How to make compost with your own hands

September 6. Useful advice, Plot. Views 3593. 1 comment to record how to make compost with your own hands

Organic farming appears more and more supporters, which means that summer houses and some farmers cease to apply chemical fertilizers on their fields. Replacing them with humus, but it may not all - dear very much. Alternative - Compost. The properties of it are not worse, but is made from what is under his feet. How to make compost, described in detail in this article.

About the benefits of compost

Using the compost on its plot, you will not only get a good harvest, but also benefit the environment. What is so good compost? Here is his obvious advantages:

  • this is an organic fertilizer. It presents the necessary microelements with plants;
  • for soil, this is a kind of air conditioner. It improves its structure, turning poor soils into fertile;
  • it is used as a mulgar on the beds, due to which worms and useful bacteria, processing it on humus;
  • before you will not be more than the question of going to the fallen foliage. All she will leave for the preparation of compost with their own hands. On your site will not burn autumn bonfires and it will be easier to breathe.

Where and how to compost

From what is in the same place and how the waste for the preparation of compost, its quality depends. Gardeners decide this question each in its own way:

  • just fold everything to a bunch in some corner and are waiting for it to reprove. Immediately let's say this method has the right to exist, that's just waiting for a very long time;


  • sometimes they dig a pit and everything is folded there. It rains and instead of compost, at the exit it turns out some slippery, badly smelling alive;
  • even for this purpose, the boxes are laid or buy ready-made plastic containers;
  • some use metal barrels or concreted containers, which is not the best solution, because the compost does not "breathe".

In general, you can use in any way, but it is important to place everything right and not just wait for the result, but also to care for him from time to time. Consider how to get the right compost.


How to make compost

Most dacms with the experience of compost preparation are advised not to bother with tanks, but to add heaps simply on the surface, observing some rules:

  • the soil on the site where you are going to produce compost, smooth for a pitchfork so that it is loose. Optimal dimensions for it from 3 to 4 m square. The place is not suitable, where the sun is constantly baked. Best of all the half;
  • as a substrate for a heap, put small branches, coarse stems of weeds without seeds, chips;
  • next, we place different plant residues, grinding and mixing before. Here are the same kitchen waste, including meat, fish, spoiled fruits, vegetables. When adding residues, follow the bones and fat. The skins of killed animals, rabbits, for example, are also not recommended to lay in a compost bunch. They will not decompose long and only spoil compost. This layer should be equal to 15 cm. You can 10 cm, but more than 15 or less 10 undesirable;
  • on vegetable organic, we embarked 2 cm of the Earth, preferably fertile, or peat;
  • the quality of the compost will improve if the third layer is to place manure, chicken litter, alive, dung. Manure, if it is small, mixed with straw, hay, autumn leaves, sawdust. Chicken manure, because the concentrated fertilizer is poured thin layer or diluted with water;
  • after 3 layers, we repeat everything until a height of at least 1 m. Each time we water the heap layers with water. Without moisture there will be no worms in it, nor bacteria to recycle all this. Recommended to maintain a moisture level of about 70%. If you compress the contents of the compost heap in the hand, the liquid should appear;
  • create a fence in the form of wooden shields or slate sheets around the worked heap. More convenient if the barrier is only with 3 sides;
  • from above, shelter is required so that the precipitates do not fall and the existing moisture did not leave. We use a dark color film for this;
  • so that oxygen arrives inside the heaps, it is necessary to turn it from time to time;
  • correct a bunch will be about a year. Therefore, one source of compost cannot do: arrange another one. Suppose one bunch you launch in the fall, use its contents on the next fall, and what to do in the spring? And in the spring, lay one more to prepare compost, it matures for the next spring;
  • it should be said that the compost and in a wooden box without a bottom prepare in the same way, with a convenient opening front wall. Pour it, you can pick up the finished compost from below, because it matures faster, and the rest will fall and will reach ready. Top add new layers;


  • it should be known that compost readiness is determined by the smell. If it smells like the earth, it means that it is ready.


Helpful advice: If you are late, and your weeds are already with seeds, they can still be used for a compost heap, but not immediately. You will have to fill with water some container, folded there a breakdown from the beds of bunoes and put something heavy on it. After installing days in water 10, the seeds on weeds will completely lose their germination. The contents of the container will completely go to composting.

All we talked about, is a classic way to prepare compost, but there are other, allowing the process to speed up.

Making compost quickly

There is not one method using which compost is quickly made. Consider some.

