How to put trees

May 2 Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 5826 Comments to write How to plant trees No

Grafting trees, many think somehow magic, because with it on the same tree can be grown and apples and pears, but still not one, but several varieties. And if it's magic, then the strength is not for everyone. There is no dispute - it is not easy, but with a great desire and ability to comprehend the new, you can master this art. A posted information in this article will help you understand how to plant trees.

A bit of useful knowledge from the field of biology

Vaccination start, armed with the theory:

  • on a branch, you are going to instill in the kidneys should be able biological rest. Slice them on the south side of the new shoots that had to mature. It happens from late autumn to early spring. Identify them storage space in the basement or refrigerator. Favorable temperature: +2 to +4 degrees C. Precedes grafting cuttings in water to soak for half an hour, and if in the process of storage, they still had dried, they need to be soaked for 2-3 days;
  • correctly chosen time is the key to a successful vaccination, and it comes for the bone before and at the very beginning of the Softness, and a little later - for seeds and lasts while the trees do not get out flowers. Now you know when to vaccinate trees.

The best object for vaccination is plants that have grown in the forest. They serve as the basis for creating cultural varieties by vaccinating crops related to one botanical genus or close biologically. As an example:

  • pear, apple tree, which put on wild plants or on quite mature trees;
  • related bone called Alych, plum, cherry, cherry, dogwood, apricot, peach. On the wild plum seedlings are suitable for vaccination, both Alychi and drain and vice versa. A noble, sweet cherry gets along the wild cherry. For a peach cutle, there is no better inhibition than the wild almond, which grew by the apricot itself, can be made by having vaccinated the cuttings of a collected relative. Good dogital can be obtained by vaccinating a stalk on a male view of a freely growing dogwood. At the same time, the age of the base plant may be different, but better, if he is no more than 10 years;
  • the vaccination operations are performed not only on fruit trees, but also on decorative. So, the cuttings of park trees having a spherical, mold or pyramidal crown are placed on the appropriate wild-growing species;
  • distinguish vaccination and rewrite. The vaccination is an operation when the cutlets or eyes are transplanted from the culture of the culture on the dive, and the rewrite is to improve the quality of fruits on the plant, which in itself is varieties;
  • on one tree, the varieties are growing early and late, but at the same time its cold resistance is reduced, since growth rhythms are knocked down. It is better to combine varieties that have approximately the same ripening period;
  • strenches of the boneless are harmful than seedless.


How to instill fruit trees

Fruit trees, which are almost impossible to propagate with the drains and cuttings, vaccinate. Vaccinations are made only on trees not affected by diseases.

Popular Methods of Vaccination

The most common methods like:

  • grafting with eye (eyelidation);
  • vaccusing cutlets.


There are several cuttings imaging options:

  • copulate;
  • side;
  • in split;
  • behind Corra.


The primary role is played by the quality of the cut. It should meet the following demands:

  • it is perfectly smooth and without any traces of extraneous;
  • cut length compared to the diameter of the cutting, it must exceed from 3 to 3.5 times.


Tools and materials for vaccination

In order for the vaccination process successfully, it is necessary to prepare well to him and stock:

  1. The knife is emphasized with a well sharpened and clean blade. Since it should be sharpened, the knife must freely cut 4 sheets of paper folded together. Just in case, let it be with you for sharpening.
  2. Secatetern.
  3. Polychlorvinyl or polyethylene film, but, as an alternative, it is possible to replace the insulating tape.
  4. Garden Varier.
  5. Saw garden.
  6. Polyethylene packs transparent.



This method is the most accessible and simple. They should use the novice gardener. The eyepiece is performed by two methods:

  • in T-shaped incision;
  • ryro.

Consider both.

Ocaling in T-shaped incisive

The sequence of operations is visible in this picture: 287215713

  • 1 - cuttings prepared for eyepiece;
  • 2 - the process of cutting a panel with a kidney;
  • 3 - finished shield;
  • 4 - cut shield and location of the cut on a cutlets;
  • 5 - transverse incision;
  • 6 - vertical incision on the crust;
  • 7 - the shield is inserted behind the bark;
  • 8 - shield with kidney in T-shaped section;
  • 9 - the process of tying.

Consider a little more detail:

  • retreat millimeters 100 mm from the ground on the northern side of the tree, which we are going to pick up. Cut the bark like the letter T. At the same time, we first make a horizontal incision, and then a vertical length of about 30 mm;
  • left hand take a stalk with a point pointing to itself. At a distance of 10-15 mm below from the place where the kidney is placed, we make the first incision (horizontal);
  • we place a knife over the kidney at an altitude of 15-20 mm, we spend it to yourself and right. In the field of kidney, the blade is buried. Ideally, a thin shield should turn out, approximately as a paper sheet with a kidney in the middle;
  • we take this shield for the saved piece of the stuff and we enter it into the neck, by observing the maximum caution;
  • we envelop the place where the operation was carried out with a polyethylene ribbon. Only the part is not wound, where the kidney is located. sAD137.


