Decoration of walls with lining with their own hands

September 19. Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 2238. Comments To write wall decoration with your own hands No

Everyone knows that wood is the best building material that has an unlimited number of positive parties. The tree is especially valued as a finishing material. Of course, now it is easy to purchase a variety of plastic panels, but nothing will replace the wood. The lining has already been actively used as a finishing material, which practically does not have drawbacks.

Features of wood material


If we are talking about finishing the walls with a clapboard, then you should know that this material is made from different wood breeds. Thus, there are various external options for lining, as well as strength. Obviously, we are talking about oak finish, which will serve the owners exactly as many years as needed. Often acquire the lining of pine, ash and ate.

Quite often, people prefer finishing the walls by plastic clapboard. This material is much cheaper than wood, and also has a phenomenal number of design options. Thanks to its practicality, it is not sorry to damage him, and the replacement takes place as simple as possible. As for the installation of the lining, it will not be easier to find anything easier in construction work. Even those who have no minimum experience will be able to cope with the material arrancy.


Features of choosing clapboard


The choice of lining should be done on the basis of the overall design solution of the dwelling. The color, structure of the material, its dimensions - all this has a tremendous value. "Extra" grade lining has many resin pockets, traces of bitch and other traces of processing. In some cases, such an appearance of the material is quite easily fits into the interior. Despite this, often people prefer the variety "A" and "B", on which there are no mechanical damage to the wood. Traces from bitch are present, but their minimum.

The structure of the material primarily depends on the tree breed. The most solid appearance has a lining from the Canadian cedar. It can have a dark and bright color, as well as a chic structure that perfectly fit into any residential interior. It is also worth knowing that cedar is an antiseptic. The material has a positive effect on the health of people who have heart problems. Cedar essential oils have a positive effect on the human nervous system. The fragrance of wood is also wonderful. This option is perfect for a private house.

There is also lining from the Siberian cedar, which has a stunning structure. Almost every tree has its original "clearance", but only units are able to hit people with chic patterns, which immediately falls eyes.

For those who do not like the structure of the wood, you can make a choice in favor of linden lining. This wood breed has a pleasant bright color and a practically imperceptible structure.


Despite all the features of the above wood breeds, most often people acquire pine lining. This option has a good appearance, and most importantly - low price. In addition, pine is incredibly hardy and durable.

Plastic lining, unfortunately, has many flaws. Despite the versatility and the vastness of the choice, the plastic material is fairly easy to damage. It is no secret that there are more expensive kinds of such lining. In this case, the emptiness in the material is practically absent. However, it is worth understanding that the cost of this option is quite high, so again you should pay attention to the woody material.

The so-called Eurovantia is based on certain sizes. The material thickness must be 13, 16 or 19 mm. Length from 500 mm to 6000 mm. The width of the Euro woman may be 80, 100, 110 or 120 mm. The classic Russian lining also has a standard that is regulated according to GOST 8242-88. Such standardization greatly simplifies the process of finishing the walls with their own hands, because it is possible to easily calculate the amount of material necessary and approximately evaluate its dimensions.


Equipment for living housing


Despite the general simplicity of the process, the decoration of walls with wooden and plastic lining requires a lot of tools and devices. Below is a list of funds that we need.

  1. The perforator that is necessary to do the holes for the dowels.
  2. Saw or hacksaw will need for sawing too long units of material. It is advisable to acquire a lining that would most approached the finishing area in size.
  3. The need for the level line is regular measurements of the surface of the wall surface. Obviously, this aspect is incredibly important at any construction events.
  4. Fasteners, which include nails and special stamps.
  5. Plaster plumb. This is a loader suspended on the thread.
  6. Mounting thread.
  7. Building stapler and staples, if the installation is made without nails and stamps.
  8. Woodbru will help to easily install a frame mesh. The length of this tool depends on the size of the future sheat.
  9. Insulating materials. It can be mineral wool. There is no need for insulation.
  10. Suspensions for metal profile.


Main preparatory activities

If you have purchased eurogram, it is necessary to carry out additional processing of the material. It consists in desonying the surface. To do this, we will need to apply a 25% acetone solution on the lining with a tassel. After this process, the surface of the material must be wiped with a rag. Next, the material must dry for some time. Many specialists advise the hydrogen peroxide to the surface of the lining to emphasize the original structure of the wood.

It is also possible to achieve another shade of wood if necessary. To do this, you can visit the construction store and pay attention to special dyes. Often, these are simulators made on the basis of organic solvents. Despite this, it is best to immediately choose the necessary wood with a particular color composition. There are also extremely simple ways of painting lining. For example, to obtain a red-brown color, you can handle the material with a decoction based on the ion husk. There are quite a lot of similar dyes.


The process of plating walls


Before finishing the walls with clapboard, it should be placed the entire volume of material into the room where the repair process will occur, for two days. While the material will lie down, he will change his shape slightly, so there will be no problems during the walls of the walls. Before the start of work, it is also necessary to remove all sockets and switches.

Fastening the wallboard is best done on special planks, which, in turn, join the wall of the Dowels. Planks are horizontally and throughout the perimeter of the walls. The distance between these elements should be in the area of \u200b\u200b50 cm. From the ceiling and the plinth must be an indent of the planks. The bottom plank is equipped with special pegs that will serve as the simplest pattern to install the plinth.

In the event that the first unit of material does not match the wall shape, the plans should be used. Sleeping the desired volume of wood, the lining must be perfect. Often the lining is attached to the plars with nails. Specialists advise use nails without hats. Often you can meet on the material and metal clamps. With their help, you can easily attach the lining both with nails and brackets using a building stapler.

Material grooves are pretty simple. To attach another piece of lining, you should use the Cyanka. This tool can simply and most close the material.

Now it is necessary to equip corners that will hide all the flaws and corners of the lining. You can still before the process of the trim, to nourish the corners to wooden planks, and then start the arrangement. In such cases, it is best to install three corners, and on the right to install. Following the last lane, the label can also be installed.


Also, it is also often an arrangement of the wall of the walls occurs after the installation of all corners. This imposes some inconvenience, but in this case you can easily bend the right corner with a wide spatula and start the arrangement of the clapboard.

After successful installation, you can begin processing the material. Often this process takes place before arranging the wall, but equipping the wall with the wall, it will be possible to fully appreciate the appearance of the room.

Quite often, the lining is sold without additional surface treatment. If this is true, then we will need to apply two layers of varnish on the material. After the first one should wait two days and process the surface with a shallow eye. This will make rid of the daridity.

If there are sockets and switches on the wall, it is advisable to take care of their arrangement in advance. At a time when laying of cladding strips occurs, you can make all the measurements and the appropriate circles can be cut into the necessary locations. If the material is too narrow, you can simply cut the desired piece of clapboard, sharing the band by 2 parts. However, it is important that both bands can mostly secure on the wall. If for a socket or switches you need to spend only wires, sufficient drill to drill holes. In this case, the rosette itself or switch will have to be installed directly on the material using glue or some special mounting.

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