Installation of infrared film with your own hands

October 12. Repair and construction work Views 1679. Comments to write installation of infrared film with your own hands No

You can purchase and install an infrared film on your own. To do this, you will need a few hours of fascinating work and some of the tools. To avoid unwanted consequences, at your service recommendations of specialists.

How to prepare the floor?


The preparatory stage provides for the release of the premises, dismantling outdoor coatings. It is also required to clean the base from any irregularities and defects.

1. Align the most base.

To do this, it will be sufficient to perform a screed if the horizon is significantly placed at several points. Check the horizon easily with the help level.

2. Prepare a place for the temperature sensor.

The thermistor is a 6 mm device with a connecting wire. Make a recess under the sensor with a reserve of 5 mm at the edges. Often, the temperature sensor is placed on the cold concrete, which is why incorrect device indicators arise. It is advisable to put the substrate under the device.

Here are some tips to help you install the thermostat:

  • place the sensor in the proximity to the outlet;
  • install the cable channel that hits the connecting wires;
  • depending on the type and length of the wire is calculated setting the thermostat. There are in-wall devices, as well as the wall.


Laying the heat transfer substrate


This process is devoid of difficulties and pitfalls. The only thing you have to decide whether it is worth covering the entire floor area with a film. There are no strict recommendations. The choice is yours. It should only keep in mind that the substrate size must exceed the dimensions of the film. This measure is explained by a reasonable way. First, the film will be easily fixed. Secondly, the risks of heat losses will become minimal.

An excellent means for fixing the material to the floor is the usual bilateral tape. Take a look at the video, how the infrared film is installed.

  1. When laying the basic band, you must first paste the tape to the floor.
  2. Remove the protective film from the tape and press the substrate. Do not worry for the result, since the material allows you to repeat the tape repeatedly.
  3. Consistently attach the material along the area of \u200b\u200bthe coating. By the way, edges should be fixed. To do this, place the scotch in such a way that its area accounted for in the middle of the connecting strips.
  4. Additionally, secure the joints of Lavsanov Scotch. As a result, a holistic heat-reflecting surface is obtained.


Laying infrared film


Manufacturers of infrared heating film allow not coverage of the entire floor area. It is enough to establish a radiator at least 70% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It is not recommended to have a film under sofas, cabinets and other deaf furniture. This taboo also has a reasonable explanation. The fact is that in the closed space heat will not find a natural output. As a result, there will be a high temperature contraindicated directly to the heater itself on such sites.

If on a film covered with laminate, linoleum or other floor-coated plates to install furniture with legs, the effect of overheating can be easily avoided. Before installing, be sure to think about the location and possible permutations of furniture. Now directly to the installation.

  1. Rights eliminated, the substrate is laid and the place for the thermostat is ready.
  2. Cut the desired piece of heater and place the tires down on the substrate.
  3. Secure the Lavsanov or stationery tape along the side line. At the same time, leave the film out free. It will serve as a place of connection to the wire system.
  4. Secure the rest of the films in this way in the required places.


Connecting heating film

Often, with poor quality installation, a simple error is allowed - insufficient contact crimping. As a result of incorrect electrical contact, the material demonstrates the absence of heating. Contact is oxidized and, as a result, the chain is broken.

To re-open the sexual coating, take care of the process of connecting the infrared film. Practice shows that the greatest number of problems with the warm floor occurs due to electrical contact. Make sure by reading the reviews about heating infrared film.

For a tropical connection, it is recommended to use the crab type clamp. To connect, you need exclusively pliers.


The main difficulty when connected is to place the crab to the previous place. It is necessary to insert one plate directly inside the material, and the other is to press from the tire side.

  1. Carefully split the film layers, insert the match.
  2. Insert the "crab" plate so that another gear plate is in the opposite side of the tire.
  3. Cut the half of the "crab" so that the connection is bored. Test the quality of contact: "crab" should not move on the bus.


Connecting and laying of wires


To connect the thermostat to the heater, take a stranded single wire. And the cross section of the wire should reach 1.5 mm². The optimal choice will be the conductor PV-3 1.5. With an insignificant load, there will be a sufficiently small cross section.

Connecting the film to the electrical network is carried out in parallel. Each strip must be equipped with a current voltage of 220 V.

Then the wiring is stacked. At this stage, it is important that the wiring does not rise above the substrate. Do not intersect the conductors during the installation process or minimize this phenomenon. To disguise the wires, it is necessary:

  1. Cut in the substrate channel 1 cm wide.
  2. Close the scotch of the formed strip so that the material does not "run around".
  3. Press the tape and install the wire into the recess.
  4. Stick scotch.

By forming moves in the substrate, you must bring the wire to the thermostat.


Connect thermostat


All wires are connected to the place of installation of the thermostat. The final stage remains - connecting the device to the wires. We give advice from specialists in this stage:

  1. In the mounting box, as a rule, there is not enough space for installing wires. In this case, the thermostat rests on the harness of the wires. Do not leave long wires. The optimal is the length at which the conductor comes out of the box by 10 cm.
  2. If you install the instrument in the adapter type box, do the rectangular hole behind the design. In the place where the contact connectors are located. Otherwise, the space for laying wires will be catastrophically miss.
  3. Keep in mind that the wire of the gender temperature sensor has a rigid insulating layer. It is necessary to carefully remove the small part of the insulating layer so as not to damage the copper veins directly. Sometimes experts cut slight clips for convenient installation of the thermostat.
  4. Before dismantling and the subsequent installation of the heat adjustment device, as well as when disabled and connecting the conductors, it should be de-energized in the apartment. This measure is designed to prevent human defeat with electric shock.




The technology of warm floors is particularly relevant in our time, when the rates on housing and communal services are growing, and the modernization of heating systems is not produced. Owners of urban apartments go to alternative heating, sometimes refuse to centralized heating. Infrared film is the most optimal option. Installation of advanced development requires basic knowledge in the electrician. In just a couple of hours you can install and analyze sexual coating.

As for the cost-effectiveness, the infrared film consumes no more than 200 kW per month when heating the room with an area of \u200b\u200b10 m².

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