Installation of metal-plastic pipes for water pipes with your own hands: Technology, tools and methods. What do you need to know for high-quality water supply?

July 27. Useful advice, Plumbing Views 570. Comments To record installation of metal-plastic pipes for water pipes with your own hands: technology, tools and methods. What do you need to know for high-quality water supply? No

The modern building market presents a large range of products for mounting the water supply system in an apartment or a private house. How to make the right choice to cope with the work in a short time and minimize the consuming part? Such requirements correspond to modern metal-plastic pipes.

To mount the water supply, only metal pipes were used in the last century. To perform the work on the replacement of a specific area and not only, the help of professionals and special equipment was required. Work on the installation of such a water supply was time consuming and occupied a lot of time. Now everything is different, even on your own, clearly observing the recommendations of professionals and accuracy in the work, you can perform installation of a water supply system, having a minimum of tools and using metal-plastic pipes.

Advantages of installing metal-plastic pipes for water supply

Most popular materials are metal-plastic pipes. They have both a number of positive properties and negative.

Consider why this material is so popular:

  1. Inexpensive cost. If you compare plastic tubes + metal with standard pipes made of steel, then the first option will be much cheaper. Moreover, this does not mean that the quality and deadlines will suffer.
  2. Pipes are flexible, so when installing can be given almost any form.
  3. Easy installation is the most significant argument. Material is malleable and plastic, so even a beginner can cope with the works.
  4. Large service life. Separate manufacturers provide a guarantee for their goods up to 30 years, with competent operation - up to 50 years! And this means that if making installation in all rules, the water supply will last long time. Another advantage is that even if you have to replace a separate area, it can be done within an hour.
  5. Attractive appearance and the ability to hide the pipes in the box laid in the wall or under the floor. Pipes do not need to be painted, because they are not knocked out of the general form, they are not covered with condensate and do not rust.
  6. Pipes are strong, withstand both high temperature loads (within the limited norm) and mechanical.
  7. If you compare this material with other outdated materials, then the pipes are not heavy. Accordingly, when installing water systems, work is simplified.
  8. As mentioned above, rust is not formed in them, the pipes are not subject to corrosion and salt accumulations are not packed on the walls.
  9. Used also for heating. Such a system is not concentrated, as the material is completely sealed.
  10. Can withstand strong hydrowoods. Water drops in the system are not terrible, they are resistant to chemicals, with sharp leaks of temperature in the system, condensate is not formed on the walls.

Disadvantages of installing metal-plastic pipes for water supply

There are no ideal building materials yet, therefore, each individual unit has both pros and cons.

What are the flaws:

  • often, when the repair work is performed unplanned mechanical damage to the water supply systems. If communications are not protected and open, then the pipes may not cope with such loads. If you compare with steel, then the first option will be in priority. Steel pipes steadily will withstand the blow, which cannot be said about modern material;
  • pipes made of metalplastic can not withstand sharp temperature surges, less resistant to temperature increase;
  • if there is direct sunlight (or ultraviolet), the strength is reduced;
  • the most huge lack of these pipes is the possibility of accumulating static tension. Therefore, such material is never used as grounding;
  • if you perform installation without compliance with the rules and rules, the pipes are easily "broken" from fitting attachments, and brass compounds are faster than destruction when the temperature decreases.

Technical indicators of metal-plastic pipes for water supply

Before deciding whether to install water supply from metal plastic, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the material:

  1. The thickness of the plastic layer depends on the diameter, the pipe with a diameter of 16, 20 mm is the thickness of plastic 2 and 2.25 mm, respectively.
  2. Aluminum layer thickness - 0.2 mm 0.24 mm.
  3. One lineage meter pipe with a diameter of 16 mm weighs only 115 g, the weight of the pipes with a diameter of 20 mm by 55 mm more (that is, 170 g).
  4. On the transverse gap, strength - 2880H, bending radius using a special device - 45 mm, if manually, then 80.

What else should be taken into account when installing the water pipe system from metal-plastic pipes:

  • if the pressure is 10 bar in the pipeline, the water temperature should be no higher than 95 degrees;
  • with a pressure increase (maximum up to 25 bar), the working temperature should not exceed 25 degrees;
  • maximum allowable short-term temperature - 110 degrees;
  • the operating pressure on the maximum with maximum increase in water temperature - within 10 bar, but not higher;
  • at the temperature of the coolant 20 degrees, the destructive pressure is 94 bar;
  • the pressure and temperature in the system are constant - under such conditions without the risk of destruction of the pipe, a long term will serve: the temperature is 20 degrees.

All pipes of different diameters have the same structure:

  1. The first layer is polyethylene, marking (REH), resistant to increasing and decrease in temperature.
  2. The second is the glue layer.
  3. The third is a layer of aluminum, coated with laser welding.
  4. The fourth layer is adhesive.
  5. Fifth - layer of polyethylene.

Permissible parameters of coolants (for installation of water supply systems, as well as heating systems): Maximum operating temperature 95 degrees, pressure at such a temperature of 10 bar, extremely permissible short-term operating temperature - +130 degrees. If you comply with such operating conditions, then really extend the service life of the pipeline up to 50 years!

Overview of prices for metal-plastic pipes: based on the type of pipe, diameter, appointment and manufacturer, the cost ranges from 40 rubles for the temporon meter to 200 rubles and higher.

For example, the "NENSO" pipe is standard, costs from 143 rubles per 1 meter, Belgium manufacturer, a round cross section is intended for mounting cold and hot water systems, as well as for drinking water.

