profile with a drying chamber filled with silica gel. Tightness is provided with the help of external and inner layers of sealant.
  4. Furnitures for windows: European manufacturers such as Siegenia, Winkhaus, Maco have proven themselves well. Reliable handles and loops will allow the system to work trouble-free.
  5. Profile: heat and sound insulation characteristics of the structure depend on the number of cameras. To maintain normal microclimatic conditions in the room, plastic windows must be at least five-chamber.
  6. Seals around the perimeter of sash must be solid, made of rubber, resistant to temperature drops.

Finding out what plastic windows are the best, it is recommended to explore other parameters.

  1. Feedback acquaintances about the quality of products of a particular manufacturer. Salamander, Thyssen, Rehau, Montblanc, Kbeu are well established.
  2. Availability of quality and safety certificates.
  3. The ability to fill the chambers with a double-barker argon or other inert gas. This will significantly reduce heat loss.

What plastic windows are considered the best. Choose glass windows

You need to know which glasses in plastic windows are used and which double-glazed windows are installed. This item is the largest area. Microclumatic conditions indoors are largely dependent on the thermal insulation qualities of the glass.

Distinguish the following types of double-glazed windows:


  • energy saving: The surface of the glasses is covered with a film reflecting infrared radiation back - towards the room;
  • seismic resistant: when destroyed, scattered into small fragments, which minimizes the possibility of injury;
  • shockproofs: Used in special institutions where protection against external threat (small arms) is needed;
  • reinforced: with a metal grid that prevents cracking in case of fire;
  • with self-cleaning properties: Thanks to the special coating, cleaning does not require (used for glazing of high-rise buildings).
Construction of shockproof glass package

Construction of shockproof glass package

What are good plastic windows, with three-, two- or single-chamber windows? Consider what they differ from each other.

  1. Single-chamber double-glazed glass is two glasses separated by an aluminum remote profile with moisture absorber. Tightness is provided with a revincible sealant.
  2. Two-chamber: two distant profiles are separated by three glasses. Profiles may be the same in thickness or different. In technical documentation, such profiles indicate a number of numbers, for example: 4-10-3-16-4. In this formula, it is indicated that the thickness of the outer glasses is 4 mm, internal - 3 mm, the width of the chamber of the first glass windace 10 mm, the second is 16 mm.
  3. Three-chamber: manufactured by the same principle, but it is one glass and a remote profile more.


The number of windows chambers improve the thermal insulation quality windows, but make the design is heavier. This requires the installation of a stronger or additional fitness.


What are plastic windows: general design principles

The shape of the window profiles may be any: rectangular, arched, semi-arctic structures and with beveled corners are made. There are a "deaf" windows and with opening flaps. Types of plastic windows depending on the method of opening:

  • swing (sash move around the left or right axis inside the room);
  • slies (sash move along the frame plane) - used mainly for glazing loggias and balconies.

Swing windows can be swivel and swivel-folding. The latter are distinguished by the possibility of inclined location of the placement of the room. Additional feature - microchless ventilation: in a certain position of the handle, the sash moves away from the frame so that a small (several millimeters) formed a gap around the perimeter. It is also used to ventilate the room.

Important: Windows with a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing is equipped with additional elements - sposters. They are a conventional metal-plastic profile separating solid glass windows into several parts. It makes the design more durable.

Swing windows with sash located near, can be with an impost or without it. The impurity is called a detail of metal products, separating the sash.

What plastic windows are: photos of various designs.

Variety of shapes of window structures

Variety of shapes of window structures

Shift window

Shift window

What better install plastic windows: choose accessories

Choosing windows from metal plastic, pay attention to the quality of the accessories, assessing it according to the following parameters.

  1. Accessories should function for a long time and resist hacking.
  2. High-quality accessories is made from alloyed steels. If the material is not specified in the accompanying documentation, attention should be paid to the number of cycles on which the product is calculated. European production of handles, loops, retaliatory planks and hooks can work out at least 60 thousand closing and opening cycles.
  3. Corrosion resistance: Such quality is provided by the characteristics of the metal applied in the manufacture of metal fittings, as well as a special hydrophobic coating.
  4. Plastic should be used for aesthetic fittings. Replacing the plastic parts operating under load is not allowed.
Accessories of plastic windows

Accessories of plastic windows

It is necessary to highlight manufacturers of high-quality, well-proven fittings:

  • Maco;
  • Roto;
  • G-U;
  • Siegenia-Aubi.
  • Winkhaus.

