Facade paint. From choosing before applying

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Today the market offers a large selection of facade paint, which is able to change the appearance of the building, giving it a well-kept and aesthetic appearance. However, in addition, such a building material should also perform a protective function - in this and there is the main difference between the colors used for external work and intended for the interior decoration. High-quality paint should be able to resist adverse weather conditions, mechanical impacts and molds fungus, and also allow to maintain the appearance of the structure, too, when shrinking the building.

Facade paint

kraski Dlya Fasadov.

How to choose paint?

An important condition for durable and high-quality coverage is the compatibility of finishing building materials and an applied LKM. It is clear that the standard facade wood paint is not suitable for plastered or concrete walls. At the same time, it is usually recommended to use all materials, including putty and primer from one manufacturer.


In order to choose that or other products, you should have a special idea of \u200b\u200bits basic characteristics. So, each paint for the facade has the following parameters:

  • technological (compatibility with the basis, cost, optimal drying rate, consumption, spreadability and simplicity of application);
  • operational (resistance to temperature difference, moisture, solar effect and mechanical damage, as well as elasticity and adhesion);
  • Decorative (glitter, texture, color).

Such an operation parameter as vapor permeability is of great importance for mineral surfaces, since the accumulation of condensate under the main coating will necessarily lead to the destruction of the walls. Remarkably removes the emerging inside the steam and blocks the penetration of moisture front paint along the plaster. Its chemical composition is in accordance with the alkaline surface of cement and lime.

Types and main characteristics of facade paint

The basic components of the coatings that are used when finishing the facades are:

  • Fillers and additives;
  • binders;
  • A variety of pigments.


1. Today, acrylic facade paints are most popular. They are considered universal, as suitable for mineral and organic surfaces, almost do not absorb moisture and possess reduced vapor permeability.

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2. The last disadvantage is deprived of silicone paints, which are characterized by excellent adhesion and resistance to the effects of the Sun. At the same time, they practically do not electrify, but their main drawback is a small elasticity and resistance to abrasion.


3. Silicate paints for facades include improving organic additives. They have wonderful characteristics, but unfortunately, are not suitable for the organic basis and do not have a bright shade.


What facade paint is better?


Consider each paint type in more detail:

1. Silicon paint

This kind of paint is produced on the basis of the aqueous dispersion of silicone resin. Such material combines all the best characteristics of acrylic and silicate paints, and also has a long service life. Thanks to vapor permeability, which is comparable to a silicate type, moisture cannot pass through the painted surface. A film that is formed due to silicone paint does not cause surface stresses on the substrate, which is very remarkable when painting the plastered surface.


  • have excellent elasticity;
  • On silicone coatings, harmful microorganisms are not formed;
  • Silicone resins are not thermoplastic and have an electric neutral charge;
  • They can be used even for silicate coatings;
  • Compatible with latex acrylic and mineral paints;
  • It can be used almost on all types of mineral bases, passing carbon dioxide.

2. Silicate paint

It is manufactured on the basis of potassium liquid glass. It does not form a protective film and remarkably misses moisture, which allows it to apply it on buildings facades that are isolated by foam. Also silicate paints are often used for waterproof and durable painting indoors.

Basic properties:

  • It has excellent light resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • It can be applied to lime bases, thereby increasing the stability of the facade coating from the unfavorable conditions of the external environment;
  • has increased vapor permeability;
  • are optimal for painting walls that are susceptible to increased moisture exposure from the inside;
  • Do not support the formation and development of microorganisms.

3. Acrylic paint

This kind of paint is the most affordable and popular. Its base is acrylic resin.
It is simply applied quite simply, it has water-repellent properties, resistant to washing and exposure to precipitation. The colors of acrylic facade paints have a bright palette and a variety. Their vapor permeability is not very high, but they are suitable for applying organic and mineral bases. Exception - silicate and limestones.

Painting house facade paint


Work with such types of paints should be pretty carefully. It is necessary to apply them only at temperatures from + 5 ° C and more, otherwise the material will lose all useful properties. It is not recommended to use on sprinkled and shutting surfaces, as they first need to be preloaded and cleaned. After drying, all the colors have increased frost resistance, resistance to atmospheric precipitation, mechanical damage and temperature drops. If you follow the tips of the manufacturer on the product packaging, then the chosen paint and the result obtained will delight the eye.

