How to put a massive floorboard with your own hands

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The massive board is not just a durable and reliable flooring material, but the way to give the room is truly exquisite, a fashionable look. Elements made of natural wood with a unique distinctive pattern will become an excellent addition to the stylish interior. In this article we will talk about the types of coverage, as well as tell how to lay the floor from a massive board.

Description of material

The massive board is piece elements from natural wood. Compared to the parquet, they have large dimensions, and the laminate differ in width and length. On the extensive surface of a massive board, all the beauty and decorative of wood, its drawing and the game of shades can not be revealed.

The massive board is made of solid trunks, without gluing, pressing or any similar processing. To make such a coating, it is often used solid wood species that differ endurance, good operational properties, hardness, durability.

Separate parts are connected thanks to the Schip-PAZ system. Such profiles are cut on the ends of the boards using woodworking and milling machines. From the back of the wood also make longitudinal feeders to reduce the internal stress of the material and prevent its cracking.

The massive board for the arrangement of the wooden floor is still covered by a protective layer that performs the decorative function. The protective coating of such a product is different:

  1. Varnish - for its creation use special compositions that do not respond to ultraviolet radiation. The layer of varnish on the board is usually very thin and dries quickly, but differs quite a long service life and good strength. The minus can be considered the impossibility of repairing such a coating in separate zones. If somewhere the layer of varnish is extermined, scratched or crackled, the floor will have to grind over the entire room and process again.
  2. Oil - such a coating does not have a type of protective film, but it can be partially restored if necessary. If somewhere the board is damaged, it should be pasted and re-impregnated with oil. The protective oil layer is not so durable like a varnish. Coverage You will have to update several times a year.
  3. The oil-wax mixture is among the average between the two options described above. This method of protection of wood is used for a very long time and is considered the most common. The film obtained by this method has a short life, but quickly and easily restored and is amenable to partial repairs.

The size of a massive floorboard may be different. The finest are the elements reaching 6 cm in width and 50 cm long. The more popular material is the width of which is 8, 10 or 12 cm. There is a completely wide board with an indicator of 45 cm, but it is not so often used. The fact is that the floor drawn up from narrow parts will have a lot of compounds and can make more significant mechanical loads, not deforming. But the wide boards are conveniently used in the extensive areas of the room.

The maximum length of the length for such a material is 9 m, although in transportation and installation such long boards are not very convenient. In addition, during operation, they are sometimes twisted. The most popular length is 1-2 m. Similar details are simple in laying and more durable, it is easy to make beautiful drawings.

The thickness of the massive board ranges from 1.5 to 5 cm. The most popular type of product is the boards with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Thorough material, although it is durable, solid and durable, applied less often considerable cost.


Types of massive board

Classification of the type of raw materials

The massive board is made of different types of trees. From what wood was used in production, the shade of the floor, drawing on the surface, hardness and other operating properties of the coating depends. Consider the most popular types of massive floorboard:

