Mosquito net on the balcony door

September 19. Useful advice Views 2138. Comments to the record mosquito net on the balcony door No

In the warm season, when the need arises to constantly ventilate the room, keeping the balcony door in the open state, many face such a problem as the fight against insects. The best and easiest solution can be a mosquito net that can protect your home not only from insects, but also from poplar fluff, stray animals, birds, rodents, etc. What does the mosquito net represent on the balcony door, what happens to how and how to choose it? - These are the questions about which we will talk about.

The main advantages of mosquito nets

Undoubtedly, mankind is very lucky with such a needed device as a mosquito net. She is able to give the very comfort to which we all strive. By installing a mosquito net in your home, you can forget about the rapid insects, fumigators and other chemistry, and just enjoy the fresh air.


With that, on this advantage of mosquito nets do not end, among them you can call the following:

  • simplicity and convenience in operation. Mosquito nets are easily installed and, if necessary, you can also easily remove to wash. For washing, a soap solution and a sponge are used;
  • mosquito nets have aesthetically attractive appearance, which in no way spoil the design of the room;
  • such a grid due to the presence of small holes perfectly protects the room from rain drops, while it does not close the overview and prevents the free access of fresh air, like curtains or curtains;
  • the strength of the structure, the basis of which is an aluminum frame and a mesh of fiberglass, which is attached around the perimeter.


The grid is very resistant to the break and bending, and also does not fade into the sun;

  • the compact size of the mosquito net allows it to be stored without any problems anywhere.

Mosquito nets

Mosquito nets are quite diverse in their parameters. Today it is customary to allocate the following types of mosquito nets:

  • frame mosquito net is the most simple and most affordable design, which is ideal for protecting indoors from insects. It happens two types: removable, which is attached to corners located all over the perimeter of the window opening, and sliding. Frame mosquito nets are suitable for those cases when there is no constant need to open it. If the grid size is large enough, the in the middle of the aluminum frame is attached special crossbar for stiffness of the structure;


  • plunger grid is one of the varieties of a conventional frame mesh, which is not attached to the corner, and inserted directly into the window opening;
  • mosquito net with a fastening on tacket or velcro is the simplest design at which the mesh is fastened with a velcro or tape to the window. Its main advantages in ease of maintenance, installation and dismantling, convenience of storage, etc.

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This mesh is installed inside the window sash.

  • mosquito door is one of the most popular and convenient mesh options to the balcony, which is attached to the loop and can be opened inward either outside the typ of ordinary door. In the closed state, the doors are fixed with special magnets. For a comfortable opening, such a design has a special handle;

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  • rolled mosquito net appeared on the market of this product not so long ago. It is significantly different from the already familiar mosquito nets. Its design consists of a guide profile, a mesh roll and a transverse strip with handles. The principle of using such a grid is similar to roles. The rolled rolled grid in the open state hides in a special box, which is located above the doorway. This design is ideal for large doorways when installing a standard grid is impossible. For example, it can be mounted throughout the example of a balcony, loggia or arbor. Its main drawback is a big value and low level of light transmittance during the daytime;


  • mesh-Plears - the principle of operation of such a design something resembles a rolled mosquito net with the only difference in the fact that the direction of movement of the grid is not vertical, as in the previous embodiment, and horizontal. The grid folds into the so-called harmonica and has a rather original appearance. Very often, the designers are decorated with a variety of decorative elements or experiment with the color gamut of the canvas. It is ideal for big window openings.


Features of the mosquito net on the balcony door

  • Before installing the mosquito net, it is necessary to measure the window opening in advance. This is done with an open window from the outside and close to the window frame.
  • Next is the method of fastening a mosquito net, which depends on the location of the grid and the design features of the window.
  • After that, you can prepare the necessary tools and materials: screwdriver, self-tapping screws, loops, climbing mechanism, magnets, etc.
  • To mount the mosquito net to the balcony door, first we plan the locations of the hinge attachment, after which they fix them to the window profile with the help of the manufacturer of self-tapping screws.
  • Then we insert into the loop mosquito net and fix the clamping mechanism.
  • The final stage is the installation of pressed magnets that are attached to the profile using self-tapping screws.

Installing a mosquito net.


More detailed about the installation of mosquito net can be found in the video:

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