Self-cycle parquet - Parquet's cycle do it yourself

December 8. Interior decoration Views 2503. Comments To record independent cyclical parquet - Parquet's cycle do it yourself No

Parquet floors require regular care. In addition to regular treatment with special solutions that give an updated attractive appearance and additional protection against destruction, restoration work is required. The required amount of restoration is determined by the degree of load, the duration of the absence of cosmetic repairs and the quality of the source material.

Types of damage to parquet

The sequence of the process of cycle and restoration of the parquet directly depends on the degree and type of damage. There are several basic problems that may arise with a parquet coating. shlifovki-Parketa-Kiev-Do

Here are their list:

  • skill surface
  • the appearance of scratches and stripes
  • the emergence of irregularities
  • wear
  • the appearance of cracks, chips
  • outlooking parquet planks
  • destruction of individual boards
  • swift from moisture
  • floor creaking.


Important! Not for all types of damage you can immediately apply the cyclovka method. In the event of the problems of the first four items, it is advisable, and to correct all other types of damage it will take repair and parquet.

What is the floor cycle?

The cycling process is sometimes confused or equal to grinding. Nevertheless, these two processes are similar, but have distinctive technical nuances. 1-Shlifovka-Parketa

The essence of grinding and the cyclove of the old parquet is cutting the upper layer of wood with subsequent surface treatment.

Important! In the process of cycling, not only the lacquer and the upper wood is considered, and all sorts of contaminants are removed, and the overall surface of the floor is leveled.


Basic distinction of grinding and cycles

When cycling, blades are used with greater widths, due to which the result of the work is a coarser surface that requires subsequent grout.

Grinding is more cosmetic character due to the removal of a smaller layer of wood. In this way, the surface is cleaned. 100571419_2_644x461_ukladkatsiklevkashlifovka-parketa-i-doski-fotografii_rev012

Is it possible to perform a parquet of parquet yourself?

This process is not particularly difficult, but requires compliance with the conditions of technology. Therefore, you can easily perform it simple enough.

How to make a parquet cycle?

You can perform all the work manually, which will be very economical.

Important! Consider in this case that the whole process will be time consuming and will take a long time. 1370012713_1366477568_The-Parquet-Planers-1876                                               

The second method is automated. In this case, you will need to apply special equipment. Regarding the time and cost of energy it is simplified and accelerated.

Important! Despite the seeming ease of processing process with the help of a special machine, technology development will be required. Otherwise, the result will not correspond to expectations. In addition, this method is more expensive. But, the killed parquet is still better to perform on this technology. 03

Below are described in detail both methods.

How often can cycle cycling?

It should be noted in advance that the update and restore the parquet flooring manner Cycler can not be infinite.

The main criterion is the limit wood: soft varieties recommended frequency of application is much less than for solid.

thickness parquet block parameters are also included:

  • at bars in sizes of 15 mm is allowed 5 times with the use of cycler
  • when using thin flooring, the thickness of which does not exceed 8 mm, the recommended quantity for the time of operation - 3 times.

Manual method Cycler


Execution of all the works in this way involves the use of construction tools required for surface treatment, but without the use of technology.

For sanding and varnishing of parquet, prepare the following set of tools:

  • hand scraping
  • different grit sandpaper (P150, P120, P100, P80, P60, P40) nazhdachnaya_bumaga
  • scissors
  • putty
  • varnish
  • bead
  • brush
  • spray
  • vacuum cleaner.

Important! When choosing a hand tool for sanding parquet pay attention to the product, the width of which does not exceed 5 cm, with a short handle. This scraper ensures operational efficiency with less power. What matters is the quality of the factory and sharpening knives: long operation will provide a bit of a rounded blade, sharpened at an angle of 35-40 degrees. 02259922

The sequence of processes sanding

  1. Preparatory work.
  2. Removing the old varnish and a top layer of wood.
  3. Grinding surface.
  4. Shpatlevanie parquet.
  5. Re-grinding the floor.
  6. Application of the protective layer.
  7. Drying. zhiklevka-parketa-3

Preliminary work for sanding and varnishing parquet

This process consists of several stages:

  1. Take out all of the room furniture.
  2. Perform repairs of those parts of the floor surface in need. big10
  3. Check that all the necessary materials to do the job.
  4. Remove the plinth. 02


  1. Spray water from a spray to reduce the amount of dust.
  2. Treat sequentially parquet strips, starting from the center of the room.
  3. Movement is carried out strictly in the direction of the fibers.
  4. Perform cycler backwards. ciklevka_parketa_svoimi_rukami6

    Important! Clearly observe the uniformity of performance. Do not move to the next section without finishing one particular band. Otherwise, the result will be an uneven cycler.