The same manufacturer releases pipes for mounting water supply systems (hot / cold / drinking water) with different characteristics and cost. Pipe "Standard" bay, price per meter from 68 rubles, requirements: working temperature at a maximum of 95 degrees, pressure 16 bar.

The material of the Italian manufacturer "TIEMME AL-COBRAPEX" is presented in the bay market (50 m), the price for 1 traveling meter is about 200 rubles. Pipes are designed for cold and hot water supply, drinking water, as well as for mounting heating systems. Specifications: Maximum operating pressure 10 bar at a temperature of a maximum of 95 degrees.

Tools required for mounting a water supply system

To competently perform installation, a special tool will be required. It is divided into groups: for cutting, bending, docking.

What to prepare:

  1. Plastic pipes are sold in bays 2-5 rose meters and more. Before you get everything you need, you need to perform measurements and then proceed to cutting. It is more expedient to perform this part of the work using tools: for example, hacksaws (available in the arsenal of each host). The standard tool will cope with the tasks set, but the incision may turn out uneven, with burrs and jar. To avoid this, you need to purchase special scissors, tool for cutting pipe (cutter) or piperaza. For self-installation of the water pipeline, scissors or piperaza are suitable. Choose a high-quality tool, with comfortable handles.


  1. A flexible tool is a special spring or pipe bender. If such a tool was not at hand, you can adjust the metal spring, heat the pipe by a soldering lamp or a hairdryer (construction), use the usual sand and almost manually bend the pipe.

  1. Special fixtures are also necessary for connecting pipes and elements. Unlike plastic pipes, with the installation of which the welding machine is used, the pipes from metalplastic are easier to mount. In the paper, a wrench may be needed, which is not always convenient when laying pipes above the floor. Therefore, it is better to purchase special ticks or a press fitting. Pliers are manually, with hydraulics and electric drive. Such a tool is easier to use compared with the welding machine.


This is all tools that can come in handy in work. If you want to minimize the consumable part when installing the water supply system, you can only restrict ourselves to press ticks. Without this tool, do not do.

How to bend metalplastic pipes

It is impossible to install a plumbing system without turns and bends. Therefore, you need to purchase a special tool and master the technique of flexing metal-plastic pipes.

Bending formation methods:

  • manual method - the most proven and affordable, tools will not be required, only a pair of strong hands. It is very difficult to control the power of pressure, it is impossible to bend short cuts of pipes. In addition, it is impossible to perform the task without disrupting the integrity of the material;
  • using a special springs adaptation. Suitable for metal-plastic pipes of medium hardness. To achieve accurate fold, you need to choose the properly of the spring diameter. Special spring you need to insert into the pipe, gently bend the pipe at the right angle;
  • the use of rigid wire is the process is not fast but efficient. You need to cut the wire into small segments, fill the emptiness in the pipe in the place where it is planned to bend, bend the pipe. An unnecessary wire must be removed from the pipe, be sure to check that the segments of the used wire remain inside;
  • sand will help in the event that there was no special tool and other suitable devices at hand. The process is time consuming, but if there is no way out, you can try. Small, necessarily sinking pre-sand falls asleep into the pipe, the ends are closed with plugs so that the sand does not get enough sleep, the pipe is clamped into the vice and neatly the bend is heated with a hairdryer or a soldering lamp. Be careful because the risk is permanently over the pipe. Therefore, it is necessary to check from time to time how much sand has been gunned (it is necessary to bring a piece of paper to the place of heating, if it is charred, this is a signal that the sand fucked well).

Technology of installing metal plastic pipes for water supply

Installation of pipes from metalplastic is performed using compression, pressing push fittings. Let's find out the sequence of work and what differences.

Installation of metal-plastic pipes with a compression fitting:

  1. When tightening the nut in this way, the compounds are obtained by pressure. Special tools are not needed. To connect two elements, you will need 2 wrench: one need to tighten the nut, and the second key at this time must resist.
  2. When installing, the installation is made to the instrument of consumption from the collector to minimize unnecessary connections.
  3. For tightness and maintenance of compounds, sometimes there is a need for a broach. To avoid this, you need to go to another way.

Installation of metal-plastic pipes with pitfolding Does not require additional costs of acquiring the tool. In a separate element, the Push fitting must be inserted until the pipe stops, look at the viewing hole so that it is inserted until it stops. After the entire highway is built, it is necessary to promote the clin of fitting and clamp to prevent leakage. This method is considered the easiest and rapid, because there are no connectors, do not need special devices. There are disadvantages: this is a high cost of fittings, after installing the system, you need to withstand the pause at least 3 hours.

How to correctly perform installation in this way, we recommend to watch this video:

Installation of metal-plastic pipes using press fitting:

  1. Such fittings are more durable and durable material. According to the information provided by suppliers of materials for the installation of water supply systems, the service life is about 50 years. Requirements: pressure up to 10 bar. Wiring in this way is much easier and easier.
  2. But to cope with the works, you will need a special press device. The machine is manual or hydraulic.
  3. How to perform installation work: Cut off the pipe cut scissors (corner - straight), remove the champions with a special tool or scan to perform the fitting of the pipe for subsequent work.
  4. Then, to put on a stainless sleeve to put on the end of the segment, insert a shaped part until it stops into the pipe, make a grip using a press clip (in any convenient way: manual or hydraulics).
  5. Press handles need to be reduced.

Now you know the ways of mounting pipes and can apply the knowledge gained in practice. And we recommend watching video photos about how to carry out the installation of metal-plastic pipes with your own hands:

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