Pool Staircase: Installation Instructions

September 13. Useful advice Views 2278. Comments To record staircase for the pool: Installation instructions No

If you want to install the pool, you should take care of all the smallest items in advance - decorative trim, choosing cleaning equipment, lighting, staircase models. It seems that there is nothing easier than choosing and put a staircase for the pool, but as soon as you have a wide range of a wide variety of models, you will not be in a stupor. What should there be a pool staircase, how to install it and is it possible to save, making a design with your own hands? We will talk about all this in today's article.

Characteristics of construction

The stairs for the pools today are presented in a wide range, and it is not difficult to choose the optimal version. Of course, if you know what the requirements should meet the design. First of all, you should choose a staircase based on the shape and dimensions of the pool itself, and then look at the appearance and cost.

The most popular are stainless steel stairs equipped with handrails and rubber pads on the steps. They are reliable, durable and gently look at any pool.


Types of stairs

There are many types of stairs, but their form determines the design of the pool itself. So, a small children's pool will unreasonably install a screw staircase or an option with high narrow steps. In this case, the model is more suitable with wide disposal or even with a slide for a fun descent into water.

All designs can be divided into:

  1. Stationary or Romans - often such ladders are made from the same material as the pool bowl. They are strong, durable, comfortable in operation and safe. Wide steps or spans can play children or relax adults.
  2. Pottal - Such stairs are made of stainless steel. They differ in lightweight design and occupy a minimum of space. They are easy to transfer and, if necessary, set to another place.

    Besides the fact that the Pool's Pools are relatively inexpensive, they are durable and beautiful, they can emphasize the advantages of the design of the reservoir or ask him its own style. Stainless steel structures can be three-, four- and five-speed. The first is used for pools with a depth of 140 cm, the second - for water bodies depth from 140 cm to 180 cm, and the last option - for a depth of more than 180 cm.

If there are small children in the family, a great solution to you to install a plastic staircase for the pool with a slide.

How to choose a stairs

When choosing a type of design and material from which it is made, you should navigate the module. Anchor is used to fasten the stairs (installed in the base of the pool during construction) or special glasses installed after decoration of the bowl. It is very important that there are rubber gaskets between metal parts of the staircase and the surface of the pool. They will be removed metal from corrosion and retain the integrity of the reservoir coating.

Useful tips for selecting a staircase depending on the shape of the pool:

  1. For inexpressible models, it is better to choose a ladder-ladder, along which they first climb on board, and then descend into water. As a rule, such products make metal pipes, and the steps can be made of polyurethane, stainless steel or other materials. In terms of execution, such models are very simple and can be made with their own hands.
  2. For pools with swallowed bowls, experts advise to install Roman closed stairs with rounded steps and smooth descent. They can be stationary or appropriate. Stationary mounted and finish simultaneously with the inner surface of the bowl using the same building materials and coatings. The advantage of such a solution is that you can resort to decorative finish and make your pool in unique, for example, decorating the staircase and the bottom with a mosaic, luminous stones or decorative painting. However, such comfortable and large stairs are applicable only for wide pools, because they occupy a lot of space.
    The withdrawal Roman staircase is mounted after the decoration of the bowl. It is a pyramid design, which is attached to the sides with special handles. You can find suitable models for any kind of pools, even small oval or round. We establish such stairs to a depth of 0.5 m to 1.5 m, but if desired, you can order the manufacture of an option with original parameters.
  3. The staircase for the frame pool looks like the most ordinary stepder or in combination with an inflatable hill. The stirrer of one side is based on the ground, and the second is in the bottom of the pool. Among all manufacturers of such designs are extremely popular with stairs for the Pool Intex.

If you want to make a descent to the pool not only beautiful, comfortable and safe, but also useful, pay attention to the balneological stairs. On the projected models, special massage nozzles are installed, stimulating blood circulation in the feet and relaxing the skin of the legs.

What to pay attention to when choosing a staircase:

  1. Steps must necessarily be with a relief or matte surface or with rubberized anti-slip overlays.
  2. The size of the stairs must match the depth of the bowl.
  3. The cost, unfortunately, does not always correspond to quality, so you should not immediately buy the most expensive model. In some cases, rather to build a design with your own hands.
  4. If small children are swimming in the pool, choose a staircase with a small step of steps so that the child felt comfortable and not stumbled.

Installing stairs

Installation of stairs to the pool depends on the characteristics of the board (narrow or wide), the carrying capacity of the design and materials from which the bowl is made. So, for all pool stairs, two ways of installation are applicable: to mortgages ("hooves") and flanges. Consider in more detail each of them.

Useful Tip: Whatever installation method you choose, place the staircase in the most illuminated area of \u200b\u200bthe pool.

Installation on mortgages

This installation method is suitable for basins of any type. The mount is obtained very durable and able to withstand a large load. Mortgages or "hooves" under the staircase should be installed in the surface of the bypass track of the pool. Prepare installation location in advance before finishing. If this is not possible, you will have to drill or hollow out the deepening in the coating (mosaic, tile).


