Self-leveling acrylic baths: Bath Restoration Stacring

March 30. Plumbing Views 1680. Comments To record bulk acrylic baths: Bath Restoration Stacring No

Many people consider the bathroom with the most favorite holiday destination. A bulk bath, filled with hot water, perfectly remove stressful loads after a hard working day. But the relaxed state of the body can prevent the appearance of the bath, which over time is covered with scratches, chips, yellow drips and other defects. To eliminate them, you need to resort to the restoration of plumbing.

Benefits Stacryla

Now there are three main ways to update bath coating:

  • paints the damaged area with a brush;
  • acrylic liner device;
  • self-leveling method using Stacryl (liquid acrylic).


By numerous reviews, the acrylic bulk bath is the best option for restoration of plumbing. Compared to the first two ways to eliminate bath defects, the use of liquid acrylic has the following undoubted advantages:

  1. Increases bath life. With a qualitative application of the composition, the operating period of the coating will be from 7 to 15 years.
  2. The possibility of giving the plumbing of any color shade. Before using dyes, its correct combination with liquid acrylic is checked. For this, enamel is made in a small amount and applied to the metal surface.
  3. Permissibility of work without evictions from the apartment. The only nuance is the existence of a smell of the funds used and the impossibility of using the plumbing for 3-4 days.
  4. Resistance to mechanical exposure. Since acrylic is a soft material, a small dent can remain on the renovated surface from an unexpected strike, and not a crack or chip.

Preparation of the surface

Before proceeding to the restoration of the bulk bath with liquid acrylic, it is necessary to cover the entire clean surface under the plumbing and near it. To do this, take advantage of the polyethylene film and scotch. Only so you can protect yourself from heavy cleaning room after coloring bath.


Immediately disassemble the drain and overflowing holes. This is due to two reasons:

  1. It will be more convenient to work.
  2. In the place of plum acrylic can be applied unevenly, which will lead to its rapid cracking.

At the next stage, bath cleaning from the layer of old enamel. The surface grinding is made by sandpaper or a grinder equipped with a special nozzle. Applying an abrasive tool, all available layers (rust, scale, old enamel) are written.

The grinding process is carried out until the bath coating becomes rough. Neglect this work is not worth it. From how qualitatively the bulk acrylic baths are polished, the degree of adhesion decreases to the surface of the plumbing.

After grinding the surface, all dust is cleaned. It is recommended to use the vacuum cleaner without nozzle. Bath degreasing should be made using a solvent on acetone basis. The bath is wipe with a moistened fabric that does not have a pile. At the same time, all fragments of the old coating should be removed from the surface. Even the smallest garbage can cause poor-quality plumbing coverage.


Preparation of composition

The restoration of baths stacring is carried out very carefully. In order for the finished mixture, dirt or other rubbish, the container with it is open with a clean knife or screwdriver. The mixing of the liquid acrylic occurs according to the instruction that is applied to the product.

Usually, a conventional wooden wand is used for mixing, which makes circular motions. In no case cannot be used a drill with a nozzle, because air bubbles may appear in the solution.

To impart a strcriptle of the desired homogeneous mass, it is stirred slowly with the addition of a small amount of hardener. The kneading time of the finished mixture is approximately 12-15 minutes. As a result, it acquires a homogeneous consistency.

Prepare liquid acrylic is only half of the case. An equally important factor is timely use of it. You need to spend the mixture for 1.5 hours. After this period of time expires, the composition will begin to stick and become unsuitable for repair work.

For this reason, the most suitable package should be taken to implement the most fast and accurate bath restoration. It will be quite convenient to use the cropped plastic bottle in which the hardener was located. Cropped bottle so that one of the corners is higher than others (like the nose of the kettle).


Pouring Stacryla

Liquid acrylic should be evenly distributed across the bath. For this reason, its fill begins with the top side of the structure. Application Stacryla is made immediately throughout the perimeter of the bath. The material should evenly drain on the bottom of the plumbing, covering its walls and the upper part.

To recall the liquid acrylic at the bottom, walls and elimination of other deformations, a flexible rubber spatula is used. The whole horizontal surface must be closed. All "waves" accelerate until the surface becomes uniform and smooth.

After filling the liquid acrylic, the entire surface is checked for the homogeneity of the layer. To do this, use the usual flashlight. Its targeted light streams will immediately indicate all existing flaws.


Useful advice

There are several generally accepted recommendations that should also be followed during the restoration of baths by Stacryl. The main ones are:

  • bath grinding is carried out in the respirator (protection against dust and small particles in light) and rubber gloves (protection of hands from the effects of cleaning agents);
  • during repair work, it is prohibited to allow pets in the apartment, whose wool can get into a renovated bath;
  • drops and splashes stacked, which inadvertently fell to another surface, immediately removed.

In the process of using plumbing is not recommended:

  • filling the bath too hot water;
  • store in it a long period of time;
  • use aggressive detergents.

Video on restoration of bath liquid acrylic:

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