How to properly install a garden gazebo from the tree?

February 9. Construction, Plot. Views 5364. Comments To write how to properly install a garden gazebo from the tree? No

The gazebo is an optional element of a country landscape. Despite this, its construction is the desired event in the life of each owner of the household site. This fact has several quite objective explanations.

Basic Principles of Placement

The presence of a gazebo in the garden will benefit almost at any time of the year. In the summer you can hide from hot sunlight. Warm rainy days of spring and autumn appears the opportunity to breathe fresh air and enjoy the view of the moisture sprinkling from the skies.


This building has a functional destination. She can act as:

  • playgrounds for children's games;
  • reading room;
  • dining room.

The construction of country gazebo is a pretty simple process. He is not even a person who has not been engaged in construction work at all. The main thing is to correctly calculate the number of necessary material.

To do this, pre-draw the drawings of the garden gazebos in various planes. It can be both independently made schemes and sketches and taken from the Internet. Moreover, what is from what to choose. There are many options:

  • open, semi-closed and closed gazebos;
  • separately and extensions to the house;
  • round, square and polygonal structures;
  • metal, brick and wooden garden gazebos.

Choosing the type of construction, determine its alleged location. There are the following recommendations for the placement of the gazebo. It can be positioned:

  • at the highest point, from where only the best places of country plot or natural landscape are visible;
  • next to the fruit trees (will shade the gazebo in the summer) or with the flower beds;
  • not far from the water bodies;
  • in the corner of the landfill;
  • departed from the road or structures with increased noise (transformer station, the garage of the neighbor, etc.).

Avoid the neighborhood of the arbor with the economic part or the trash can.

The most best solution will be the construction of a gazebo of wood. The construction made from high-quality tree will serve many years, glad the whole family of an attractive appearance and a cozy internal interior.

The construction of garden gazebos provides implementation:

  • preparatory work;
  • bookmarks foundation;
  • lower strapping;
  • laying lag;
  • upper strapping devices;
  • flooring;
  • framework;
  • roofing devices.

Preparatory work and creating foundation

Preparation of a plot under the arbor consists of two stages:

  • clearing and leveling platform;
  • marking of the contour of the erected structure.

The clearing site lies in cutting and export of the fertile layer of the Earth. In this way, two main problems in the future are solved. Under the structure will not be:

  • moisture to accumulate with subsequent fest rot;
  • the growth of weeds and other vegetation occur.

When creating a contour of a rectangular building, a diagram of equality of diagonals and side is used.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Choosing a foundation for a gazebo, the features of the soil composition should be considered. If the soil is distinguished by high humidity and instability, it is better to give preference to reinforced concrete slabs. Their installation is carried out on a sandy pillow.

In most cases, the construction is erected on sedentary soils. In this case, the most optimal option for the gazebo is a column foundation. To create such a reason, there will be no vast financial costs.

The main technological condition for the foundation laying is that the installation of the pillars occurs on each angle of the wooden arboretum. Only so the uniform distribution of the load is achieved.

The depth of the foundation depends on the type of soil and is:

  • 40-60 cm - for sandy soil;
  • 60-100 cm - for forest soil;
  • 60-120 cm - for mobile soil.

Various materials can be used to create columns:

  • asbetic pipes;
  • wood;
  • brick.

Installation of columns from asbetic pipes is made in a shorter time. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the pipe of a certain size, insert it into the pit and pour the concrete solution into it. Accelerate the process will help the construction borough.

The cheapest way is the use of wooden poles. True, in this case, to increase their operational period, they should be burned or coated with an antiseptic agent.

The most practical method is the use of red brick. When carrying out brick masonry in the pit, the base is aligned and the sand pillow is arranged. A brick pillar is laid out over the pillow.

Basics of wall structures

Now directly to how to build a gazebo. After a thorough check of the horizontal position of the foundation between a wooden building and a red brick, a waterproofing material is stacked. It is quite suitable runner.


Lower strapping

For the manufacture of lower strapping, thick bars are used. Their connection in the corners occurs in the "spike". Difficulty can cause a gazebo, which has a complex form. Then the cutting of the timber must be produced by a pre-harvested pattern.

Do not neglect the technology of laying logs in the "spike" and lower strapping by connecting riglels with nails or metal plates. With significant snow and wind loads, a garden gazebo from a tree can give a roll.

Having made the bottom strapping of the design, you can mount the support pillars. Their mounting to the lower strapping occurs with the use of wooden spikes, and the riglels act as the main element of the support. In essence, the support pillars are a continuation of a column foundation.

Montage Lag.

The obligatory criterion that needs to be taken into account when the column device is the weight of the future gazebo. If it is planned to build a heavy construction, then at the bottom of the support poles it is better to strengthen both logs of lower strapping and beyls and lags.

The next step is the lag laying, which give the entire design maximum stiffness. This work can be carried out in two ways:

  • half of the tree;
  • coating bottom strapping.

The main advantage of the first option consists in independence of the height of the floor from the lower strapping. But there is a significant drawback. If the gazebo is polygonal, then you will have to sample the groove at an angle.

When installing lag on the bottom strapping, you must follow a certain sequence of their mounting:

  • the first and third racks are attached to the first lag;
  • the fourth and sixth - to the second, etc.

The connection of the lag with the logs of the lower strapping occurs using screws or wooden spikes.