What are the colors of plastic windows

The top layer of profiles from which the windows are manufactured is a polyvinyl chloride painted in white. What color are plastic windows except white?

Window with laminated profile

Window with laminated profile

In order for the windows to organically fit into the interior and exterior of the building, the profile surface is given the necessary shade. For this, the following technologies are used.

  1. Paint coating designed for external work. Applied to a non-fascinated surface with a spray gun.
  2. Lamination: plastic watering film with sticky base and decorative outer surface. In this way, the surface can purchase any color. Speecually looks like a metal-plastic window with a profile coated with a film imitating natural wood.
  3. Cextrusion: Polyvinyl is painted in the production process by adding pigment granules into the mass.

What temperature are plastic windows withstand

As the practice has shown, the surface profile of the PVC window is capable of withstanding critical temperatures from - 40 to +80 ° C. During testing, the material showed itself even better: when heated to +150 ° C, the deformation was manifested only after half an hour. Solving which plastic windows to put, take into account the temperature characteristics of the product is not worth it.

Important: After changing the warm season to the cold and, on the contrary, it may be necessary to adjust the loops. Temperature expansion and narrowing of the material of windows leads to their emergence and jamming of fittings.

What plastic windows are better to put: information about seals

Seals provide tightness of the structure, and therefore prevent heat leakage, penetration of dust and moisture into the room. More often encounters two colors: gray and black, but there are others.


The highest service life is the EPDM seals, the basis of which is ethylene-propylene-thermopolymer-rubber.

Places of installation of seals

Places of installation of seals

What plastic windows are considered the best: manufacturers review

What plastic windows choose from all variety of products manufacturers products? Some of them deserve the popularity of their products.


  1. Rehau (Germany) is distinguished by the introduction of climate control systems regulating the microclimate indoor. Carrying is carried out even with closed windows.
  2. The company KBE has proven itself as a manufacturer of quality products. Profiles for windows are available in three versions: "Etalon", "Extra" and "Expert".
  3. Salamander products are characterized by original profiles. Systems are equipped with reliable European-made fittings.
  4. ThySsen windows are a profile with perfect geometry, with high-quality seals and guaranteed with hermetic glass windows.


In detail about what high-quality plastic windows deserve your attention, you can find out, reviewing video with expert comments.

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7 answers to which plastic windows are considered the best. Choose plastic windows

  1. Elizabeth:

    For us, the best windows from the profile of Kve 88, at least just because they are the only things in our life)) when they built a house, they chose them, because they liked the fact that they are environmentally friendly production and wide, and therefore energy-saving. After time, it was noticeable that the costs of winter on heating were greatly declined, and we installed them, by the way 5 years ago. Well, then think is the same indicator of quality))

    • ARIA:

      We were lucky, however)) And we were looking for our windows for a long time ... Always something was wrong. But about a year ago they watched the apartment question, they set the windows of the KB 76 there well, and we decided to put the same thing) in the end are absolutely satisfied with the choice so far. Houses warm, there are no pensions, noise too ... so we are also satisfied with the choice)

  2. Anna:

    We, too, from those who chose CBBO. I installed the CBBA expert and are absolutely satisfied with them ...

  3. Irina:

    We, too, KBE 76 were very pleased. There are so warm and comfortable at home) moreover, there is also no noise insulation. Not a good one, now it is one of the best manufacturers in the market ... So if anyone else doubts we can safely recommend the windows from this profile

  4. Karina:

    We, too, KBE88 fans put them 3 years ago, all this time showed themselves only with the best side, no problems with purge and drafts, and to care for them in general easily. In general, as for me, one of the best options)

  5. Maria:

    And I want KBE88 to praise .... For us no longer the first year ... And you know, considering that we have a laundry cold (we live in the north), windows with your task coped perfectly. There are no drafts, heat in the house is supported perfectly ... Of course, everything depends on the profile and from the competent installation, so be careful to the details.

  6. Arina:

    For us, too, the best windows are from the profile of KBE76. Since they were set, the head stopped rooting that somewhere something blows something, or that, because of the noise, children could not sleep. Previously, it was eternal problems ... Thanks for the quality)

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