  1. The oak board is characterized by very good hardness. This tree is perfectly withstanding any mechanical loads. It is extremely durable, has good strength, as well as a wide range of shades. In such a floor, you can observe an expressive pattern, because annual rings in oak wood are highly highlighted. Over the years, Oak has a property to darken, but it is unlikely to be considered a disadvantage. Rather, your gender will reach the luxurious effect of antiquity. The oak board thanks to good hardness can be safely used not only in residential rooms, but also in rooms with a large passability of people, for example, in the assets, on the dancing of clubs, in cafes and restaurants, in working offices, etc. A massive oak board fits well into different interior styles. For example, the coating with a brilliant lacquer layer is perfectly harmonized with the "Rococo" interiors, Modern or Avangard. The matte boards without varnish are better combined with Ethno styles, "Eco", "Country" and "Scandinavian". Such Paul will no longer, because the price for 1 m 2 hesitates within 50-120 dollars.
  2. The massive floorboard for the floor is also made of teak. This wood is well tolerated in high humidity, almost no rot, does not mold. Tick \u200b\u200bcoating is appropriate in rooms with unfavorable external conditions, for example, on terraces, balconies, decks of motor carriages, etc. The peculiarity of teak is that even with direct contact with water, it does not lose strength and does not change the colors, while remaining almost in primeval form. The structure of such a board is different, and the color gamut of the material is quite rich. Very often, people choose a golden color board having a bright swamp and a darker core.
  3. The plaque from the larch is almost not inferior to Oak, but her scene palette is not so rich. However, among almost 12 different shades, you can choose the option to taste yourself. The larch feature is its antiseptic properties, due to which the material does not mold and does not rot. In addition, insect pests, fungi or bacteria will not be charged in such a floor. The moisture resistance of larch also deserves attention. The floor from this material can be placed on open areas, loggias, in front of the piernes and other similar objects. Due to the high strength, larch can be laid in rooms, where intensive mechanical loads are assumed, for example, in gym, offices, stores, libraries. Color, structure and shape of such boards are preserved for many years.
  4. The blackboard from the ash is also considered very strong, but with all its hardness it also has some elasticity. Thanks to this property, the ash is well tolerates blows and other mechanical exposures, it does not crack, it is not in vain, even in the production of sports equipment. The texture of such wood is very attractive, her shades are predominantly blond, so the floor, decorated with a similar coating, visually makes the room spacious.
  5. The floor coating made of maple does not tolerate moisture too well, but it has good bending strength. For dry premises, this option is quite suitable, especially since the maple wood is very decorative. Its satellite gamma is represented by light colors, ranging from white and pinkish and finishing yellow and sandy. Such a coating has a beautiful texture and drawing, as well as a pleasant glaze glossy tide.
  6. A massive walnut board is made from a variety of species of this culture, thanks to which the material is distinguished by the breadth of the color palette. You can meet wood as the brightest, sulfur tones, and dark, chocolate brown. Walnut perfectly tolerates low and high temperatures, their sharp changes, as well as increased humidity. This material is almost not cracking, even in the process of drying, as well as is able to maintain a beautiful appearance in the course of long exploitation.
  7. The massive board of Wenge is made from a special breed - a black tree wenge growing in Africa. As a rule, her shades are represented by a dark range: from brown to completely black. Distinctive features of this material: a large mass, high strength, hardness, excellent resistance to mechanical effects. In Wedge, pests, fungi and bacteria almost do not come in wood. The peculiarity of the manufacture of such a board is its correct and long-lasting drying. If drying occurs too fast, the material can crack. This massive board is expensive, so it is advisable to consult with a specialist before purchased. The fact is that in our climatic conditions to dry this wood to the required level of humidity is very difficult, and sometimes it is impossible.
  8. Another exotic type of coating is a massive Merbau board, which is made from the tree of the tree of the same name. It grows in Malaysia, in the Philippines and in Indonesia. The color scheme is mainly represented by rich brown shades, sometimes with an admixture of red or yellow. After years, the material changes the color, acquiring a silver-gray chip. The composition of such wood contains many oils, so the material is resistant to moisture, mold, rotting. It is also very durable and hard.
  9. The massive bamboo board is essentially not exactly the board. It is made from straightened and compressed cereal grass, during the manufacturing process giving plates a view and shape of the boards. The coating is also exposed to ultraviolet, impregnate polyurethane and heated. As a result, it turns out very dense, solid, durable material. He serves for many years, pests and fungi do not come in it. Bamboo board does not crack and does not respond to increased humidity. In the production process, the plates are revealed by varnish, causing at least 7 layers.


Classification by method of cutting

The massive floor board is collected in different ways. The texture, structure, shade of the material, drawing on it depends on the selected method. Consider which types of board cuts are used in the coating process:

  1. Radial saws are carried out through the middle of the barrel. The board, which is obtained in the end, has a homogeneous tint, the drawing consists of longitudinal lines, there are no bitch on it. With this method of processing, the material is obtained by the most durable and resistant to deformations, but it is not sustainable.
  2. Tangential cut means that logs are divided into parts in some distance from the core. As a result, it turns out a board with different shades, an expressive texture, the presence of bitch. Such a coating is cheaper and is not so durable as the above described, but the drawing on it is very beautiful and noticeable, for which such material is valued.

