How to plaster with cement mortar

September 19. Walls and partitions Views 2219. Comments To record how to plaster with cement mortar No

Surely everyone understands that shuttering of walls by cement mortar is a classic of construction. Despite the general simplicity of this process, many often have questions. Obviously, the technology implies a clear execution of all necessary actions, otherwise we ultimately get a not quite expected result.


Wall Preparation Process


If the wall has just been erected, it is not required to special preparation of its surface. The most important thing is to check the moisture content of the masonry. If the wall is humid enough, then you can begin the process of applying a cement solution. If dry - you need to richly moisten the surface. Also, an important point of action in front of the plaster of walls with cement mortar is the flatness of the surface. If the bricks protrude a little, they should be cut by an ax. A perfectly smooth surface is not a mandatory factor, however such a step will significantly simplify the process of applying plaster.

Where the situation is more serious when facing brick is used. Just to apply a cement solution to it will not work. Most often in this case, it is equipped with a crate on which you can fix everything without any problems. If the desired section of the wall is relatively small, you can try to apply construction glue on it and after a day try to shook the cement. A plaster grid is also often used, which, according to experts, is the best option.

The same situation and in the case of concrete blocks. When applied to them cement, the solution simply slides down. You can apply to the surface of the primer, and then the thinnest layer of tiled glue. As in the past case, it is possible to install a grid that will make it easier to apply the solution.

If we need to plastering the cylinder walls with cement mortar, it is sufficient to richly moisten the surface. For additional reliability, you can also apply the grid.

In the case of plasterboard, everything is quite simple. Often it is enough to treat the surface of the primer. The same situation is also with wooden walls, but you can use the grid.

If the wall surface has serious recesses, they should be rid of them. To do this, you can use the same cement solution. It is also desirable to treat the surface of the primer before it.

If there is already plaster on the wall, and there is a need to remove it, it is best to remove the material using an ax or perforator. Starting old stucco will be with all layers. If the plaster is not one ten years old, it will not be easy to remove it. Definitely, it will have to work exclusively by the perforator. If there is a layer of old paint on the wall - it is necessary to get rid of it. This process is extremely long and is made using a sharp ax. Obviously, it is necessary to stand paint without leaving from it and traces.


Installation of reinforcing grid


As it became clear a little earlier, the plaster of the walls cement mortar is most often produced on the surface of the reinforcing grid. This material allows the layer of plaster as strong as possible and reliable. Also, the grid allows for the cracks and other deformations of the cement mortar.

When choosing a grid, it is very important to pay attention whether the material has anti-corrosion quality. The mounting of the reinforcing material occurs by drivening into the wall of metal dowels. Often, the placement of fasteners occurs in a checker order. The distance between the elements should be in the area of \u200b\u200b50 cm. To cut off the excess part of the mesh using conventional scissors.

Installing the mesh occurs from the bottom of the surface. Dowels are installed in advance, so when the material is arranged, it is necessary not to skip a single fastening. If the grid is not holistic, it is necessary to connect its parts in one place. Again, the role of the attachment will perform a dowel. The connecting parts of the reinforcing materials will be attached to one fasteners all over height.


The specificity of the arrangement of Mayakov


As you know, lighthouses in such construction works are served to determine the required level of the layer so that in the end we had a smooth surface. A variety of lighthouses is really impressive. It may be not only metal strips, but also wood bars. However, it is best to use metal profiles that are simply and securely attached to the wall surface. The choice of lighthouses depends on which layer of plaster we need. The greater the layer - the greater the metal profile.

Installation of beacons occurs vertically the surface of the wall. Small points from the cement mortar or from tile glue or putty are applied. Lighthouses are attached to these places. Align the lighthouse with a level. If the length of this tool is insufficient, you can use the rule, applying it to the profile, and the level is placed on top.

You can also drill holes and secure profiles using wooden shoulders. To ensure even the location of metal elements, you can use the construction thread, which will indicate all irregularities. After installing the shoulders, you can apply a cement solution to the necessary locations and ensure reliable fastening of profiles. It is also possible to smooth the position of these metal elements with the help of a blue.

Before starting plaster, the entire cement applied to the wall should capture and harden.

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Wall shocking process

First you need to prepare a solution. The ratio of sand and cement directly depends on the material brand. Often the manufacturer indicates the packaging of its products the necessary data. It is not necessary to guess the necessary ratio. This can lead to scattering or cracking cement in a couple of days after plastering.

If the volume of work is too big, there is a need to use the concrete mixer. This is a truly comfortable device that greatly simplifies the process of kneading the solution. You can also make this procedure in some large capacity, for example, in the old bathroom. The solution should not be liquid, but not very thick.

Next, we need to sketch the solution on the surface of the wall. It is best to do it with a small bucket. Throw cement mortar must be reduced up. Perform such manipulations must be performed until the cement layer is at the level of metal profiles. Next, go to work as a rule to remove all irregularities.

To effectively align the surface, it is necessary to pull the rule from the bottom up. Metal profiles in this case will be very useful. Small recesses on the surface should be filled with a solution with a trowel.


The final stage of shuttering


The last stage is to grout surface. It is necessary to start it when the solution has been practically frozen. It is best to use a clutter board. The process consists in circular motions of the board until the surface becomes smooth.

If there has been some time after the solution of the solution, you can simply drop the surface with water and again, as mentioned earlier, to produce a grout. It is advisable not to miss the slightest area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, because during the process you can find small cracks and flaws, and immediately close them by the remaining solution.


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