How to paint plaster

October 19. Repair and construction work Views 3499. Comments to record how to paint plaster No

As you know, the process of painting plaster is the last stage of the surface finish. Obviously, it depends on how much the wall will look like. It is most important to understand that painting plaster will help create a special design interior in the room, as well as protect the surface from external influences. Drops of temperature and moisture negatively affect the wall condition. Painting in white color eliminates the walls from significantly heating the room, which is very important in industrial conditions. Also, the white color of the wall allows you to save money for the purchase of air conditioners and other devices that form a microclimate indoor.


From these aspects it becomes obvious that the painting of plaster has many positive moments. However, it is necessary to understand that without specific tips and instructions of an excellent result, it is hardly worth expecting.



Choosing color plaster


Before using the plaster, you should seriously think about the color solutions of the material itself. If you are aimed to use white plaster, you can proceed to the process without extra decelerations. If you want to use some other color or several shades at once, it is worth understanding that after applying the color will be a little lighter. For the optimal result, a caloring element should be purchased in the same store where plaster was purchased.

It should also be understood that some types of plasters do not support painting, so during the purchase you need to carefully study the acquired material. Most often, interior and facade paints are applied to the plaster. It all depends on where a specific surface is applied. White plaster is the best suitable for applying paints.


Features of painting decorative plaster


In fact, the process of painting decorative plaster is quite simple, but includes several serious factors that significantly affect the final result.

  • It should be understood that to start painting the walls follows only after all other operations with the plaster are completed, and the surface is dried. After applying plaster, experts advise to wait at least a day. Otherwise, the surface can be significantly deformed and lose its presentable appearance. It is advisable to wait two days. In this case, the paint layer will deteriorate in the best way with plaster.
  • If immediately after laying the plaster crepts, it should be understood that without the use of colorless primer it is not to do here. After the primer dries, you can start the process of painting the wall. Of course, you need to make sure that the plaster is no longer creaked. Most often, such negative phenomena take place in cases where cement mortar is too low quality.


Before the process of color, you need to take care that the entire scope of work is as convenient and practical. To do this, there are some devices without which no professional is starting to work.


  • For maximum convenience, rollers use, to apply one pleasure to paint. At the same time, a tray should be purchased, which will make it easy to apply to the paint tool. Also, this element of construction works contributes to the qualitative application of the material on the wall.
  • Such a tray should have special spikes on the edge. They allow us to remove extra paint volumes from the roller. Thus, we avoid using excess paints, from which items appear.
  • If you decide to use a classic brush for painting, you need to fix the thread on a bucket with paint that helped get rid of extra material volumes.


The main process of painting plaster


Immediately before the painting walls, you should close the floor, furniture and shoals of doorways from paint. This is done with the help of concerning material. If the repair work occurs on the street, then you should only be attentive as possible to prevent paints to the windows or track.


  • For maximum simplicity, use the method of applying paint "into one approach". In this case, with the help of a roller in a short period of time, paint is applied to the entire surface of plaster, including various protrusions and recesses. Also too, it is also not necessary, otherwise you can get a completely high-quality paint layer.
  • Nowadays, more and more often use the stucco painting method. Its essence is to use different colors of paint. Thus, you can allocate all the same protrusions and recesses. You can also create an original drawing, however, this process will take a lot of time and a lot of strength. After applying the paint one color you need to wait a few hours. Then you can apply another color.
  • Also, experts advise first to paint the walls in white, and then work on obtaining one or another shade. The process itself is very complicated, so people are most often resorted to the help of specialists.


After the paint is driving, you can begin the finishing stage of our work. To do this, it will take a layer of protective varnish on the surface of the painted wall Nm. Such a step will allow not only to prevent wear of the external layer of plaster, but also create a more solid appearance of the wall.


It should also be noted that the positive ceilings are best painted with acrylic paint. This is due to the fact that acrylic materials are perfectly adapted to their use on different surfaces. This ensures that the paint layer will last for many years. In addition, acrylic paint does not crack, as it is calmly withstands the temperature differences and other external influences. Many people make a choice in favor of acrylic paint for more than the reason that after the process of applying the layer of paint is always one shade. Thus, you can not be afraid to apply more paints than usual.


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