Top strapping

After installing the lag, it is necessary to make the creation of the upper strapping, which is connected to the intermediate and lower strapping using the rheel and stiffeners. First, the distance between the diagonals of the support pillars is measured. Of course, it should be equal. Only so the gazebo will acquire the correct configuration.

After the measurement is made, the crosses are made, which is the main element of the upper strapping. The material for its manufacture - two boards with a cross section of 15 * 4 cm. They are connected to each other in the middle. When the roof device, which is characterized by a complex form, the place of intersection of two boards is additionally strengthened with corners or bars.

The length of the Crossboard should be equal to the length of the diagonal of the upper strapping. In the manufacture of crosses, there is no compulsory stock on the thickness of the support rack. The rack makes grooves, in which the crosses are inserted.

When erecting the arbors, which will have a complex shape, the upper strapping is carried out in two ways:

  • by connecting opposite racks;
  • with the creation of a reference pillar.

The first option has increased requirements for pizes. Each of them is created at an angle of a certain size. Without accurate calculations and "jewelry" work done here is not to do.

Those who are not very confident in their abilities better take advantage of the second option. First, the design with the reference post is erected much easier. Secondly, the central pillar will become an additional bearing element of the entire arbor. This is especially true for complex and heavy roofs.

After creating the grooves and fastenings to them, the riggers are connected to each other. Adjust the device, door and window openings in advance. For these purposes, an intermediate blockage is used.

In the case of the proper creation of the lower strapping, with the help of thick logs, it almost always disappears the need for an additional fastening of the garden gazebo for the cottage. If there are suspicions in insufficient stiffness of the structure, it can be supplemented between racks.


Paul and walls

Having finished with the upper strapping, proceed to flooring and the walls of the walls. Usually used edged board. Flooring board on the floor is made with a gap between them at 3-7 mm. This prevents premature cracking and decoration of the floor.

You can consider the option with a warm floor. This design solution will allow you to use the gazebo even on cold days. The only nuance that often becomes an obstacle is the power of the power supply line. If the power is insufficient to use the warm floor, it should be discarded from its installation.

The construction of the walls of the structure in most cases is carried out using wooden wall tape. It can be lattice or solid. Sometimes the walls of the arbors are undergoing insulation. Much depends on its functional destination.


During the construction of a small arbor, with a simple roof shape, sleeve rafters are used. They are used when erecting the roof of both four and six row. The use of rolling rafters makes it possible not to use a central grandmother and additional slopes.

The mounting of the rafter feet to the support pillars is carried out with the help of bolts, overhead plates or wrinkles. They are also reliably fixed with rigidity. The connection of the rafting legs is better to produce with a metal corner.

The indisputable advantage of such a roofing design is the absence of various stretch marks and sloping system slopes. Due to this, it is possible to separate the inner surface in the same way as the walls.


In the presence of a complex roof, hanging rafters are used, central beam, soils and tightening. The device of such a roof provides:

  • construction of the central beam;
  • fastening to her rafter legs;
  • strengthen construction with pan.

Stropile legs are placed like this: one connects with the beam, the second - with the upper strapping of the structure. The tighten is diagonal elements located on the upper strapping. As an finishing roofing, you can use anything, ranging from Tesa and ending with modern tiled materials.

Three popular garden gazebo designs

Some owners of country sites prefer simple designs. One of them is a garden gazebo-awning. It is a vertical reference pillar that is installed in the soil and concreted.

The main stages of creating such arbors are:

  • column assembly;
  • the construction of the roof;
  • flooring.

Before mounting the end of a wooden pillar, which will be in the ground, should be processed. In another case, after a couple of years, the design will have to be installed. There are such options for extending the operating period of the column:

  • processing copper vigor;
  • applying antiseptics with subsequent winding over the rubberoid;
  • coating hot bitumen mastic;
  • placement in the metal pipe.

Horizontal stretch marks up to 1.5 m long, made from a bar, self-drawing connected with a pillar. They are located at an altitude of 2.2-2.3 m from the floor. In order to prevent the roof sagging, from its middle to the bars that support the umbrella, stretches the wire. The step of its mount is 25 cm.

When the roof is roofing, various lightweight materials can be used:

  • tarpaulin;
  • canvas;
  • barrier fabric;
  • straw;
  • reed.

Since the gazebo-awning is open, the floor is recommended to separate the paving tiles or pour cement mortar. In place under the future building:

  • the top layer of the soil is removed;
  • falling asleep and thoroughly tram;
  • wasing with tiles or concrete tie.

The construction of wooden garden gazebo with the brazier provides for the implementation of the same stages as during the construction of an ordinary building. It all starts with the foundation and ends with roofing works.


The only difference is to create a place to accommodate the mangala. When the foundation device will have to produce a separate filling of the plate with concrete solution. Moreover, the thickness of the solution under the hearth should be up to 10 cm, and the size of the foundation plate must be 20-25 cm more compared with the gabarites of the mangala.

After complete grapplation of concrete, the mantal is made. The pipe is excreted through a predetermined hole in the roof. Corner adapters can be used to remove air.

When the country area is small, it is better to make a gazebo attached to the house. For this, after installing the columns, it is necessary:

  • drill a few holes in the beam of the arbor;
  • on them make marking on the wall of the house;
  • attach the beam to the house;
  • connect rafters with beam;

Next, there is a further arrangement of the arbor: creating a ceiling, installation of floors, walls, etc.

Wooden garden arbor video


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