Occage fried

This option of vaccination is the simplest from the point of view of the technique of execution. We will drive the kidney with a planing of a crust and wood from 20 to 30 mm. The peephole on the inlet with a diameter of 6-9 mm is pressed.





We produce vaccination in the following order:

  • on the bottom of the north in the lower part of it, we make a parallel incision, while cutting the bark to the wood fabric;
  • 30 mm above the slits remove the strip consisting of a crust and wood;
  • on a cutken 10 mm below the kidney with a knife mounted under a sharp angle to it, we cut a bark to wood;
  • we move the knife by 15 mm above the place where the kidney is located, weaken it to the wood fabric and take carefully;
  • we apply it to the cut on the bottom. Ideally, if the cut parts coincide, and if not, the shield shifts to some edge of the cut to the break;
  • put the place of vaccinations with stripes cut from a plastic film. Strip width 10, and length 300 mm. The kidney also needs to be closed. However, it is not always closed - it is not required for cherries and sweets;
  • after 20 days, the film should also be taken and the film is removed, and if it did not happen, then the eyepiece is re-made;
  • depending on what time the trees are vaccinated, the next year, or at the very end of February, or at the end of March, cut off right above the eye. The kidney develops and at the end of the year it turns out an annual escape.

Take note: The grafted bone rocks are harder to carry the winter, it happens that the eyes are freezing. To reinsure, bring the second eye from the opposite side or above the first and wrap everything with one strip of the film.

We instill a cinema

If it happened that in the spring you found unmatched or deceased vaccinated kidneys, then such a dive can be instilled with a cutlets. razmnozhenie-Privivkoj.

We use improved copulip

This method is advisable to apply if the thickness of the flow and the creep or the difference is small. The process looks like this:

  • by oblique, we do a slice at the wilder, which we plan to make a cutlength, 30 mm long;
  • we make the same length on the cutting, while: the kidney located below remains from the opposite cut;
  • for good splicing you need to have a tongue. To do this, break the cuttings and vertical stock;
  • we combine oblique cuts of the stock and the lead to the complete coincidence of the tongues. At the same time: the tongue on the cutlets is included in the cutting section, and the one that is on the break occupies the desired position in the cutting;



  • tightly tied up and using garden var, machining a cutting cut at the top.

Subscribing the theory of viewing this video, you will definitely repeat everything yourself:

What to do when the lead is very fat?

In this case, it will help such a way of vaccinations as wideractions.






This vaccination option includes several ways:

  • in the center. Split is made in the center and 2 cuttings are introduced;
  • on the periphery. 2 splits and 4 nested cuttings;
  • the method of the peripheral semi-region. 1 stalks are entered in the slot, running on the side.


Actually vaccination:

  • perform a smooth slice on the cable;
  • we take a knife for splitting and make split, tapping the hammer on it. The knife is left in the gap. The depth of the slot is 40 mm;
  • the end of the cutter, which we will shut up into the dilt, cut in the form of a wedge on both sides, retreating from the eyes of 10 mm. The length of the wedge is about 30 mm;
  • install the cuttings in the slot so that the lower eye is outside;
  • slightly shaking, take out the knife;
  • reinstall.


If in stock over 10 years, then the cuttings, when the knife is removed, they can crush. To avoid this, a wedge is inserted into the split. It is placed in the center of the slot, and when the operation is finished, take out, but you can leave and leave, over time it will disappear, and the remains will displace the newly forging fabric - Callus.

Important: A cut on a cutter in no way touch your hands!

We instill behind Corre.




Success in this case depends on the choice of time when it is better to instill fruit trees in this way. Therefore, as soon as the most first leaflets outlined at a thick dick, proceed:

  • cutting our dichka at an altitude of centimeters from 20 to 25;
  • we go to the north side and retreating 50-70 mm from the cut, we make a T-similar incision. You can, instead, remove the strip of the bark and perform, retreating 150 mm, vertical slice for a length of 45 mm;
  • we choose a stalk, on which there are 2 kidneys, under the 2nd top, we cut the wood of the diagonally for a length of 40 mm;
  • insert the cuttings deeper into the place prepared for the stock. The axis of the stock and the lead must coincide;
  • we are tied up;
  • covering a garden bar of a cutting tree and a cutout of a dick.


When and how to vaccinate fruit trees, you already know, and now look, this process is on video:



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