How to paint wallpaper

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One of the most sought-after finishing materials are wallpapers. There are many of their varieties. They are used depending on the method of repairs in the residential room.

Special wallpapers that are intended for painting are especially in demand. It is about the peculiarities and technology of sticking this finishing material and will be discussed in our article.


Types and distinctive features of the finishing material under painting

Painted wallpaper in the photo and in reality are the key to creating a cozy situation in a residential room. They absorb sound waves perfectly and do not fade when exposed to sunlight. The embossed surface of the wallpaper will make any room unique.

Wallpaper Painting have more advantages:

  • economy (can be painted several times);
  • moisture resistance;
  • the possibility of eliminating small defects;
  • wear resistance;
  • easy painting.

Paint the wallpaper for painting will not be much difficulty in any person. The main thing is to choose suitable wallpaper and paints.

Immediately it is worth noting that it is forbidden to expose the usual cheap paper wallpaper. They are splashing under the influence of paints, and after drying, they will begin to swear and disconnect. You can paint the following wallpapers:

  • vinyl on paper basis;
  • fliselinova;
  • fiberglass;
  • lyncrugate.

Vinyl wallpapers

You can paint the vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis. They are characterized by:

  • excellent water repellent properties;
  • affordable price;
  • environmental purity;
  • spectacular appearance.

During the service life, vinyl wallpaper is stained from 5 to 10 times. In most cases, this finishing material consists of two main layers, one of which is covered with a special composition to repulsion moisture.

The second layer of wallpaper consists of wood chips or sawdust. Due to this, the surface of the finishing material is distinguished by a relief pattern. This layer is characterized by increased sensitivity to mechanical damage. Therefore, to not spoil it, it is necessary to accurately contact him.


Fliselinova wallpaper

This finishing material also has a relief surface. Wallpapers consist of synthetic fibers and cellulose, on top of which foamed vinyl applied. The main features of fliselin wallpaper:

  • strength;
  • resistance to ignition;
  • simplicity of sticking;
  • air permeability;
  • stability to deformation.

In most cases, the finishing material from phlizelin is painted into light colors. What makes it possible to subsequent painting by the dye of any color. Flizelin wallpaper repainted several times. You can wash them with a damp cloth.

Glass equipment

Wallpaper from fiberglass is characterized by a clearly pronounced textured surface that simulates a Christmas tree, a lodge or a cob. By structure, this finishing material is similar to a fabric made of fiberglass.

The initial raw material for the manufacture of glasses is a special glass. With its heat treatment, the filaments are weaving, of which the finishing material is created with a certain textured surface.

Distinctive features of fiberglass wallpapers are high strength and solid operational period, unique decorativeness and absolute non-carriability. Glass equipment can be washed with almost any detergent.


The basis of the manufacture of these wallpapers is natural raw materials. The paper or textile base is covered with a special substance consisting of:

  • chalk;
  • wood flour;
  • wax;
  • and linen oil.

The presence of such elastic components leads to the appearance of unique ornaments and patterns on the surface of the wallpaper. The material becomes similar to stucco. Linker - expensive pleasure. But for those who appreciate the beauty and long service life, the finishing material is the perfect option.


Choosing a paintwork

Now let's go to what to paint the wallpaper. The attractive appearance and lifetime of wallpaper depends on the correctness of the choice of paints and varnish material. The type of paintwork is selected based on the type of blended wallpaper.

The oil paints and varnish materials are immediately disappeared, which in most cases are diluted with solvents. Such products will quickly destroy the separated coating. And for human health, they are not very safe.

To paint the wallpaper on a paper basis, it is better to use latex paints. These materials are characterized by:

  • minimal surface destruction;
  • the possibility of wet cleaning.

Latex paints are completely suitable for wallpaper made of fiberglass. Although any paintwork is suitable for glazes. The main thing is that painting does not lead to the deterioration of the characteristics of the treated surface. This is especially true when you need to paint the wallpaper on the ceiling.

For example, when using alkyd enamel on the surface, a solid and moisture-resistant film is created, which is characterized by increased wear resistance. The ceilings painted with this paintwork can be soaked with conventional detergents.

But on the other hand, painted ceilings will become not only moisture-proof, but also airtight. And this will lead to a deterioration in the microclimate in the room. Yes, and some enamels during drying can allocate toxic substances harmful to health. Therefore, enamel, like oil paint, is not recommended to be used to finish the premises.