Sort massive boards according to different criteria, giving products related names:

  1. Radial is the most expensive type of blackboard. There are no sick and bitch on it, the surface of the material has a homogeneous shade along the entire length and width, the drawing is longitious and the same.
  2. Select - Material in which there are also no bitch nor Collot, but the color is inhomogeneous. The drawing in such a coating is also longitudinal.
  3. Natur is a cheaper type of massive board. It can occur on it and swirls, the cutting surface has a small scatter of shades.
  4. Rustic - Material with a wide scattering of flowers, lots of bitch and crook, which can occupy up to 20% cutting width. It is considered the cheapest coverage.


Classification of material according to the method of decorative processing

For sale, a massive board in most cases comes after decorative processing. There are such types:

  1. Filtering is a process with a rigid bristle metal brush from the cut surface of the slice of soft fibers. Solid fibers remain, creating an attractive relief and emphasizing the woody pattern. Subsequently, relief can be emphasized using various shades of decorative finishing materials.
  2. Toning is the processing of the board by coloring substances, in the process of which the coating acquires a new color. Toning can be combined with a plating, so that with the help of different shades of the pigment, select the natural structure of the wood structure. In the process of such processing on the board, quite thin layers of material are applied to the board, so as not to hide the beauty of the drawing.
  3. Planing is a processing method, in which a slice is given a wavy surface, resembling traces from the plane. The game of light and shadow emphasizes the relief, creating a decorative effect.
  4. The sawing is the process of creating a shabby transverse inspilation on the surface of a cut. This processing method is extremely rare.
  5. Sandblasting board provides for the use of special devices. They serve the sand stream under high pressure, which simultaneously removes soft fibers from cutting and grinding hard. The effect of such treatment resembles a beaming, only the surface of the board is obtained by more glossy.
  6. Building is the process of artificial application on the material of various defects in the form of scuffs and sneakers. As a result, the effect of wood, which visited long-term operation.


How to choose a massive floorboard

Buying a massive board, worth considering some subtleties of choice:

  1. Choose wood follows from reasons of future loads on it. For example, in rooms with a large passability of people, it is better to sharpen oak, ash, wenge or larch. By this coating, it will be possible to walk even on heels, put massive furniture. In extreme cases, you only damage the upper protective coating, the wood itself will remain untouched. Relatively soft rocks, such as cherries or birch, appropriately used in residential rooms with a small crossway, for example, in bedrooms or in children's.
  2. For laying, you can purchase a ready-made paved board or cover it with yourself. In each case, you can find pros and cons. For example, the material lacquered in the factory conditions looks more beautiful, the coating layer on it is more even and attractive. But if you process the board yourself after installing it, you close all the slots. The ready-made lacquered board when laying will leave small gaps in which water will fall during a wet cleaning. This is fraught with a damage of the material.
  3. Mount the washed boards or those that are opened with wax, you can without fears - they are reliably protected from dampness. The finished floor will later preferably be treated by such a composition again and from time to time to repeat this procedure.
  4. When buying a material, estimate its appearance. Properly dried board should not have cracks. All products must be the same thickness. Pay attention to the ends - if there are fed, it means that the material was processed by poorly sharpened tool.
  5. It is important to take into account the moisture of wood. The maximum indicator should not exceed 12%, and better than 9%. You can check this with a special device - moisture meter. It is also desirable to clarify the seller the conditions of drying board.
  6. Buying goods, see and on how it is packed. The boards must be folded in a box of dense cardboard, and then wrapped with a plastic film. Store in this form, the material will not suffer from moisture and temperature differences.


Massive Board Line

Before starting work on installing wood needs to acclimatize. To do this, it is removed from the package and lay out in the room where the installation process will be held. So that the board did not prohibit, provide them with ventilation, spreading on the stands. In this form, the coating should go about a week.

So that the tree is not deformed after installation, it should be dry. The optimal humidity rate is 5-12%.

In the very work of finishing the floor with a massive board there is nothing complicated, this process reminds laminate laying. The parts are attached to the workforce with the help of self-tapping screws, screwing them down from the spike side. Hinders join them with wedges. Between the walls of the room and the coating, the gaps of 8-10 mm are left, necessary to expand the material under the action of heat.

