How to put the floor

September 9. Repair and construction work Views 7238. 2 comments to record as placing gender

It is not always possible to completely replace the old floor to a new one. However, what should be done if there are multiple unsightly defects on its surface, gaps, pyles, holes from nails, emptiness? In this case, you can repair the floor without too much effort and cash investments. It is enough just to sharpen it, and then carefully cover the paint, varnish or other coating.

Is it possible to put the floors from the tree or such types of work are available only for wooden surfaces? You can and need. They will help to understand the question of how to put the video lessons, posted on the Internet, as well as the recommendations specified in this article.

How to put the floors of the tree

Than put the wooden floor

Today there are many variants of the material for the wooden floor. Consider some of them more.

Acrylic spacure. This kind of mixture has several good qualities, which in some cases make it indispensable. In particular, it is possible to remove various defects of the wooden coating. This putty is able to wipe the joints between the floorboards. In this mixture, this mixture is absolutely harmless, it does not allocate toxic evaporation at no temperatures. Some of the undoubted advantages of the acrylic coating are its resistance to high temperatures, durability and elasticity. After drying, a very practical surface is obtained, which has excellent water repellent properties. Before applying an acrylic putty on the boards, it should be done in the room dry and wet cleaning.


Solvent putty. This type of putty in its composition contains wood dust, which makes it a good coating for parquet, bases from a bar and warm floors. In general, it is successfully used for wooden floors from any tree of wood. The advantages of this type of coating is also high drying speed and ease of operation.

Oil putty. This putty consists of chalk, oil and water. It is perfect for covering any wooden floor. Of the advantages it is necessary to note the increased strength and long service life. The disadvantage of this material is the fact that he dries very long. During work with such mixtures, you should be guided by the instructions on the package.

Polymer spike. This putty is based on polymers and water, i.e. Made of environmentally friendly materials. Therefore, it is successfully used in zones where sanitation is required. It is possible to apply almost any coverage with the exception of cork gear and flooring. Undoubted advantages is that this mixture is capable of filling emptiness, eliminate the irregularities and defects of the floor, protect the edges of the clogged boards. Also, this coating is less collecting dust, it quickly freezes and does not fail with time.

Self-preparation. It can be significantly saved if you prepare a mixture of putty for the floor alone. To prepare such a mixture, you need to take 500 grams of olifa, 100 grams of 10% of the animal glue, 125 grams of turpentor or varnish kerosene, 25 grams of liquid sequence, dry chalk in sacrificed form and liquid soap. To begin with, it is necessary to heat the animal glue on fire, when heated, you need to constantly stir it. Gradually, it should be added to it soap, Olif, Skipidar, Sikativa and, finally, chalk. After that, mix the mixture until it looks like a consistency on sour cream. The resulting substance should be applied only in the hot condition. At the same time, the temperature of the mixture needs to be maintained while working.


Conditions for application

Place the floor can be, both at the time of installation of the new flooring, and when dismantling the old coating. With the help of a floor putty, it is possible to eliminate the appeared gaps and scuffs. Thus, you can update the state of the floor. Material must be applied neatly with a spatula. If you need to get to hard-to-reach places, then you should use the tip of the instrument.

When applying the finish layer on a wooden surface, it is necessary to pre-emphasize it. With a putty, you can achieve smoothness and evenness, which will be necessary for installation work.

Putty work


Today, the putty for the floor can be bought in both banks and tubes. In any case, so that it is easier to be managed, before starting work it needs to warm up.

After that, you need to take a mixture in the amount sufficient to fill holes and cracks. While working, make sure that the putty does not fall asleep. So that after drying there is no dents, it is necessary to close the hole in the floor in such a way that the mixture performed slightly above the floor surface.

It should be remembered that this material adheres well to the tree. Therefore, it should be careful to work with it, so as not to leave the traces that cannot be hidden even with the help of the veil. In addition, the contact of the simulatory and putty will lead to the appearance of spots. Then we can assume that all the work is the Nammark.

  1. In order to close the putty hole from the nails, it is enough to impose only a couple of layers. For deeper and wide depressions, lay more layers. When one layer of the mixture is applied, you need to wait until it is completely drying and only after that you can apply the following. The finishing layer must be put in such a way that it is to be flushed. It is necessary because otherwise there will be much more time on the drying of several layers at once. The probability of cracks appear also, which will still need to be embedded, which is extra trips.
  2. After closeing in all the irregularities on the working surface, you should wait until the putty dry, and only after that align the top layer with shallow sandpaper. Sandage for convenience can be put on a bar with a pad from a tube or felt.
  3. The color of the future flooring largely depends on what thickness layer will be used when working. It should be borne in mind that the layer of putty will be visible through the paint, the veil and via varnish. For this reason, it is necessary to decide which the finish coating will be applied and what color it will be. In addition, you should use dyes for tints. They can be used today at any building of building materials.
  4. To obtain the desired shade, putty tinted. This can be done like before the start of work and after drying. It is recommended to perform tints in the other case. In order to quickly select a shade to take a small piece of the board, which has the same coating and apply a pre-sinted mixture on it. Also, it should be applied to the bright and paint.

Putailed plywood floor gaps


  1. The slots in the wooden floor should be placed with a metal or wooden spatula in the direction perpendicular to the sexy boards.
  2. When putting the floor, it is necessary to well clean the layer of the mixture applied to the surface. When the mixture is completely dry, it is necessary to span it well using sandpaper or pemp.
  3. Sometimes problems arise due to insufficient painting of the layers of putty. To make them a warning, add the desired shade to the mixture in the calculation of 100-150 grams of paint per 1 kilogram of the mixture.
  4. Split the entire surface of the floor. The mixture of a thin layer must be applied with a wide spatula with a slight inclination with respect to the available boards. To achieve the most smooth surface to the first layer of putty, put a stretched gauze layer. Then, on top again, it is necessary to apply a layer of putty, which should be completely covered with a layer of gauze.
  5. When the second layer of putty is completely dry, if necessary, you need to apply another layer. Then the floor surface should be well cleaned and polished. If dust appeared, then it is cleaned with a brush or brush.
  6. When the putty is completely dry, you need to cubs the surface with the oxole or oil. When this layer is dry, then you can lay a parquet or laminate or painting the floor.

