Praying the base right. Instructions for staining the base with their own hands

February 27. Useful advice, Plot. Views 604. Comments To write the base the base is correct. Instructions for staining the base with their own hands No

The foundation base is often more than the attention of people, since often the height of this element is quite large. Therefore, many owners try to do everything possible so that the base is attractive. Practice shows that a serious approach to this case has a positive effect on the perception of the site as a whole. Fortunately, there are many variants of decorative design of the top of the foundation, starting using tiles, panels and numerous new finishing resources, and ending with a whitewash or painting.

It is about the latest version that we will talk in more detail in this article. The use of paint is always simple and, most importantly, tastefully. Despite this, there are a number of interesting details for which you need to pay attention to when painting the base. If everything is simple to do, then it is impossible to exclude the problem points associated with the continued operation of the structure. The usual paint for the base is unambiguously suitable, so this question must be analyzed from different sides.

Need to paint the base

First of all, the painting of the base of the foundation is needed not only so that this part of the structure looks more attractive. In fact, there are quite a few negative factors on the base, which can still destroy the design after a while. We are talking about chemical, mechanical and atmospheric effects. Obviously, all these factors cannot act simultaneously, and at one moment the base will not be unsuitable for operation, but the long lack of solving this problem may be something catastrophic for the entire construction.

If damage appears on the foundation basement, then after a while the absorption of saline solutions will begin, as well as water to the foundation. It is not difficult to guess what can happen further. Unfortunately, this trend can even become invisible to the owners, but at one point the construction may be in disregard.

It is especially important to resort to the protection of the foundation in the event that the construction is in the climatic zone, where there are prolonged freezers. This is a situation that creates the most unfavorable situation for most construction objects, even if there is a full protection of the foundation.

Selection of paint for socle

Again, when it comes to painting the basement basement, then first of all it is necessary to consider the protection of this site. Therefore, the external component here goes to the background, and often the hosts and at all do not take attention to the decorative aspect too seriously.

  • As part of the city, the foundations are often covered with acrylic primers, paints on solvents. In practice, such solutions are most practical, since the surface with such a situation is sustainable to the most aggressive environment. Water, salts and petroleum products will not be able to affect the state of the foundation. The so-called "breathable" materials are the best choice when interacting with moisture, as the pair that accumulates, easily passes and does not create any problems during operation. It is also important to note that the above coatings are quite easily self-depleted from the effects of water-soluble contaminants. Washing occurs with precipitation or simply wind.
  • There are environmentally friendly areas that require the use of other coatings for the base. Most often it is surfaces that are distinguished by porosity. In this case, it is advisable to use water-dispersion primers and acrylic paints, silicone-modified coatings. You also need to choose some equilibrium between durable material and breathable.
  • Sometimes it also happens that salts come out of the foundation, this indicates the need to use insulating primer. Directly the type of paint here practically does not play any role.

Use and types of paints for base

For coating the base, various paints are used, and here you need to remember that each type of material has its advantages and disadvantages.

The choice between smooth and texture paints should be based only on personal preferences. Practice shows that excellent adhesion excellent indicator, due to which the paint surface is capable of demonstrating long durability.

If you have chosen a matte paint, then it will be the best way to reflect the sunlight, which, in turn, will hide insignificant surface defects.

  • Water-dispersion paint. This material is a good choice for the reason that it easily opposes any problems created by nature. It is precipitation, and low temperatures, and strong wind. It is confident to say that this paint is characterized by some versatility, therefore it is suitable for any bases.
  • Water soluble paints. Here we are talking about water dispersions, as well as about various emulsions of synthetic resins. These are silicone, latex, acrylic and many other paints. Most often, the above types of paints are easily distinguished by reliable protection against various chemical impacts, and often it turns out to be more than useful in industrial city. The wind, unfortunately, can also create a lot of problems, due to which an attractive decorative coating quickly becomes non-primable. In the case of water-soluble paints, this is rare. Well, here I would also like to say that water-soluble paints are widely used and when repairing indoors, since the product itself is characterized by safety.
  • Organic paints. These are alkyd and polyurethane coatings, thanks to which we get a durable and reliable coating.

Preparation and painting of the base

  1. It all starts with plastering the surface, which is performed in the same way as with any other repair work. You need to try to align the surface and make it presentable. After plastering, approximately 15 days must pass before performing any other actions.
  2. The surface must be clean and dry. Any contamination needs to be removed, and any means for cleaning can be used before the main painting. Cement Milk, Flash and other problem areas also need immediate cleaning actions.
  3. Old paint layers are also removed. You can paint over the old coating, but there is no guarantee that in the end the base for a long time will remain in the same condition. The surface is primer, the choice of the type of which depends on the roughness of the base. From putty should be abandoned, since it may be a detachment that creates a lot of problems in the future.
  4. As for the paint itself, its application occurs with a brush or roller. If the surface is too large, then it is advisable to use the paintopult. A lot of attention should be paid to weather conditions, during which the main part of the work is carried out. It is recommended to carry out work at temperatures from -15 to +25 degrees for paints, which are based on solvents, and from +5 to +30 degrees - for water colors. If the weather is hot and sunny, then apply paint recommended in the shade. An important is uniform painting so that one color and saturation aster with the surface as a result.

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