Plants on the plot: how to choose them

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Undoubtedly, the flowers are a bright highlight in any garden composition and decoration of the country area. But in order for the flower beds to work out beautiful and original, not only enough to plant the varieties of plants that you like. This process requires a reasonable approach, as well as a prepared action plan. In particular, the selection of colors in color shades should be planned, the size of flowering time. In addition, it is necessary to correctly pick up the landing site. Just take into account this, you can make a flowerub, which will be successfully harmonized with a common garden composition. The appearance of such a flower beds will definitely become a key note in the design of the country area.

Basic moments

Flower decoration lilies

There are several important nuances that need to be taken into account when creating garden compositions in the country. These rules will be easy to observe even gardeners with small experience. So, we will tell you more:

  1. First of all, you need to choose the right place to plant plants on the site. This directly affects the strength of flowering and the appearance of cultures. So, you should not choose the landing too windy or sunny side. Of course, if it is not plants for sunny plots. Otherwise, it can harm colors, and they will begin to wither.
  2. You also need to be able to properly prepare the soil for planting plants. For this, in particular, a sufficient number of fertilizers is made.
  3. In order to increase the fertility of the soil, it is recommended to clean the landing site from different weeds, as well as remove the top layer of the Earth.
  4. In order for the soil to be better, you should add black soil, fine-grained sand, fertilizer. In addition, it will take careful abscess and loosening of the Earth. To remove excess moisture from the soil, you can install drainage.
  5. An important value for the flower beds has its size and form. There are two options - one large or several small. Moreover, the first option, as a rule, looks better. If we talk about the shape of the flower beds, then if you do not have experience, you should not experiment with it. It is enough to dwell on a simple landing design.
  6. To create a holistic picture, the correct selection of colors varieties is important. All plants on the site are recommended to be combined into groups of time and quality of flowering. It is necessary in order for the garden composition for a long time retained bright colors.

It is recommended to consider the harmonious composition and use perennial cultures in order to embody her. As for annual plants, they are planted every year, and different to update the appearance and make some freshness.

Selection and proper plant landing


The main task when creating flower beds is the right choice and alternation of colors. It is necessary to consider everything: the pomp plant, the period of flowering, etc. When choosing a color palette, it is very important that bright shades are present in moderation. There are several bright colors that will attract the main attention. Other shades will play the role of a beautiful background. In addition, plants of the household plot must be different in height. Gardening composition can be planted in the form of any geometric shape.

In addition, when choosing colors for flower beds, we should not allow all plants to be planted, have one period of flowering. Otherwise, the garden composition will decorate your household plot only a few weeks. Therefore, it is worth choosing different varieties of colors that can replace each other. For example, there must be cultures that begin to bloom around at the same time when the flowering of others is ends.

It is important that the plants are correctly located in height. For this purpose, tall cultures are planted in the center, and at the edges - those that lower. And so that the center to the edge was a gradual passage of height. In the middle part of the composition you can position small trees, curly plants, as well as high shrubs.

Consider recommendations that will allow chosen garden crops depending on the time of their flowering. In general, the most attractive compositions are obtained if the plants in the country area are selected so that from April to November, the flowering of some of the blossoms of others. In April and May, the flower can decorate several flowers, among which crocuses, snowdrops, primrose. In the same month, forget-me-not, hondoxes bloom. At the end of the spring, pansies, daffodils, daisies and valley flowers bloom. Also in May pleases with his blossom of Barwin, Doronikum and Gravilat. At the beginning of the summer, they will replace the flowers of peonies, irises, poppies and decorative onions. At the same time, cloves, roses, sparks and calendula begin to bloom. In July, Malva, Hortensified, Capuchins and Vasilki bloom. To the flower bed to be glad to bright colors and in August, you can land asters, gelenium and velvets.

When forming the composition of the plant in the garden plot should be selected not only in color, but also in the form and type of leaves. Gorgeous peony leaves, asparagus sprigs, cereal plants are decorated well. Alternatively, coniferous plants can be attached on the site.

Preparation of soil

preparation and soil-to-landing

When you decided with a place under the flower bed, you can begin to prepare the soil. To do this, align the necessary area and cut the bumps. In addition, it is necessary to switch the land to a depth of 300-350 mm. It is also important to remove all weeds. If the soil on the plot is severe and clay, then such a procedure should be carried out as pegging. It lies in the introduction of coarse sand in a ratio of 1 kg. Sand for 1 sq.m.

If, when removing weeds, there were many plants such as horse sorrel, horsetail and drink, then the earth must be known. For this, 1 sq.m. Used 150 gr. Lime. In addition, the flowerbed must enrich fertilizers. So, for every 1 sq. M. It is necessary to make 100 g of mineral feeding, 4 kg of overworked manure, as well as 2 kg of compost. In addition, it is impossible to forget about the introduction of green fertilizers.

