Repair of ceramic tiles on the floor. How to repair tiles with your own hands

March 22. Repair and construction work, Building materials Views 609. Comments To record repair ceramic tiles on the floor. How to repair tiles with your own hands No

Tile - coating durable and durable. But over time, even a tile laid on the floor may require replacement. On the surface there may be small cracks, barely noticeable and visible cracks and even chips. This is happening for various reasons: incorrect operation, not compliance with the rules of laying flooring, as well as due to the fact that the material was chosen inexpensive. Regardless of the reasons, if it is not possible to replace the old tile completely, you will have to perform partial repair of ceramic tiles.

Why ceramic tiles are covered with small cracks

But, before proceeding with the works, it is necessary to know why defects may appear on the surface and which will need auxiliary materials and tools.

Causes of cracks on the tile:

  • due to point blows on floor covering;
  • if on the floor of the ceramic tile, they put something heavy;
  • if other repair work was performed: for example, something drilled on the floor;
  • due to the temperature regime and humidity level in the room;
  • if the tile was laid not on the concrete base, but on the wooden floor;
  • poor-quality material. For example, if microcracks were already attended on the tiles (with non-compliance with the rules for storing finishing materials in a warehouse or in the store).

It is clear that the reasons for which the tiled coverage was deformed - may be greater. For example, you had guests, you had fun and danced. Someone accidentally hooked a heavy metal shelf that fell to the floor and damaged the ceramic tile. Or the other situation: they started repairs in the same room, and the saws of boards or other building material was conveniently performed in a spacious room, where the floor is just laid out with a tile.

Or another situation: the ceramic tile does not withstand the point load. If you put too heavy furniture, then several microcracks may also appear, and then large cracks and even chips.

If the ceramic tile is laid in the bathroom, most likely it will be faster due to the fact that the level of humidity in this room is always unstable. To correct the situation and extend the service life of the floor covering, it is necessary to turn on the heater and the fan, from time to time to open the doors in the bathroom to air the room.

The quality of the laying of the tile also matters. It is difficult to monitor the work of specialists. But it is important all: starting from the solution and ending with the laying technology. If the solution is laid with emptiness, then cracks may form during constant load. Or if the tile was laid on a wooden base, then you can expect that very soon on the surface will appear chips. After all, the tree is a breathable material, when hesitation of humidity level - can expand. If the laying of ceramic tiles was performed without a technological gap and wide seams, then this may further lead to the fact that the tile is previously deformed.

What instruments and materials for repairing ceramic tiles on the floor

In order to eliminate defects, it is necessary to prepare a standard set of tools that are available in each home: a conventional screwdriver, a spatula, a spatula with twisters, a cinema and a building level, a grinder (if you need to dismantle individual items).

It is also necessary to cook:

  • emery paper of different grainability;
  • grout into tone;
  • decorative sticker or self-tier film (especially in order to hide small cracks on the tile).

Repair of ceramic tiles in the bathroom

The fastest and efficient repair is the replacement of ceramic tiles. It is applied when restored by the damaged area is no longer possible.

Then the order of work will be like this:

  1. Clean the most carefully seams around the damaged item. If there are a lot of cracks, then you can walk on the surface of the grinder.
  2. To remove the tile, it is necessary to pose it on one side from the edge, where the crack is located as close to the edge of the tile.
  3. Now you need to take something acute to tear the floor tile. There will have to make efforts, because it is not so simple.
  4. Clean the sharp edge of the usual spatula from the solution or glue first. It is necessary to remove as much old glue mixture as possible.
  5. Inspect the adjacent tiles very carefully to eliminate even small cracks. It is better to immediately remove such a tile to lay a new one at the same time. It is possible that in a couple of months, it will have to come back to this issue again to replace the neighboring elements.
  6. Installation of tiles Perform a special glue composition. Moreover, the glue is desirable to apply directly on the tile using a narrow spatula.
  7. It is very important when laying individual elements, ensure that the level of the new tile was the same as the rest. If the tile is drowning, then you need to go to the same coated level. Otherwise, this element, as well as the rest of the neighboring, will be subject to deformation in the future during operation.
  8. After the tile is laid and set up, it is immediately necessary to seal joints. As mentioned earlier, the grout should be selected by tone tile or to the tone of the seam. If it is impossible, the shade is different, then you will have to update all the seams in this room.

