The advantages and disadvantages of carpet

March 24. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 2590. Comments To the recording of dignity and disadvantages of carpet No

Now there are many floors. Despite the fact that their laying occurs at the final stage of repairing the premises, decide on the type of coating is necessary in advance.

This is due to the fact that it is the floor that is subjected to maximum load. In addition, the floor material must possess: an attractive appearance, long operational period and ease of care.


Structure of material

All of the above qualities are fully related to carpet. He successfully replaced carpet coatings for the house. If carpets are characterized by a complete pattern and a certain size, the carpet has a repeated pattern and untreated edges. The latter of these materials is implemented in rolls. This makes it possible to use carpet for floors that have any dimensions.

This floor cover consists of the following components:

  • pile;
  • primary lining;
  • pinching layer;
  • substrate (Latex or Cotton).

Types of carpet

There are several carpet classifications. In particular, it is divided depending on:

  • applications;
  • pile lengths;
  • material manufacturing.

According to the first criterion, carpet is commercial and domestic. Commercial carpets are used in offices and rooms, which are characterized by an increased load. This type of carpet is necessarily a short pile. It is often cleaned with special means (shampoos, stains, etc.).


Household carpet is settled in the living rooms. It is suitable for premises with a small load on the floor, being the most convenient and cost-effective alternative to carpets in terms of operation.

The length of the pile floor carpet is divided into products from:

  • short pile (length up to 3 mm);
  • middle pile (3-6 mm)
  • long pile (6-15 mm).

Also, carpet is synthetic and natural. Artificial products are made from:

  • polyamide (nylon);
  • polypropylene;
  • polyester;
  • polyacryl.

Synthetic carpet attracts many buyers with a low price. This feature makes it an affordable and rather popular product.

The best of synthetic technical parameters are nylon coatings. They are characterized by:

  • ease of care;
  • larger service life (up to 15 years);
  • resistant to ultraviolet.

Yes, and during the installation of furniture there is no dents and traces on the coating of nylon.


Raw materials for the production of natural carpet serve woolen fibers. The share of wool in the outdoor coating can be 10-100%. Also in natural items may include natural silk or synthetic components (nylon, polyamide). Excellent elasticity and minimum moisture permeability are the main positive properties of natural carpet.

Advantages and disadvantages of flooring

Let us dwell in more detail on the pros and cons of carpet. The main advantages of using an outdoor coating are:

  • a wide range of products on the texture and color solutions;
  • versatility;
  • magnificent soundproofing and thermal insulation properties;
  • antistatic qualities;
  • low flammability;
  • lack of harmful discharge;
  • hypoallergency and safety of material;
  • ease of care;
  • the preservation of the initial type over long years of operation.

Warm carpet makes the same sex itself, giving any room a feeling of absolute comfort. Especially important is:

  • for cold apartments with a minimum amount of sunlight;
  • in the presence of thin concrete walls;
  • for housing with existing impairment in the work of the heating system.


Carpet has a few flaws. Perhaps the main one is absorbing the floor-coated particles of dirt. Earth, sand, household garbage, dust, animal wool - all these components of dirt elements are delayed by a wagon carpet.

For this reason, it is necessary to regularly vacuum the rooms with such a floor covering. But the newest models of vacuum cleaners often do not cope with microscopic mushroom disputes and larvae of household ticks.

Owners of apartments on the first floor may encounter another problem. From the basement of the house, which sometimes becomes the face of stray animals, fleas or other parasites penetrate into the residential premises. Their habitat is carpet. With these pests it is difficult to fight. In most cases, it is necessary to reinstate the floor covering.

In case of facing, you can face another problem. It lies in non-standard room sizes. The standard width of the carpet is about 4 m. For the room 3 or 5 m wide, you will have to purchase an appropriate flooding coating. But carpet of this size is much more complicated to find in the trading network.

It is not recommended to use carpet indoors with high humidity. The coating practically does not tolerate the wet environment (with the exception of some synthetic products). There is a likelihood of spots during the washing of carpet. And in natural articles in the way of water, the smell of wool appears.


A cheap floor covering is characterized by poor-quality color. Typically, manufacturers of such carpet are painted only the upper part of the pile. For this reason, there is a quick loss of the initial appearance of the material.

Despite the presence of disadvantages, carpet is rather popular flooring. By purchasing it, the presence of damage to the structure and other defects is checked. Only a quality product will be able to serve the maximum period.

Video about the advantages and disadvantages of various types of carpet:


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