  5. Regularly through performance gather all the resulting debris with a vacuum cleaner.
  6. Grind the surface with sandpaper P40 or P60. 14597
  7. Check the parquet for the presence of gaps between the slats, slots.
  8. Zashpatlyuyte if found defects on the surface. 6617a02f35ad227f0a25c400dd1431b6
  9. Wait until dry.
  10. Perform additional grinding to level the surface.
  11. Install the plinth into place.

The coat after sanding parquet?

On how well you follow the completion depends on further appeal parquet flooring. Run finish in two ways - treated with oil or varnish.

Important! No matter which method you choose, get a high-quality material to prevent damage and cracking to the further surface.

Processing lacquered surfaces

Observe the following recommendations for the treatment of nail:

  1. Make sure to clean the surface.
  2. Apply a first thin layer of varnish using the roller or wide brush. lakirovka-500x332
  3. Wait until dry (usually this process takes 2-3 days).
  4. Grind the surface of fine-grained sandpaper P80.

    Important! The grinding process in this case enhances the adhesion between the layers of lacquer.

  5. Clean the surface from dust and dirt.
  6. Repeat 3-5 times varnishing procedure. kak-vybrat-lak-dlya-parketa-3
  7. For grinding using sandpaper with decreasing degree of abrasivity with each subsequent time (100-120-150).

Important! It is not recommended to apply the next layer earlier than 3-5 days. Bring furniture and start full operation is possible after 1-2 weeks.

Cycler using special equipment

How to save?

As already stipulated above, this method is less labor-intensive, but requires tangible financial investments. To reduce the cost of sanding parquet Take necessary for work equipment for rent. This approach will allow significant savings. oborudovanie-dlya-shlifovki

What is needed to do the job?

List of tools similar to the list of to do the work by hand, but more extensive, given the specificity of the technology:

  1. Drum grinder.

    Important! Ideally, it takes a few species - drum, tape, "Sapozhok" for finishing the hard to reach places, ploskoshlifovalnaja polishing. Acquisition of a full set of naturally if necessary performing one-time cycler irrationally. Therefore, here is a guide how to do one kind of technology - drum. tovar551-2

  2. Sandpaper of varying degrees of granularity from P40 to P150.

    Important! Calculating the number of follow based on the perceived need refilling after processing 20 m2. ribbon

  3. Cycle Manual. 00000026044_2837
  4. Scissors.
  5. Bulgarian. Bocsh 230_enl
  6. Powerful vacuum cleaner.
  7. Putty in the color of the parquet.
  8. Putty knife.
  9. Varnish. maxima_parket_enl
  10. Brush, roller for painting. mehovoi-velyurovyi-valiki-i-kisti-dlya-maslyanoi-kraski

The sequence of processes

All stages of work are similar to the method described above. The exception is the very cycler and grinding. Therefore, the technology set forth below these processes directly.

Important! In order to perform a parquet scraping dust when choosing a grinder pay attention to the quality of the dust bag - the power and the presence of good filters.



  1. Check the wiring in advance, whether it corresponds to the required level. Standard rate of electricity consumption grinding equipment - 1-2,2 kW / hour.
  2. Fill sander sandpaper P40.
  3. Expose drum width 200 mm.
  4. Turn on the engine.
  5. Start cycler, crawl along the perimeter walls.

    Important! Work is carried out not by strips and strips of at least 20 cm. ciklovka3

  6. Treat the surface grinder at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall.
  7. Repeat polishing in the same territory, but the direction of laying parquet planks.
  8. To change the next band drum width 100 mm.
  9. Replace abrasive material according to need.
  10. Repeat the process as long as the surface is flat.

    Important! Monitor the progress in the possible voltage drops and the engine. If the power is reduced, and therefore slowed and the number of revolutions - Switch off all electrical appliances with high energy consumption and adjust the pressure drum on the floor with a special screw.

  11. Use manual cycle or grinders to process hard surface if necessary. remont-parketa-2


  1. For the first sanding use sandpaper P80, P100.
  2. Pass over the surface grinder 2-3 times to completely remove excess filler and protrusions.
  3. Replace the abrasive P120-P150.
  4. Reduce the pressure drum.
  5. Perform processing by observing the direction along the wood fibers.
  6. Check the quality of the work performed. The surface should be smooth to the touch.

The final stage of the finishing work of the parquet floor is identical to the foregoing.


View the video to clearly understand the entire Restoration process of the parquet.

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