Tip: If the reason was detected why the tile cracks - due to the fact that there are empty in the solution, then you will have to catch up every tile and shifting these elements re-on.

If you notice that a whole tile has dropped, it is not damaged, there are no chips and cracks (even the slightest), it can be returned to the previous place.

How to do this, ways:

  1. Buy silicone sealant (white or colorless).
  2. Take advantage of "liquid glass", only in such a solution will have to add some of the dental powder.
  3. Use the usual cement solution or glue to mount ceramic tiles.

If you have chosen the last option, you must prepare the basis. Under the old tiles there was a dry cement or glue, it needs to be removed to the maximum to put the tile at the same place. To improve the adhesion of the tile with adhesive composition, use the toothed spatula - apply glue or solution on the back side of the tile, scatter.

Restoration of ceramic tile

Since the most popular way of restoration of ceramic tiles for the floor is either a complete replacement of the tile, or the installation of the left plot to the place (if it is a whole tile). But what if there is no whole tile for replacement? Then you have to try to renovate the same tile, the maximum remove all damage: chips and cracks.

What if the tile split into several parts:

  1. The option is the first - carefully remove these parts, clean the base from the old glue or cement mortar, lay the pieces of tiles back to a new solution.
  2. The second option is to close the cracks with a special solution that will keep the tile and will minimize visible defects. To do this, you need to make a "cement milk" from water and cement + sand, add a little tooth powder for shade. But only the solution should not be dense, but rare, on consistency resembling cow's milk.
  3. Repair of ceramic tiles with their own hands: The solution must be pouring into a convenient container so that you can be gradually thinning, pour a solution to the tile, and then rub it into cracks with a soft cloth. There is also its own technology: the solution needs to be directed in several directions: first across the crack, it is good to laugh so that it is impregnated, then along the cracks - in this way you can get rid of large and small flaws.
  4. Naturally, from large cracks to completely get rid of unrealistic, especially so that they are not very noticeable. For this, the liquid cement mortar will also come to the rescue. You can add a little dye to get closer as possible to the tint of the tile. The solution must be pouring directly into the chipsets, to smooth carefully and remove everything too much. Wait when "Milk" will completely dry. Then you need to carefully clean the surface, polish the tile with a rag.

Tip: So that the solution grab well and held for a long time, within 2-3 days after filling into cracks, it is necessary to moisten it several times a day.

Stout seams between ceramic tiles

If the seams between the tiles darkened, the shine and the color, the mold appeared in some places, it can be corrected in this way:

  • fully remove the former grout with something sharp (for example, a narrow spatula, a chisel), then to apply a new layer;
  • point repair is quite likely if the seams between the tiles of white or black color.

And what to do if the seams were put in order, the damaged tile was replaced, the one was glued down and filled with all the cracks and seams. But ... the tile lost its original shine? In this situation, a special impregnation will help, which is sold in stores. It simply applies, you need to distribute the means to a non-fat and dry surface and distribute. Everything, nothing more needs.

And if the tile is very old, and your plans do not include the complete replacement of the old tile on the new one? Then you can try another way - paint the tile. But first you need to prepare it: wash, dry, clean the sandpaper. After that, we will have to get dust again, degrease the surface (for example, acetone), after which it is time to start painting. As for the choice of color and drawing, everything must be thought out in advance. If something special was conceived, the construction tape or tape will help, and it may be possible to prepare special stencils. Before you begin painting the tiles, apply a layer of primer and wait until it dries.

Tile repair. Video

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