Single-level attic of wood with your own hands: Step-by-step construction instructions

March 22. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 672. Comments To write a single-level attic of a tree with your own hands: Step-by-step construction instructions No

Attic is the best way that can be used to expand the residential part or creating a holiday destination for guests in the house. It can be built itself. If you clearly follow the instructions, there will be no problems in the process.

Single-level attic of wood with their own hands. Roof of mansardes

There are several varieties of single-level attic roofs. All of them are distinguished by the complexity of the designs. Roof data to build easiest, because No need to make up too complex projects, producing many calculations, to make a lot of effort. Before starting construction, it is necessary to determine the view of the attic.

Single-level attic of wood - Types of roofs and their differences

  1. Non-level attic made on a bartal roof. It is pretty easy to build it, it is quite sufficient practicality. All because this design does not collect precipitation, thanks to which the wood does not deteriorate. But she has one significant disadvantage - low ceilings. Sometimes they can bring discomfort.
  2. Mansard, built on the roof of a broken type. This design is more compared to the previous one. In this case, the roof is already of four, not two planes. Despite the fact that build this type of attic is very difficult, it will make the resulting room more similar to a real room with even vertically located walls.
  3. Roof with remote consoles. This design is considered the most difficult of all. If you use this project, then with one of the parties you can get sufficiently smooth window openings and a rather big canopy. It is formed from the opposite side due to the large plane of the scoop type. As a result, it turns out a slightly displaced roof, which is often completed by a garage or a summer terrace.

Types of designs of single-level attic of wood and calculation rules

  1. Before making the final choice of the Mansard Project, you need to analyze the calculation of future construction work. It is important to pay attention to the loads that will be on the overlap. Attic must comply with all design and operational parameters.
  2. So that the attic can be calmly moving around, during construction the highest point is set at an altitude, which should exceed 2.5 m.
  3. We need to take into account the walls. They can be different in shape:
  • oblique;
  • straight.
  1. Depending on which of them was selected, the type of roof is selected. Of course, the design with straight walls is more convenient, their finish will be made much easier, compared with inclined.
  2. The construction of an attic roof provides a special approach. All due to the fact that it will be subject not only to external, but also internal influences. In insulation layers, condensates can begin to accumulate, so heat and vaporizolation need to pay more attention. The development of the ventilation system can also cause certain difficulties, because it must comply with all the requirements.

House with single-level attic: features

  1. The construction of each house begins with styling the foundation. This already takes into account the load on it, calculated on the basis of the mass of the building.
  2. Not always the attic is brought to a common project, to which must be investigated. In such cases, you can not use heavy materials for its construction. It is recommended to use a tree.
  3. This material is fairly easy to work with and it is not so hard. Otherwise, the attic can damage the building.
  4. Most often, the attic are built on the one-story houses in order to expand the living space, because it is much easier to build than an additional floor.
  5. The basic elements of any attic are:
  • roofing system;
  • lathing wood, which is used for fixing the roof;
  • run ridge (roof part, which produces stykovanie trusses);
  • hanging, inclined rafter beam type which form a truss system;
  • timber, made of wood, which is attached to the walls of the building from the outside around the perimeter, it is used for fastening of roof beams and is called mauerlat;
  • slants: they serve to connect the vertically arranged buildings, lying lengthwise beams, trusses, which are intended to reinforce the structure;
  • support system, located on the inner side, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the building;
  • cake for insulation: it is composed of materials that provide steam, hydro and sound insulation, thermal insulation fulfills the function, use it to create an excellent indoor climate.

How to plan a project of the attic of wood: photo

Today, the network has a huge variety of lofts projects, which greatly facilitates the process of building. They can be taken as a basis for future construction. The finished project can be completely copied or slightly altered. Since the project can be found for almost any home, people usually choose the first option, because it is much easier. Photos will greatly help in building construction, as It will be able to clearly view what needs to happen in the end.

Projects of houses with single-level loft

  1. On the Internet you can find a variety of different building projects, equipped with attics. They can be viewed both in the construction of the house from the ground up, and for the extension of the attic only.
  2. You can choose a ready-made project that will greatly facilitate the work, and can be viewed on the basis of options put together your own.
  3. The second solution would be more appropriate if the attic is attached to a finished building. It should also take into account the features of the existing buildings to during the construction and operation does not have a problem.
  4. The easiest project is the roof having a triangle shape and rectilinear outlines.
  5. When drawing up a mansard project, you need to pay attention to the fact that the design is combined with the design house, architectural parameters, dimensions, forms of premises.
  6. It is also necessary to take into account the formation of sidewalls that can be completely unsuitable for housing. It is necessary to design everything so that they can be applicable for something, for example, for pantry.

