Adjusting metal doors

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The metal door is an excellent way to protect the apartment or at home from intruders. Such door structures are strong enough, reliable and durable, and have an excellent appearance. However, sometimes you can hear that the door begins to creak or makes it difficult for its opening and closing process. In fact, you should not panic, because in this case, you just need adjustment of metal doors with your own hands.

We will help to adjust the metal doors of video lessons posted on the Internet or the Tips offered in this article.

Metal door adjustment

Adjusting the input metal door is a set of preventive work. Such works in particular include lubrication and adjustment of door loops, elimination of dust from working structures, replacement of the seal and adjustment of the closer, pulling up fixtures of accessories that are loosened, etc.

These works will not take much time and do not require large cash investments. But it will allow the door to serve longer, save its functions and a good appearance. How to regulate a metal door? Let's talk about this further.

Adjusting the closens


Today instead of springs use door closers that are more careful about the doors. Closers also work on the basis of springs, but this spring is fixed in the housing, which is filled with oil. In addition, the closer has a mechanism that allows you to smoothly close the doors.

The better the closer will work, the more convenient the door will use. Therefore, you need to be able to adjust the metal doors equipped with the closer. The first adjustment is usually done by the Master when installing the door, but over time due to the flow of temperature, the oil in the bridge housing is thick.

  1. If you need to change the speed of the door of the door, you should turn one of the adjusting valves to the desired side.
  2. In the event that the door is too fast or vice versa, it is too slowly closed, then the adjustment valves also need to be used.
  3. To adjust the spring tension force, an adjusting nut is intended. It is enough just to turn the nut in the desired side.
  4. Sometimes the door must be left for some time in the open position. To do this, open it 90 degrees and then tighten a special retainer.
  5. To adjust the valve that does not allow you to sharply open the doors, you need to turn the adjusting nut counterclockwise if the opening angle must be reduced. To increase the corner of the door opening, the nut turn clockwise.

Cleaning and adjusting locks


Sometimes the door lock can also be selected, but there are no visible traces of seeding or disruption in the work of the door loops. In this case, the problem most likely lies directly in the castle itself.

So that this does not happen, the lock should be periodically cleaned and lubricated. If an invoice lock or you can easily get it out of the door, then clean it will be easy. Therefore, it can be done with your own hands. Cleaning other varieties of locks is better to entrust specialists.

The maintenance frequency of the lock depends on how often they use and under what conditions it occurs. For example, locks installed on the doors in the apartment should be serviced at least once a year. If the locks are installed on the street, then they should be lubricated at least once in three months. To increase the life of the lock mechanism, you need to be able to know how to lubricate them. There are special means designed to remove dirt from the lock mechanisms, as well as means allowing ice. For example, facilities for cleaning Lock Cleaner and Lock Spray from ASSA company are quite popular.

Before you begin to maintain the castle, you should choose to choose the lubricant. In many ways, the choice of lubricant depends on the type of lock. For example, if a cylinder lock is installed, then its mechanism does not need to be lubricated at all, because otherwise the lubricant will link the dust particles and thereby the castle will be completely filled with dust. In such castles, only the rigl should be lubricated. Thanks to this, friction will be reduced when the lock is running. To lubricate the riglel, you need to use WD40 lubrication or ordinary machine oil.

If the castle has a suvalid type, then it is possible to lubricate it using a conventional pencil. For this, just need to rush his stylus in such a way as to collect a little powder, which is then falling asleep into the castle. You can try to blew powder into the keyhole. Conventional lubricants for these locks are better not to apply, because they contribute to sticking the dirt particles, which can later lead to the jamming of the lock mechanism.

Cleaning mechanism with professional lubricant Next:

  1. To begin with, a sufficient amount of cleaning agent should be injected into the cylinder. It will be better if this tool flows down a bit out of the opening. Then you need to insert the key into the hole and then pull out. In this case, the key in no case cannot be turned. Otherwise, due to dirt, the lock can simply jam.
  2. After pulling out the key from the castle, wipe it dry with a soft cloth. This should be done until dirt stops sticking to the key.
  3. After that, you need to be injected into the cylinder of oil and repeat a pair of action when cleaning.
  4. When this is done so that the oil spread over the cylinder, the key must be inserted into the lock and turn several times in different directions. Oil is suitable as a cleaning agent for the lock.