For coloring flieslinic wallpaper, it is better to use water-dispersion paints or acrylic materials on a water basis, which are not included with solvents. Using paintwork data makes it possible to paint paint in any shade.

For the paint linker, which contains linseed oil, the most suitable option will be the use of acrylic enamel on a synthetic basis. Water-dispersive paints are poorly in contact with the surface of the wallpaper, and the water-emulsion - after some time will begin to peel.

If the painting of wallpaper is made in the room where there is an increased humidity, it is recommended to use a special varnish. Using the formation of a protective film, the coating moisture resistance will improve, which can be washed with any cleaning agents. True, if the application of varnish is made on the water-emulsion paint, it is simply impossible to repent the paint wallpaper.

Depending on the type of surface being created, all the paints are divided into:

  • matte;
  • glossy.

Matte paint materials are used if the basis is not too high. Thanks to it, you can eliminate small surface defects. The main purpose of glossy paints is the selection of embossed ornaments.

As for the manufacturers of paintwork products, there are many options. Materials from companies are in the greatest demand:

  • Tikkurila;
  • Caparol;
  • Beckers;
  • Dulux;
  • CROWN;
  • Ferrol;
  • Sikkens;
  • Dufa.


Technology painting wallpaper

Wallpapers may have a different surface relief:

  • monotonous;
  • chaotic.

The monoton pattern will make the walls too official and strict. The presence of chaotic relief will give the surface with a careless look. But there are many options that combine both style.

In any case, the painting of wallpaper provides for the applying of paintwork products on a dry surface. For this reason, an option disappears from the painting recently glued finishing material. Wallpapers must completely dry.

Most manufacturers produce light wallpaper under painting. Apply the paint on them will not be a special problem. The basis of the foundation will not cause a change in the color shade. But if you need to repaint wallpapers that have dark color, you will have to apply 2-3 layers of paintwork. Moreover, the first layer must be neutral.

The process of painting the wallpaper itself implies the following steps:

  • paint preparation;
  • globing with painting tape places of the walls of the wall to the floor and ceiling;
  • corner staining;
  • uniform paint on the wall.

Thoroughly mixing the paint, it is prepared to the desired consistency. It should not get very liquid. Since you have to repeat the surface. Paint must acquire a homogeneous form.

Painting wallpapers in the same room is held in one day. If this is not done, it will lead to the appearance of the visible stools of paint. And it is possible to get rid of them only by re-applying paint.

For high-quality coloring of wallpaper, the roller should be immersed in paint and roll several times. After which he is pressed. Removing excess paint will not allow its splashing during painting.


Applying paintwork material is made from top to bottom. Only so the paint will evenly fall on the surface, and there will be no drowshes. The painted surface is subjected to mandatory rolling.

Do not do skip. Even when implementing multi-layer painting. To properly assess the quality of work performed, it is necessary to periodically move away from the wall for a short distance. Due to this, all existing defects are defined. Application of the next paint layer occurs after the complete drying of the previous one.

Unusual ways of painting

There are several non-traditional wallpaper coloring methods. These include:

  • painting the finishing material from the inside;
  • preliminary staining of the wall;
  • use of stencils;
  • removal of part of the paintwork.

Painting wallpapers from the inside provides:

  • staining of the involving part of the canvas;
  • paint drying;
  • sticking wallpaper on the walls.

The paint layer applied inside the canvas will create unique color solutions.

The same effect is obtained when sticking the finishing material on the painted wall. For this option, paints are most suitable, having bright and saturated shades.


When using stencils for painting wallpapers, you can get a variety of stylish ornaments and drawings that are embossed the walls. The only nuance is the consideration of the relief coverage of the material that can cause the appearance of the flows in the case of poorly use of the stencil. To prevent this, you need to use:

  • proprietary templates that possess a self-adhesive basis;
  • or special spray glue temporarily fixing the template.

To improve the decorative properties of the coating, you can take advantage of the following technological method. So far, the first layer of paint is not dry, you should spend a soft cloth on the wallpaper. With the help of such a movement there will be a removal of a small amount of paint from the embossed surface. Applying the second layer of paint will be the key to the emergence of relief with another color tint.

Video about painting wallpaper:

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