Rules for planting and growing grapes in the country area

May 13. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 4607. Comments To record the rules for planting and growing grapes on the country No

Many gardeners who want to grow grapes do not want to face the problems of its content and landing, but today there is a lot of information on the care of it that helps find the necessary options.

Today we will tell about how to grow grape seedlings and cuttings, not burdened you with tremendous concerns.


The best conditions for growing grapes


Grapes are a light-affilome plant, so it is not recommended to plant fruit trees in the shade. It is best to take a well-lit plot for this by using arched construction.

Principles of grape bushes


  • from the wall of the house it is recommended to retreat 1.5-1 m;
  • from shrubs 3-2 m;
  • of trees 6-7 m.

If you want to perform landscaping of the gazebo or balcony, it is enough to plant 2 bushes of rapid grades and lead them using a multi-screw formation.

There are no certain requirements for the composition of the soil in grapes, but saline and wetlands should not be chosen. Also, it is not necessary to make it landing in places where groundwater is very close.

As for irrigation, the need of grapes in moisture in different periods of maturation of non-etinakov. Most of all, he needs it after flowering when the enhanced growth of berries and in the process of active development of green shoots occurs. In addition, if you water the bushes are not in the amount of quantity - this will lead to the deterioration of the development and quality of fruits.

Also remember that the varieties having a functional and female type of flower should land with a row with a row and the same flowering with it. It is recommended to have a bushes in groups, namely, depending on the period of their maturation.

It is best to place the grape rows along the line from the north to south, on the site, which is open during the day for the receipt of direct sunlight. If it is impossible, the partial shading is allowed, but not more than 4 hours. It will be perfect if it gets the straight light in the morning, and scattered - closer in the evening.

In case of bad weather, namely damage to the vineyard hail, all the affected shoots and other parts are recommended to cut to create conditions for the growth of a new vine.

How to choose grapes


By purchasing grape bushes, it is necessary to give preference to proven varieties, which in the local climate are characterized by good quality of the covers and berries, stable and high harvest, as well as resistant to freezing and disease.

If the grapes are planned to be grown where no one has done before, then it is necessary to focus on the varieties of early, very early aging and preferably emergency origin, with a small growing season, excellent vine development and mandatory shelter on the winter period.

Grape growing technology


Each grape variety involves certain conditions for growth and development. Some of them are frost-resistant, others cannot withstand hot cold. Some varieties in the winter must be stolen, others, more often, do not require special care.

If you are going to grow the average or slurry varieties, then the distance between the bushes of grapes in one row should be 1.3-1.5 m, as for heavy-resistant varieties, they require a gap from 1.8-2 m.

When planting bushes, it is initially recommended to place the rows, pull the cord and put the pegs in those places where the grapes will be located. You can use letters (black annual vines), vegetative (green) and annual seedlings as a landing material. However, the best will be the last.

For all horticultural standards, a annual seedling must have 3 and more roots with a length of 10-12 cm and a thickness of 0.2 cm. In addition, 3-4 peaks should appear on it.

Thus, an annual seedling is considered optimal for landing to be rooted in autumn. However, some gardeners make it in the spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys.

Landing seedlings grapes


The advantage of autumn plant seedlings plants is that it will begin to be fully developed for spring, and it will grow to winter and fit perfectly.


This season is better and easiest to flew grape seedlings in the wells. The diameter and depth of the pit should be approximately 80 cm. In this case, during the preparation process, it is necessary to separate the upper fertile layer from less fertile. The first variant of the soil is mixed with vegetable ash, manure (in the ratio of 1.5: 2) and various mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. The finished mixture is falling asleep in the wells. Then the pegs are installed, and the seedlings are tied to them. Next, it is necessary to carefully distribute the roots of the plant and to stick their remaining fertile land. Finally, we abundantly water the plant with 3 buckets of water.

Upon completion of the work, we mix less fertile soil with sand and finally fall asleep pit. From above, we make a small hollyk up to 30 cm high, which will protect the plant from frosts.

