Fundament device from FBS blocks

September 4. Foundation Views 3942. Comments To record the foundation device from the FBS blocks No

You do not have to worry about the strength of the foundation if it is erected from the FBS blocks. Let such a base of the house cost you more expensive, but be sure that if some problems arise, it is certainly not because of the foundation.

Pluses and cons of the foundation from FBS blocks

If we proceed from the fact that the main requirement for the foundation is its reliability, then the foundation from the FBS blocks satisfies this condition by 100%, and in addition:

  • this foundation is not terrible or high temperatures or low. Its installation is despite despite the time of year;
  • for the foundation from the FBS blocks, any soil is suitable, if only on the site it is not annomally crumbly;
  • it is raised quickly;
  • no formwork;
  • the device is under force not only by specialists, make it and you yourself, of course, not without helpers.

The disadvantages of the foundation of this type include:

  • the fact that in hardness it is inferior to monolithic;
  • it requires a crane to be installed, the operation of which is expensive.


A little mathematics

Preceded the construction of the foundation from the FBS blocks calculation. In order for it to perform necessary geological surveys at least in the minimum volume. Further:

  • if the soil is solid, the foundation is arranged at a depth of equal to the sum of the heights of the two blocks. The standard unit has a height of 600 mm, which means that are 1.2 m.
  • if in your area the soil freezes by 1.8 m, then the trench is needed in a depth of 1.8 + 0.25 \u003d 2.05 m;
  • the width will be seamless in accordance with the corresponding FBS parameter, and another 0.2 m for the waterproofing device;
  • we hope how many blocks we need. Pull up from the size of the block and the depth of the trench. Parameters of blocks Select from the table:


  • knowing the size of the blocks, draw on paper, as they put in the trench. For the same purpose, you can use a computer program. So you will clearly see how to install and link them, select more accurate size and decide on the amount. Here we designate where the pipes under communication will be laid, then you can take blocks with holes in these places, and not to hammer them yourself. It is also expensive and hard. The designation in such blocks has an abbreviation of the FBV.

It can be useful: If you definitely do not know the features of the soil on your site, so do not sure about the correctness of the selected parameters for digging the trench for the foundation from the FBS blocks, reviews of the closest neighbors built before you for 3 years, you will help you very much.

Construction Foundations from FBS blocks

Like any construction, the installation of a foundation from the FBS blocks occurs in stages:

  • we make the markup of the place where the house will stand;


  • we drive the stakes and stretch between them a strong thread;
  • in places where the main axis of the foundation converge, drive fittings. We define these points with a plumb;
  • rOOM trench, after removing the humus layer. Its depth is determined by the level of ground freezing. If there is a basement, the trench under the foundation is its depth plus the height of the floor in the basement;
  • in the finished trench, we arrange a pillow of 0.1 m rubble and 0.05 m of sand. The exception is only for the grinding soil, it is three-layer - first 0.15 m of sand, then 0.3 m rubble and again 0.15 m sand;
  • everything is generously watering with water, trambed;
  • on top of this layer, we lay a centimeter of 3 concrete and we leave until it hardens. Concrete can not be filled, but then the placement of the masonry mesh is required over preparation from rubble and sand;
  • cooking cement-sandy solution is not very thick. It is important that the components are the highest brand. To enhance the strength, it would be good to add liquid glass. The solution can be replaced by special glue such as "Budmayster", UDK, Seresit or ILMAX, which is much simpler, because it is enough just to dissolve water, but it will cost more;
  • installation of blocks start with angles and marked reinforcement points;
  • in the first row we lay the blocks of FBS flat, so we reducing the shrinkage. We fasten them with a solution that is applied to the place where the blocks come into contact both in the grooves. The thickness of the solution layer is 10 mm. Some developers for laying the first row are not used blocks, but a concrete slab. Check the horizontal level;
  • putting the next rows using dressing. This masonry from the FSB blocks does not differ from the brick: the vertical seam located in the middle of the lower block is overlapped with an element laid from above. Special attention is paid to the corners. The elements of the masonry are placed by the overlap method, i.e., when it turns out to be in a series of extremely, for example, the right unit, then in this place there should be left and so on. At the same time, the appearance of slots between blocks is inevitable. They should be simply filled with a solution, after pitching the fragments of bricks there;


  • when all rows of foundations are laid, proceed to waterproofing. We are placed on the top row, and it is desirable to put on its side surface, it is desirable twice. When it dries, falling down the sand into the remaining blocks and the walls of the trench, the gaps. We do it in layers, every time the rambling;
  • about a month at least the foundation should stand and gain strength;
  • if you live in a terrain with a harsh climate, then setting the foundation from the FBS blocks, you will have to inspire it. Used for this polystyrene foam, otherwise they will not stand the large frost seams of masonry.

The foundation device from the FBS blocks, the technology of which was described above, is fully applicable to the construction of low-rise, and in the event of the construction of a multi-storey house, some adjustments are made to it, because the load will be performed much more. On the topic of laying the foundation from FBS blocks, a video captured one of the users will be useful to view before getting to work:

More details about the foundation under the FBS blocks

The device of the so-called foundation under the FBS blocks predetermines its strength. Therefore, consider more details of several options. Under the FBS blocks arrange a substrate in the form:

  • the monolithic cushion, which is a reinforced concrete with a solid layer with a height of 300 mm. This layer is larger than the block. Such a foundation refers to the belt type;
  • prefabricated plates are well-insulated. When laying on them blocks, a ribbon foundation is obtained - very durable and durable;
  • pillows sand and chouch, which is isolated from blocks by impregnating bitumen.

Factors affecting the foundation of the FBS blocks

The price of the foundation from the FBS blocks the price of the elements used is significantly affected. For example:

  • fBS 9-3-6t block 88 cm long, 30 cm wide and 58 cm high will cost up to 1000 p.;
  • the FBS unit 24-5-6t, having dimensions 238x50x58 cm - 4 times more expensive.

Of course, the first blocks will need more than the second, but if you think that for mounting heavy blocks and technician, you need a more powerful and pillow stronger, then the difference gets tangible.

Foundation device from FBS PBS Blocks

If the construction of a small building appears in your plans, it makes no sense to arrange a monolithic foundation. The columnary you will be faster and it will cost it cheaper. What you need for this:

  • we buy FBS special units. They weigh only 30 kg and have dimensions of 200x200x400 mm. Of these, it is convenient to argue something like a square tomb with a side of 400 mm;
  • under the pillars or cabinets, they dig separate trenches of the same depth;
  • we smell the sand with a layer of centimeters 15 and on top of it rubble 50 mm;
  • we carry out a rambling and pour bitumen masts;
  • we check that the bottom of all holes are at the same depth;
  • we laid two blocks and connect them. 10 mm seams perform a mortar from cement and sand;
  • 2 row and subsequent places from blocks located perpendicular to the first. Watch that the ranks of each post were on the same level, for which we stretch the cord between them.

A columnar foundation from the FBS blocks Photo, which is located below, is made just according to such a scheme as we just considered:


If some details in the part of the foundation device from the FBS blocks you are interested in are not affected in the article, then browse this video. Perhaps the answer is here.

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