The first row is mounted in a groove to the wall, screws are screwed from the front side and then closed by plinths. If a wide board is used in the work, it is also fixed with self-stairs on the front side, and then these places are masked by special corks of one shade with the material. It is better to mount the boards in the direction of light falling out of the window, perpendicular to the window to the window.


How to lay a massive board on the floor

Professional laying of a massive board will cost you somehow, so for those who want to save and perform their own hands, we give several ways to install the material. Board Steel on various bases: concrete screed, plywood sheets, lags, chipboard stoves, etc. We will analyze every case.

Laying a massive board on a screed without plywood

Such finishing material can be mounted directly to the concrete tie. As a fastener, in this case, special glue is used, which is immune to temperature fluctuations. Such a glue composition allows you to create floor heated floor.

The screed before laying is carefully checked for damage, irregularities, crumbling places, cracks, etc. It is also necessary to set the level of humidity. Check it in several places, this indicator should not exceed 6%. If the level of humidity is higher, the screed is additionally hydroizing. When the base becomes sufficiently dry, smooth and durable, it can be treated with a coating.


Laying of material on Fane

In our country, this method is very popular in connection with the characteristics of the climate. Equipping the plywood substrate, it is also additionally hydroizing. Faneru for such a work is divided into fragments of 50x70 or 50x50 sizes. Then the sheets are lubricated with glue or mastic, put on the floor and fasten the dowels. On 1 fragment accounts for 5-6 fasteners. The humidity of plywood matters, it should not be above 10%.

The massive board is placed on top of plywood, fixing the dice with two-component glue. Each 30 cm boards are additionally fixed with pneumocomplins. After completion of the work, the floor is cleaned and grind, but not too much.


Laying a massive parquet board on a wooden floor

Wood floor before laying a massive board, you need to carefully check and evaluate its strength. If the boards and lags are strong, nowhere there are places of mold and rot, traces from the treasures, if the floor does not creak and do not bend under his feet, it is possible to carry it out and alignment. If any of the above problems should be replaced by spoiled boards with new, soak the tree with antiseptics, strengthen the lags.

Wooden base is aligned with a grinding machine. I also remove the old paint or varnish. Then the surface is well cleaned from chips, dust, dirt.

The massive board is accepted in the same direction as the old basis. If the wooden floor is not sufficiently strong or has many defects, it makes sense at first to cover it with plywood sheets, and only then make the installation of a decorative massive board.


Installation of coating for brackets

There is also a so-called "floating method" of laying a massive board, in which special brackets are used. This method saves up to 50% of the styling funds, besides, it has a number of benefits:

  • ease of execution;
  • high speed;
  • allows you to increase the stability of the board to mechanically loads;
  • it makes it possible to produce local repairs without replacing the entire decorative coating.

The massive board with this method is mounted on aluminum brackets with silicone compensators. As a result, it turns out a very strong connection of elements on the ends. Any flat surface can be used as a base.


Laying massive boards on lags

Lagges are used in the case when it takes in a short time to create a flat floor without the use of concrete mixes. This method is used to create small podiums in the premises. Before mounting the lag, the base will necessarily be hydroizing, using polyethylene or foam. Wooden designs themselves are processed by all the rules of working with wood.

Initially, the opposite walls of the room laid the longitudinal bars, between which the threads are tightened in a step of 1.5 m. Threads should be located in one horizontal plane. On these marks are mounted transverse lags. The free space is then filled with insulating material, the lags are laid out onto the lags themselves, and the massive board is mounted on them.


Mounting a massive board for adhesive substrate

The massive board can be fixed on the floor with the adhesive substrate. Its functions performs elastinol - one-sided adhesive material. It is distinguished by sound and thermal insulation qualities.

With this method of laying the place of the joints between the films remain invisible, and the elements themselves are very firmly connected to the working surface. This process is performed quickly, you do not have to create an additional basis. In addition, such a substrate reduces the risk of strain deformations under the action of moisture.


Mounting a massive board to the floor. Video

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