How to choose facade paint


Since the external finish of your home has special specifics, then paint should be selected individually. For example, the facade alkyl and weather-resistant paint is used for concrete coatings, paint with anti-corrosion properties and protecting against moisture - for metal surfaces, waterproof - for wooden.

Before applying the material, it is necessary to carefully treat the surface. Walls must be cleaned, low fat and covered with fungicidal composition. As for the primer, it will be able to equalize the color in addition to increasing the adhesion.

Recommendations for the preparation of building staining:


  • When updating the previously painted facade, carefully follow the compatibility of the new and old coating;
  • If the wooden surface was not painted, it is originally necessary to cover it with its protective composition as impregnation and additional protection against harmful microorganisms;
  • Do not forget to prejudice the surface of 1-2 layers first;
  • Windows, doors and metal parts on the facade are painted after the main finish;
  • During painting, avoid direct sunshine to the surface;
  • Stucco should be painted after it is well dried;
  • To clean the surface from dust and dirt, you can use the shot blasting and sandblasting machine, an old brush or spatula;
  • If it rains on the street, then the color of the facade must be postponed.

Preparation of the basis for painting:

  • The facades that were previously stained should be cleaned from a fragile coating and dirt washing machine under pressure;
  • Next, it is necessary to restore the elements of decorative and plaster, which collapsed;
  • then the surface must be projected;
  • To paint a large area, you can use the roller, while the paint should be applied to a complete shelter into one layer;
  • Painting the surface should be moving from top to bottom.

Nuances of applying different types of paint:

1. If you decide to take advantage of the facade water-dispersion paint, which is based on polymer binders, thickeners, plasticizers, anti-corrosion additives and antiseptics, then apply it using a roller or a large brush. Any such paint can be applied to a moistened or dry surface.

2. Facade enamels (siliconorganic, polyacryl, epoxy, alkyd, oily) is better to apply the spray gun. If the material is rather thick, then it is necessary to dilute it to a certain consistency with the help of White spirit or solvent.

3. Oil colors are used for wooden facades. They are available 2 species:

  • in a popristy pasty;
  • In ready-to-use.

With the help of the first type, restoration works can be produced, and then, diluting the paint with solvent 646, it is applied with a spray, roller or brush on the facade.

4. Silicate paints are applied to a purified and low-fat surface. This type of material is used exclusively in dry warm weather.

5. Paints Silicone facade are applied to the surface with a roller or brush, as they have a viscous composition. They can cover the putty and plastered surface.

Famous manufacturers of facade LKM

Today, the top positions in the supply of LKMs on the domestic market belong to foreign firms, although among our companies also have manufacturers who produce decent products: CJSC Oliviest, Stroykomplekt, "Svyatozar", "Skim".

As for foreign manufacturers, paints from the Scandinavian countries are mainly represented in the Russian market:

  • Tikkurila Paints Oy (Finland) - causes maximum trust in consumers;


  • Akzo Nobel Deko Oy - Looking for paint for sadolin facades;


  • Beckers (Sweden) - together with Tikkurila, founded the production of the LKM VivaColor, which the Galle reconcose to carry out facade works.


At the same time, some manufacturers of this building materials (for example, Tikkurila) offer customers creating a facade or any other paint under the order. The consumer can choose a certain shade out of the gamma of the shades and specifically for it the company will make this product.

The paint for facades of buildings of the Deruf "Facade Super" is a special special development of a company that is highly resistant to temperature drops and burnout in the sun. The deruffy plant ensures that the appearance of the building will continue its freshness for 12 years.


Caparol Clean Concept® facade paint manufacturers argue that when using their LKMs, the facade surface will not be a sticky when exposed to moisture and the sun, and if there is a small contamination, it is flimsy without problems.

As for the facades, which contribute to the reproduction of fungus and algae, they must be sank. Caparol paints having biocidal additives can help: Caparol Amphibolin-W, Caparol Thermosan, Caparol Permasilan and Caparol Muresko-Premium.

Painting house of facade paint video:


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