Flowerbed from annual crops

If you plan to create a flowerbed only with annual cultures, you should take advantage of some recommendations that we will describe below. So, it will be enough for such a composition four types of plants. As an option: terry velvets, tree-shaped heliotrope, sander tobacco, blooming with aluminum flowers, as well as pink balsam, originally from New Guinea.

In the center of the flower, it is recommended to plant only the highest and chic flowers. It is on them that will focus on, and the rest will be a beautiful background for them. Flowers can be grown from seeds or buy seedlings already in finished form. Before falling down, color seedlings need to pour. It will also help the colors well. Plants are best planted in the evening or in the morning - if the day is sunny. If the weather is cloudy, then the flowers can be planted during the day.

Compositions from perennial plants

In the fall, the flower can decorate the flowers of chrysanthemums, Astra, obsolete or koreopsis. This composition on the flowerbe is recommended to complement various decorative herbs that will become particularly attractive in the fall. Of all this, a very beautiful composition can get together.

When you chose, what flowers from perennial grades want to see in their site, you can start landing. In general, perennial cultures can be planted in several ways, namely, bulbs, seeds, stalling, as well as the division of a bush or root. It is best to plant them at the beginning of spring or from the end of summer until September. Moreover, for each method of reproduction, there are recommendations regarding the sitting period. So, the seeds are best planted closer to winter, for example, in October. At this time, the land is just beginning to hurt the frost.

Before sowing the seeds, the soil should loosen and fertilize well. Such landings are blooming usually only on the second or third year. An exception is, for example, delphinium, which begins to bloom in the first year, but this is usually not very abundant. Reproduction vegetatively involves dividing rhizomes, leaves, branches and cuttings. First, plants are usually root, and only then are planted in a permanent place.

The bulbous flowers of spring flowering, such as tulips, saffron and daffodils, usually put in the soil of only early spring. The bulbs of flowers that are blooming in the summer are usually planted in place at the end of May. Some species, such as lilies, can be planted not only in spring, but also in the fall. Most of the bulbs of perennial crops tolerate the winter right in the soil. But there are bulbous plants that love heat is, for example, dahlia and calla. These plants for the winter are digging and stored in a dark cool place until next spring.

Examples of design


Examples of compositions:

  • Monochrome. When using a monochrome composition on a small-sized flower, the flowers of only one shade look pretty good. It is allowed to use not only one type of decorative plants on the site, but also a few, and there is a different height of placing high in the center, and lower at the edges.
  • Contrast shades. It requires a bright composition from plants here, i.e. warm and cold shades. Alternatively, for this you can use contrasting colors. Here you can combine the flowers of orange and blue, green and red or purple and yellow shade.


  • Related shades. This composition, first of all, is assembled so that there is a smooth transition between the shades. Alternatively, for this in one flower, you can use the flowers of lilac, pink, red, blue, as well as purple and pink shade.


  • Neutral palette. If you do not like bright shades, the flowerbed can be made in neutral tones that will still be pleasant to the eye. For example, it is not bad for green with white or blue. Such flower bed visually can make space lighter. In addition, this approach can be used to "dilute" bright colors. The role of key accents here can perform cornflowers or lion zev. Alternatively, in the garden you can select a place separately under the area of \u200b\u200bmedicinal plants.

Consider more complex design options. There are a lot of such schemes, but they have a total. So, the central space here takes a low or bevelled grass. Because of this, the device of such compositions requires a sufficiently much free space on the plot. If you wish, use one of these schemes for the design of flower beds, you can, as an option, use soil plants. It is best if the flowers for such a flower beds will bloom about at one time. This is, for example, daisies, viola, primroses and alpine forget-me-not-free. This also includes Qinnia and Mattelas. In any case, it is important to think in advance about what kind of paints and shades will be present in the design of flower beds.

The combination of colors in the composition may be the most different. In general, there are no certain recommendations for this. Therefore, it is possible to focus on their taste preferences during the design.

Sample examples:


  • Circle. Such compositions are usually located in the center. If you have a lot of free space on the plot, the use of such a composition can decorate the appearance of your territory. Plants for such a flower beds need to be selected so that they bloom at the same time. In the spring time, it may be bully plants, and after they are swinging, the summer flowers can be attached to the next couple of months.


  • Scheme "Ornament". Such a composition allows you to create a rather original flowerbed. The pattern here is usually performed in the form of a wave. The ornament can be located as a separate element or along the edges of the flower beds.


  • Tsarist Flowerba. The scheme of this composition is quite simple, but at the same time it will look empty. Therefore, it can be safely used both on the central flowerbe, located in front of the house and in the center of the garden.


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