  EM-preparations will help. Method 1

In the clubs of organic farming or online stores, effective drugs containing anaerobic bacteria are offered to improve the state of soils to accelerate compost preparation. Most Popular:

  • Baikal-M1, invented by Russian scientists P.A. Shackle. There are many fakes, so buying better from proven suppliers. This "Baikal M-1" distributes the Russian Consumer Society "Argo";
  • "Shine". This drug, accelerating the recycling of organic waste, was developed by EM-Biotech. Use Japanese raw materials for its release;
  • "Timar". Designed in the company "EM-Cooperative". Many regions have its sales representatives.


The compost pile is stacked in exactly the same way as the classic:

  • the same organic waste;
  • earth;
  • difference: Instead of organic fertilizers or together with them, a solution of any EM drug prepared according to the instructions.

Sortness Evaluate Advantages:

  • bark not required;
  • after 3 months, the compost is ready for use;
  • the obtained superwater is enriched with useful for soil and plants with elements and microorganisms.

On a note: EM-drugs are expensive. If there is no possibility to buy, prepare a mixture of water, 100 g of a cube of yeast and a glass of sugar. The effect, of course, is weaker, but still the solution works.

How to make compost at the cottage quickly. Method 2.

In order to take advantage of this method of fast and less costly preparation of compost, it is necessary to collect the following plants:

  • yarrow;
  • medicinal chamomile;
  • valerian;
  • vault burning;
  • dandelion;
  • corta Oak.


  • observe accuracy in the recipe, i.e. total take equally;
  • fresh herbs and bark are not suitable. Having them without access direct solar lighting until they become fragile;
  • grind separately to the state of flour;
  • mix.

With a compost bunch of traditional we do this:

  • i pierce it with some long stick at the rate of 6 holes per 1 m square;
  • in each hole we fall asleep 1 spoon tea obtained powder;
  • holes close in that there is on a compost pile;
  • biologists claim that used plants as much as much energy that until compost is ready for 3 months.


We light a bunch. Method 3.

This way compost will reach ready after 2 and a half months. The main task is to create a high temperature inside the heap. There are such ways:

  1. In the old saucepan or bucket boil water. We make a deepening in the center of the heap and insert our vessel there, closing it with a lid. A pile will quickly warm the ferry.
  2. Heat the stones or bricks on the fire. Place them inside the heaps.
  3. In the heap, we do several holes and pour boiling water there. Holes quickly close.
  4. Heating is a compost bunch of any of these methods, quickly burn it with a film.

Compost with your own hands at home. Method 4.

Usually in winter from the cottage we rest. You can use it in parallel this time for composting and come to your site in spring with the ready-made fertilizer. So, so:

  • we take a bucket plastic. At the bottom there are some old low, millimeters 50, a lattice stand. We place a package for garbage from above, pre-pushed in several places of its bottom;
  • home waste in the amount of 1 kg, instead of bringing on the trash, assemble and grind;
  • pour this mixture by some available, uh preparation;
  • fold into the trash package, place the cargo on top;
  • after 7 days, remove waste and lay out for drying. Dry, they must well, so that the powder turns out during the crisp;
  • again, we prepare the bucket in the same way and put in the package of waste, but now we spite them with our powder. Package Close and pressed;
  • so do it until the bucket will not be complete. At the same time, when we replenish the bucket, we drain the liquid. It is also valuable as a fertilizer for homemade greenhouse;
  • when the week will be held after the bucket fully filled, the compost is ready. Fold it separately and prepare the following portion. If the family is large, then by the beginning of the season of work on the garden, there will be a lot of compost, with more than great quality;
  • use the balcony for storage, but if suddenly in the apartment there is a storage room, then bring a bag with a compost there. There, it will mostly mature at room temperature and its quality will increase.


Healthy: If you drain fluid from a bucket to the toilet, where compost matures, then its purity is provided. Clean the sewer pipes with its help.

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One answer to how to make compost with your own hands

  1. NGO EM Center:

    Good day! Please correct the information in your article so as not to mislead the readers:

    (Baikal Em-1, invented by the Russian scientist P.A. Shablin. There are many fakes, so buying better from proven suppliers. This "Baikal Em-1" distributes the Russian Consumer Society "Argo";)

    "Tamir", as well as "Baikal Em-1" developed in the company NPO Em Center LLC P.A. Shablin. Argo is our official dealer, but you can also purchase products on the official website.

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