Adjustment of metal doors loops


  1. Installation work must be carried out, taking into account the gap between the door web and the upper platband. Clearance from the castle should be about a couple of millimeters more than from the canopy. This in the future will allow you to adjust the door and will contribute to the contact between the door web and the box.
  2. Often after installation, when the door is opened, there is a light creaking, which gradually becomes only stronger. If this happens, it means that the door canopy rubs on the platbands. At the same time, decorative coating is erased at the friction site. In order to eliminate this problem, you should remove the cloth from the box with the help of canopy adjustment. It must be done with screws on the canopy.
  3. To regulate, we should loosen the screws on the loop, which is closest to the friction site. If there is such a need, you need to weaken the screws on both hinges.
  4. Taking a flat screwdriver, shift a piece of the loop to the side in order for the gap formed, after which the position should be fixed by one of the screws. Then you need to press down until the door handle is stopped, and then closely close the doors.
  5. It should be checked left after that friction. If there is no friction, then you need to fix the other screws.
  6. When adjusting the canvas can start rubbing on the other side. In this case, you should slightly shift the moving part of the loop in the opposite direction and to fix the screw again with the screw. Such a procedure should be done until friction will disappear.
  7. After adjusting the loops, it is necessary to tighten the loose screws and check the tight screws that were not affected during adjustment. In addition to checking how to check how the lock works. If the lock does not close, then you need to find in which deviators either bolt rest in the door frame. After that, it is necessary to clean with a file with a file.

What to do with the appearance of drafts

It should be known that the draft does not always appear due to the door transfer. Often it arises due to the fact that the seal was worn out, which is always on metal doors. To regulate the door in this case, the door seal should be cut off and replaced it with a new one. To do this, buy a rubber ribbon of suitable thickness. Such a tape is sold in almost any construction store. After the acquisition, it is necessary to glue it throughout the contour of the door of the door. After that, the draft should disappear.

Door adjustment at violines


The door creak is a fairly common phenomenon. Moreover, it may well appear at the doors of any manufacturer. As for the reasons for such a phenomenon, there are only two of them - this is the rolling of the canvas about the box and clogging of the loops.

  1. In order to detect the friction of the door of the box, it is easy to find traces of rubbing on the surface. If there are no traces, then you should detect the place of friction by hearing.
  2. To adjust the door, it is necessary to take care of the presence of an end key on a 17, hex key and a "candle wrench".
  3. In the presence of data tools, you should weaken the loop, which is closest to the friction location. Now it is necessary to move and move the door to the box to the box. Then you need to tighten the nut on the leftmost loop and shake the door cloth slightly. It must be achieved so that the hinges get into place. Now you should check the result. To do this, it is enough to close and open the doors several times. Door handle should be lowered down. If the door continues to creak, then repeat the process again, which was just described.
  4. Adjusting the doors in this case can lead to the appearance of a small gap between the shell end and a box. If this happens, you should simply lubricate the surface of the face with graphite lubricant.
  5. Door's sycles can appear due to the fact that dust fell into the loop mechanism. This often happens during repair. In this case, it follows to start to blow the surface of the door loop with air under pressure. After that you need to apply lubricant on the door hinges.

It is important to remember that funds such as WD are used only to remove the consequences of boiling hinged and threaded connections. For lubricant, such means should not be used.

What to do with a tight fest


Sometimes this situation arises when the door closes loosely or vice versa, too tight. This can occur for several reasons.

  1. If you have recently installed the door, then due to the fact that the seal is new it can hardly close. At the same time, the door handle is usually poorly rotated. In this case, it is better to simply wait, after about one or two weeks, the sealing gum will slightly lose elasticity and the door will not be so tight.
  2. In addition, the following marriage can be present on cheap lock models - the size of the hole for the input of the tongue and the riglel is less necessary.
  3. Another cause of the disruption of the softness of the forth can be the asymmetric arrangement of the tongue. This problem should be corrected using a file.
  4. The cause of the tight door of the door can be the situation when the lock tongue incorrectly enters its hole on the fictional part of the box. This problem is often found at cheap Chinese castles. In order to decide it, you need to find a bar, in the deepening of which the lock tongue enters. On the bar there is a thin plate that bent inside. It is necessary to try to curb it in different directions, thereby achieving the necessary density density door density.

What to do when too easy to focus

What reasons may be at the advent of the door canvase (backlash)? The main cause of the occurrence of the backlash, of course, is the wear of the preliminary part of the canvas. To solve this problem, it will be enough to replace the sealing tape. Just before replacing the sealer it is necessary to make sure that the width of the fiver is directly along the entire length of the canvas one and the same. If the width is the same, then the seal should be glued to the entire edge of the door. Otherwise, it is necessary to compact only where the clearance is the biggest. If there are no problems with the door seal, then you should try to adjust the slats of the plate, which includes a lock tongue.



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