Installation plates of overlapping on the foundation

February 13. Construction, Foundation Views 2440. Comments to record mounting slabs overlaid on the foundation No

One of the stages during the construction of the house is the laying on the foundation of the slabs of the overlap. The correct installation of these structural elements will create a solid support for the structure. This article presents the features of the choice of materials and the method of laying the foundation plates.


To make the right choice of material for overlapping, you should proceed from the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure. If the house of the house is small to fit the plates with a thickness of 10 cm. For large buildings, the plates are needed, the thickness of which is 20-25 cm.

It is also important to take into account the type of material. Plates are divided into the following types:

  1. Multipred plates are panels with strokes placed along the contour. Their length is 9-15 m.
  2. Monolithic reinforced concrete slabs under the foundation.
  3. Reinforced concrete round-empty. This type is the most requested as a material for overlapping. This trend is explained by the presence of certain advantages over the above varieties of raw materials.


Advantages and disadvantages of base styling

  1. Small pressure on the ground. Per 1 m is carried out up to 1 kg. This has a positive effect on seasonal soil changes. When freezing and thawing the soil, there is a uniform lifting and lowering the plate, which reduces the action of the forces of the breakdown for the construction.
  2. Laying the plates as the overlap requires less labor and time cost than the process of filling concrete.
  3. The emptiness existing in them provide good insulation from noise, and also prevent the heat loss.
  4. In addition, these plates are relatively low.

As a lack of a foundation from the slabs of the overlap, one nuance can be determined that when installing on a large area, the base will be the team.


Required plates preparation measures

This stage of the flooding of the foundation involves checking the parameters of the plates:

  • each fragment must have a proper geometric shape;
  • it should be missing protrusions and chips.

If there are similar defects, they should be eliminated before the start of work. In addition, it is desirable to close the ends of the plates before laying. This can be done in two ways. Empty should be filled with brick and pour cement. Another option is also possible - fill them with heat insulating material.


Preparation of the foundation surface

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine whether the surface of the foundation is as smooth as possible, since this is the basic condition for high-quality plates. If the surface does not comply with this requirement, it must be appropriately prepared. Determine how much the foundation is smooth using the construction level:

  • first of all, it is necessary to identify the highest and low places;
  • focusing on the value of the difference between them, determine the method of aligning the foundation.

If the difference is insignificant and does not exceed 5 cm, it is possible to achieve a flat plane by applying a cement-sand tie: the reinforcement grid is initially placed on the base, to which the cement composition layer is poured.

With a drop between the upper and lower indicators, more than 5 cm, brickwork is performed to align the base. If the foundation is collected from blocks, you need to install the reinforced concrete belt.


Stage of installation work

After completion of surface equalization work, you can proceed to the installation of slabs of overlapping on the foundation. It should be done by means of lifting equipment, since the weight of the plates reaches several tons. There are two laying options:

  • on a dry surface;
  • on cement.

It is preferable to choose a second method, since this will require a small amount of cement, but in this way the additional stacking strength will be ensured.

When preparing a solution, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Sand before adding to the composition you need to sift well. This requirement should be treated with special attention, since even a small stone can provoke blockage design.
  2. The consistency of the solution should not be thick. It is necessary to apply a solution to the supports, the layer thickness of 2 cm. In this layer, it is possible to put the reinforcing bar with a diameter of 10-12 mm. This is not a mandatory requirement, but thanks to this reception, the slabs on the joints will be located at one level. And it will not be squeezed out of the joints of the solution.
  3. In the stoves before starting work it is necessary to fill the voids.
  4. When laying the stove is placed inside the smooth side.
  5. Installation must be maximally densely, adjust the location of the slabs with a scrap.
  6. The laying level should be the most horizontal.
  7. Support for plates should provide only two walls where plates are placed with short sides. Such an approach will exclude their offset if the shrinkage of the foundation will occur unevenly.
  8. Plates should be placed on the wall for no more than 13 cm. It will give an opportunity to insulate the slots between the plates, the foundation and the wall. Thus, the house will continue heat, its losses will be minimal.

To ensure the reliability of the overlap all the elements need to be fixed using hard reinforcement loops. This procedure is performed as follows:

  • two stoves located close to the reinforcement loop with welding. For this, the Kathana A is usually used. It has a specific feature: at the moment the load is on such a rod, it is capable of stretching. This property prevents her breakdown;
  • the end of the reinforcement rod is welded to the slab loop, and the second is attached to the hinge of the neighboring plate.


Shavi processing

After the stacking process is completed between the slabs, you need to close the seams. This is a fairly important stage that cannot be ignored. The not covered seams cause heat loss through emptiness.

To fill the seams, a solution of cement is used or a concrete composition of rubble having small fractions. Sometimes it becomes necessary to lay a formwork for the joint, for which you can use the usual board. Such a formwork is fastened by wire, which is linked to the fragment of the reinforcement located across the seam. If you wish, the joint can be insulated with foam.

It is important to close the seams immediately after the installation is completed. If you lose this moment and postpone work, the seams will be scored with construction garbage, cleaned which will not succeed. As a result, the insulation of the joints will worsen. All remaining emptiness should also be filled. To do this, you can use a concrete solution, while the formwork must be installed during the work. Operactions can be fill with a slag block or brick. In this case, the material should be placed so that one part rests on the surface of the foundation, and the second on the stove.

Sony DSC.

Strengthening design

The stability of the opening plate on the foundation is increased by means of reinforcing belt or brick. These measures significantly increase the stiffness of the structure and prevent the appearance of cracks in it.

  1. To form a belt around the perimeter of the foundation you need to establish a formwork.
  2. After that, put the reinforcement.
  3. Pour a concrete mixture. As a result, a monolithic reinforced concrete belt is formed.

An alternative embodiment of the design is the use of brickwork, which must be postponed around the perimeter. To create additional thermal insulation between masonry and stove, it is recommended to lay foam or mineral wool. Brickwork is covered with a reinforcing mesh, which is applied cement mortar, which makes the design even more durable. The overlap performed in this way is the most reliable. It is not destroyed, it in turn contributes to an increase in the period of operation of the house.


Security rules when laying

  1. For workers that overlap a belt foundation, it is mandatory for anti-slip shoes and safety belts.
  2. The working area must be protected.
  3. It is impossible to perform high-altitude work with poor visibility, for example in fog.
  4. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the work is carried out at height with the help of lifting mechanisms.
  5. An important requirement for high-quality installation of installation is the presence of comfortable conditions, since some inconvenience will take time and strength and create obstacles to productive performance.



Laying on the foundation of the slabs of the overlap is a mandatory stage in the construction process of the house. The most popular material for this purpose is reinforced concrete plates having round emptiness. The assembly process involves several stages and the presence of certain conditions, the execution of which will allow to obtain a solid and durable design.

Installation plates of overlapping. Video:

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