Landing seedlings in spring


The plant disembarking the plant in spring, almost no different from the autumn period, but the recess is done slightly less - approximately 15 cm.

At this time, a vegetative growth begins at a seedling, so it needs to pour it a good and gently together with the ground to move to the landing pit. Then to fall asleep its land in the same way as when landing in the fall. After a short period of time, it is necessary to cut 2 lower sheets and pour a slightly mixture into the well.

Planting Chubukov Grapes


As for grape plants, which are planted with letters, then they are much weaker to come true and begin to be froning a little later rooted seedlings. However, despite this, subject to certain conditions, the results may be sufficiently satisfactory.

Extruding of Chubukov grapes is recommended to do in the following cases:

  • if possible, produce 2-3 irrigation over the summer period;
  • if the landing is created in carefully processed soil with an excellent moisture reserve;
  • if the selected plants are taken for disembarking, which are well routine, namely fresh letters with preserved eyes.

For the right and better rooting of letters, it is necessary to make them brightness. Thanks to it, the roots and calluses are formed by the bottom of the steer, and the eyes remain in sleeping state.

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To do this, in the winter period should be prepared to prepare a greenhouse and deepen it to 1-1.5 m, tightly putting it into a snow at 35-50 cm and strengthened from melting.

Further, three weeks before the seeding of grapes, the greenhouse is prepared under the brightness, namely, they remove the insulating layer and arrange a false bottom of the poles from above. Then they are soaked for letters at 15 ° C of water about 12 hours. Then remove the lower eyes with a sharp knife, leaving 2-3 upper. The lower cut is created under the node. For better development of the root system, a groover is used, which is made from the old clay. With the help of it, at the bottom of the letter, the scratches contributing to the formation of the roots are made from the 3dides.



After soaking, remove eyes and update sections, the letters are placed in the greenhouse with the upper ends down, laying the bundles densely among themselves. From above they are covered with humid, sand or sawdust, bringing the thickness of the coating to 10 cm. Then it is periodically moistened and put the frame.

Being in this state and at temperatures up to 25 ° C, the plant develops at the bottom of the root roots and calluse for 2 weeks.

Chubukov landing is produced in the grooves that are done in the ground with scrap. At the same time, it is important that the soil tight up to the plant and voids did not arise in it.


Growing grapes from Chernkov (Bankukov) is best done in the autumn period before the onset of cold weather, namely in November.

Girl grapes growing


Devichi grapes is an evergreen Warring Liazing and clinging plant-Liana. It is used for landscaping a variety of fences and walls of houses.

The advantages of the virgin vineyard:


  • thanks to him, it is possible to redraw a plot.
  • it is not demanded of lighting;
  • it is frost-resistant.

The cultivation of the shoots of this grape variety assumes only the presence of a rare irrigation, but to form a plant should be started almost immediately after landing.
At the same time, it is necessary to direct its growth alone. Saving the same, the development of which is no longer possible to change it is recommended to remove immediately.

Girl grapes breeding seeds, cuttings and roasting siblings. The second is cut and rooted in July or early spring. Seeds are obtained from dry fruits. Planting a plant with seeds and cuttings is produced into nutrient soil with excellent drainage. As for two or annual seedlings, they make landing pits with a diameter and a depth of up to 0.5 m, and at a distance of 1 m, the bottom of the sand and a broken brick occupying 1/3 of the depth. The root neck is no need to deepen.

Devichi Grapes: Care and Growing


Create a transplant of this grape variety is undesirable, it is much easier to get a cutlery and process from the parent plant.

Girl grapes requires regular trimming, depending on the form you plan to give Liana. In the spring, the frozen and dry shoots are necessarily cut. To speed up high support braid, it is recommended to provide additional guides - frame, rope or wire.

Watering this variety can be rarely and not plentiful, namely several times in the season. The feeding is made up to 3 times per season during the period of active vegetation. If the root of the roots occurred from the soil, they should be sprinkled. Every year and after landing, the land around the Lian need to be densely mulch with sawdust.

Rules of landing and growing vintage video:

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