A project of a single-storey house with an attic

  1. Quite often single-storey houses are designed with attic. This option is the most common.
  2. It is not difficult to find such a project on the network, but you can do it yourself. The main thing is to correctly fulfill all the calculations so that the attic is not too low.
  3. Please note: on the area, the attic room should be at least 7 sq.m., and in width - more than 4.5 m. The height and area of \u200b\u200bthe floor should relate as 1: 2.
  4. Most often, the attic of a single-level type is constructed from wood. Such structures differ not only to durability, but also durability. The construction process should be carried out in a strict sequence so that the attic is high-quality.

Wooden attic: construction

  1. To begin the construction of the attic is necessary from the attachment installed throughout the external perimeter of the walls of the building of Mauerlat. The best material will be a timber bar of 10x10. It must be bonded by twists that are attached to the wall masonry.
  2. Next is the framework. To create vertically located racks, you can apply a woody bar, which has the same section, as well as with longitudinally lying beams. Vertical racks need to be fixed in each of the corners of the room and place in the intervals of the bars. Between them, the distance should be no more than 2 m. All wooden parts must be fixed using self-samples and metal parts.
  3. With the help of a wooden jumper, the entire design is fixed. It tightens all the vertical top-level beams than ensures the reliability of the design. During this process, it is recommended to use the construction cord. It will help control the geometric shape of the structure.
  4. To the built frame you need to attach rafal beams. To this end, it is necessary to cut a bar to the desired length, and at the bottom of making a groove to get a better consolidation of the bar on Mauerlat.
  5. The next stage is the installation of the most upper beams. It is very important to maintain the magnitudes of all angles and make a centering properly. This part is considered the most difficult during the construction of the attic.
  6. After fixing the rafter beams, you need to put a vaporizolilian layer. The cutter will then come to him.
  7. Next, you can go to the arrangement of isolation pie cake. On the inner side of the rafter beams is laid out a layer of vaporizo-oscil material. It is fixed with the help of construction bracket or scotch. Wooden attic must necessarily insulate. The insulation layer must be fixed on the inside of the crate. It is best to use a step equal to 50 cm.
  8. The crate is also superimposed by a layer of waterproofing material. It will protect the tree from the effects of moisture. Next, you can go to the installation of the roof.
  9. Then the arrangement is carried out.
  10. Please note that when forming the side walls of the attic, it is necessary to take into account window openings, because the arrangement will begin with the insertion of windows and doors. If the attic has bevelled walls, then the window openings are best placed on them. Modular furniture will be the best choice for arranging the room.

Frame mansard

If this design is constructed from a tree and has a frame structure, then the main stages of its construction will be such:

  • constructing a frame system;
  • connection of the end walls;
  • coating walls under the insulating layer;
  • installation of the roof;
  • the creation of the insulation layer on both sides of the roof;
  • imposition of roofing material;
  • performing interior decoration of the room.

Country mansard

  1. Independently attic is completed at the country house. Since it is not used as a permanent residence, it will be much easier to arrange it.
  2. Most often in the country, it is used only as an extra room for overnight stays. Therefore, the design can be chosen as the same in which the rest of the house is designed. What it is easier, the better.
  3. If the cottage is a permanent residence, then the attic can also be equipped with a fireplace.

Design single-level attic: recommendations

  1. The attic can be adapted for different types of premises, so it can be issued differently. Most often it is used as a bedroom. If it is large in size, the bedroom can even be double.
  2. Mansard walls can be placed by wallpaper. In this case, for the beds it will be necessary to choose the bedspreads that will be well combined with them. Accordingly, you can select the curtains performed in the same style on the window, and lay a carpet to the floor. In this case, you can adhere to the standard rules used to design a regular room.
  3. If the walls are not glued on the walls, then all the elements of the interior should be well combined with wood. The design option can be applied any, the main thing is that all the elements are harmonized with each other. Because Mansard can not be too big, it is best to choose registration in calm and light colors.
  4. You can add several additional light sources and arrange them in the same style as the room itself.
  5. In the room you can make a built-in wardrobe and arrange it in woody style. This option wardrobe will save a lot of rooms in the room.
  6. When making attic it is recommended to use a simple rule: if the top is decorated in light colors, then the bottom is better to arrange in the dark.
  7. If the attic is equipped with a living room, then the design of the room becomes much easier. The main thing is that the situation is cozy. For such a room, it is best to choose pastel shades. The best solution will be the choice of cream, white and brown tones.
  8. It is recommended to pay attention to Styles: Country, Minimalism, Provence.
  9. When selecting the style of the room, you must definitely pay attention to the windows that were delivered. Not each of the styles can become suitable depending on the shape and magnitude of the window openings, their design.

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