Some advice

  1. Phaneur should be placed after it is fixed on the guides. It must be projected from both the outer and the inner side. After that, you need to wait about an hour while the primer dries. Then you can already apply putty.
  2. When choosing a putty for plywood coating, you should give preference to oil or latex. Although it is allowed to use a conventional putty. Choosing an oil, you do not have to rub the unevenness after drying with the sandpaper. Also, this mixture stretches well and absorbs paints less.
  3. If you choose a latex putty, then after applying it turns out a layer with a thickness of about one millimeter. This mixture is elastic and can close all irregularities. Most often apply only one layer of latex putty, but if necessary, you can apply two layers. Align the irregularities using sandpaper on this putty is quite problematic. Therefore, put the gaps with this mixture should be carefully. When the material is driving, the coating is crossed.
  4. For flooring, a polyester putty is used, which is distinguished by strength, elasticity and not bad adhesion. At the same time, she has no shrinkage. Only when applied, no more than two thin layers should be made.
  5. Polyurethane spacure is popular, which is known for the resistance to acids and gasoline.

How to put the floors from concrete


Selection of spacure

The putty is chosen depending on the type of surface of the coating and which result is planned to be obtained. The mixture is often applied before putting the linoleum or laminate. Today there are three species putty - it is basic, finishing and universal. The first layer is always applied by the basic putty. With it, it is equal to the main irregularities. The latter is superimposed by the finishing type of putty. It should be applied with a thin layer. As for universal, it can be used, both as a finish and as a base putty.

  1. For concrete floor, often it is used by the practical and convenient, so-called self-leveling putty. This kind of mix is \u200b\u200bcharacterized by a more liquid consistency, thanks to which it is better aligned.
  2. Sometimes a polyester putty is used, which is characterized by good strength, elasticity and good adhesion. In addition, she has no shrinkage. While working with this mixture, two thin layers should be made and one large layer.
  3. If you need to put a putty on the polystalmine, then it should be done in two thin layers. In this case, the thickness of each layer should be no more than two millimeters. These works need to be carried out at least one day before the final laying.
  4. Today there is also a mixture for floor alignment.
  5. Polyurethane spacure is actively used in the premises, which has good resistance to acids, water, gasoline, various alkalis, as well as synthetic and organic solutions. This material is most suitable for wooden, concrete, mineral or metal surfaces. It is worth noting that it is harmless to health.

Waterproofing spacure

This type of water based material has good resistance to external environments. It has excellent compressive strength and gap. It includes three component urethane compound, which consists of a semi-finished product, hardener and a dry mix.

This mixture can be used both with other materials and as an independent coating. It, in particular, is used to isolate the concrete floor from moisture, for sealing cracks, as well as to prevent moisture from entering the protective layer of the bulk floors. It is possible to apply both fresh concrete and on a wet base. In addition, such a putty is used when building pools and water tanks. Application is also finishing sanitary buildings, sewage treatment plants and trim under the tile and cement screed. This type of material can be used in fire hazardous and explosive places. When the layer is applied to the surface, the tool should be cleaned with water.

The spacion mixtures in the form of semi-finished products should be stored at a temperature not less than + 5 ° C. Their storage period in untouched factory packaging is 12 months.

Apparel works


The putty is mainly used to prepare and equalize the surface before applying the coating. In particular, these works should be carried out before sticking or painting. For concrete floor, putty is the best tool to align.

Today on sale you can find the shunt mixes mainly in a dry form. Therefore, before preparing the surface, you must first knead the putty. To do this correctly, you need to follow the instructions specified on the package. An important nuance: putty for concrete floor should be made more liquid than for walls and ceilings. In this case, the dry mixture with water should be mixed in a 1: 5 ratio. Before starting work, the work surface should be projected.

If the surface on which the material is applied does not let moisture, then it needs to be breeding a bit thick, namely, in a 1: 3 ratio. Ready putty need to be placed on the surface with a thin smooth layer. In no case cannot be used a thick layer, since cracks may appear. When the putty gets free, you should take a spatula and remove the excess mixture to them. After that, you need to align the surface using the sandwich.

  1. Before using one or another type of a spacion mixture, you must first read the instructions on the package. Dramed the dry mixture only in the amount of as required by about four hours of operation. The fact is that after this time the mixture will become already unsuitable for use.
  2. When choosing a material, the humidity of the room should be taken into account. Some mixtures are allowed to use exclusively in low humidity rooms. After applying all the layers, you should wait until the working surface dry out completely, and only then carry out further work. Usually for complete drying requires at least a day.
  3. In the course of putty work on the surface, you must first close the potholes, cracks and primarily. Working surfaces before applying putty must be cleaned. This should improve the lining of the mixture. In addition, cracks need to be treated with PVA glue, which is mixed with water in a 1: 5 ratio.
  4. Then you need to make a putty from cement, which should be diluted with water and PVA glue. This mixture is poured into existing cracks and then align using a spatula for this. If the wavy floor is indoors, then after elimination of defects, it should be cleaned of dirt and dust, and then pour the leveling solution.

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2 answers on how to put the floor

  1. Alex:

    Good all the time of day! Tell me please what can you close up (scratch) seam between the tree and concrete ??? this is a windowsill! Thank you !!!

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