Each "hoof" will need to make 2 interconnecting holes, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the mortgage size. For this work, it is best to use a drill typewriter, then the holes will immediately work smooth and neat, especially if you need to cut the tile. But if there are no cars, they will have to focus the pepper peak. It is possible to drill with the help of a crown, but it is quite expensive and quickly spent, hardly copes with tiles and requires the use of a powerful perforator.

If you drill in the contour of "hooves" a brown with a small diameter of the tile, then the neat opening will not work - the tile will definitely split. For drilling tiles, you can only use a drill typewriter. It can be rented for a couple of hours or ask for acquaintances.

After installing on the flanges or mortgages, any stairs seem some curves and, to put it mildly, inesthetical. This problem is solved by itself - on the stairs it is necessary to just like, she will give a shrinkage and acquire the desired shape.

Installation on flanges

The staircase installed on the flanges cannot withstand heavy loads, so this molding method is applicable to small swimming pools, children's reservoirs or if there are no heavyweights in the family. The main advantage of flange fastening is that the staircase at any time can be rearranged into another place.


To install flange mounts, you will need to drill 4 holes for each of them. A threaded anchor or plastic dowels with rifle stainless bolts are used as a fastener.

How to install flanges:

  1. Determine the place to fasten and mark the markup. The easiest way to do this, putting a staircase with the ones with the flanges to the pool in the position in which you want to install it.
  2. Using the construction level, set the staircase strictly vertically and marker to tick the drilling points on the bypass track.
  3. It is very desirable in the process of drilling not to get into fittings. If this did not happen, we can assume that you are lucky. Otherwise, one of four bolts will have to be delayed, or adjust the location of the staircase.
  4. It remains only to drive the dowels, screw the bolts or anchor into the bypass track.


When installing the stairs to the pool very often admit the same errors. First, they collect structures, removing the protective film from them. As a result, before the first use, the staircase is covered with ugly scratches that cause corrosion. Secondly, the wrong fasteners are chosen for mounting flanges - too short or thin bolts. As a result, the staircase sooner or later simply breaks down "with the root." By the way, the setting of stairs includes such unsuitable fasteners, so they are better not to use them, but acquire separately. Use the construction level when installing, stainless fasteners and a drill typewriter for work on the tile, then the installation of the stairs will be successful.

Ladder for the pool with your own hands

Before embarking on the construction of the stairs to the stainless steel pool, it should be understood in the design features and develop a detailed plan.

The most common staircase consists of a frame, handrail and sticking. In Roman closed staircases, there are also risers and sometimes marches. The width of the sticking (the platforms on which feet comes) must correspond to the length of the feet of the adult or be slightly smaller. Vertical stairs for inflatable frame basins should be made slightly above the side.


To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • stainless steel pipes or chaserler;
  • stainless steel fittings or sheets with a thickness of 4-5 mm;
  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian;
  • rubber overlays for anti-slip effect.


The most important thing when assembling a metal staircase for the pool with your own hands is to properly weld the seams. For the simplest structure of the stage can be made from reinforcement rods. In this case, they will not even need rubber lining, since the corrugated surface of the reinforcement will prevent slipping. The rods are welded at a small equal distance from each other. For one stage, it is enough 3-5 pieces. If you want to make solid steps, use steel sheets, but they will need to close the rubber so as not to slip.


The frame of the staircase will consist of profiles in the form of a channel installed by an edge, and the railing is from an angle of 45 mm. All compounds should be fastened with welding, after which the anti-corrosion composition is treated.


  1. Develop the drawing of the future staircase and prepare the necessary materials. When calculating the height of the two-way staircase for a frame-type basin, measure first the distance from the bottom to the top point of the side and add 30-40 cm.
  2. Cut the metal profile on the segments of the desired length. The optimal width of the staircase for the pool can vary from 50 to 70 cm. In accordance with this parameter, make the length of the steps.
  3. The most durable and reliable connections are obtained using a welding machine. But if you do not have it, or you do not have appropriate work experience, galvanized bolts can be used as fasteners. On the bottom of the base with a step of 35-40 cm. Put the labels for the location of the steps. Remember that if children are used by the staircase, the height of the steps should be less.
  4. If you fasten the parts by bolts, first drill holes at the edges of the steps, and then in the indicated points on the base pipe. For a more durable compound, use galvanized metal corners.
  5. Secure rubber lining on the surface of steps.
  6. After assembling the design, it is passed on it with a grinding machine or supfil, paying particular attention to the points of connection of parts. So you will remove all the sharp burrs that you can cut.
  7. After stripping, we close all the holes in the stairs so that the water does not penetrate inside. This can be done with the help of a welding machine or special decorative plugs.
  8. It remains only to cover the surface of the waterproof and anti-corrosion paint, so that the staircase acquires the completed and beautiful appearance. Homemade stairs should be handled by protective paint every year, removing the previous layer using a special solvent.

Pool stairs: Photo





An example of a double-sided design - Bestway pool staircase:







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