Local sewage for country house or cottage with your own hands

January 21. Plumbing, Plot. Views 2086. Comments to the record Local sewage for a country house or cottage with your own hands No

When the country area is arranged, the sewage system is given a special place. Her qualitative creation is the key to a comfortable situation in the house for many years.

Types of sewer system

Creating local sewage for the house provides for a thorough selection of the system. In most cases, it is associated with a number of objective factors. The main ones are:

  • soil composition;
  • groundwater level and soil freezing;
  • family number;
  • frequency of residence;
  • number of sanitary devices;
  • depth of pipe laying;
  • the presence of an entrance for an asserenitator machine.


The following types of country local sewage are distinguished:

  • cesspool;
  • septic with concrete rings;
  • septic with plastic;
  • wastewater purification station.

The device of the cesspool is carried out in small houses with a low sewage volume. This sewer system is effective for one person. A significant drawback is the continuous use of the services of the assessing agents.

Local sewage from concrete rings assumes the presence of two or three wells. The diameter of the rings is 1-2 m. Sewer wells are also subjected to forced wastewater purification. But their ransom is much less frequent than cesspool. Part of the effluent goes into the ground through a special filtering well.


In plastic structures there is a settlement at the bottom. Purified water goes to filtration fields. Therefore, to clean the septica, it will also have to periodically call special techniques. There are many such products. Purchase plastic septicch should be based on the level of groundwater and volume volume.

The most efficient local sewage system is the plant of biological wastewater treatment. It is especially indispensable in multi-storey houses that can "boast" several sanitary nodes. In the presence of large loads, the sewer system is equipped with pumps that carry out the forced withdrawal of pure water.

Primary requirements

The main stages of creating local sewage in the country using the station include:

  • determination of the location of the drainage system;
  • marking work;
  • drain of pit and trench;
  • installation of pipes;
  • creating septic;
  • switching electrical wiring;
  • preliminary launch of equipment;
  • final belling trench and septic.


It is recommended to place an autonomous local sewage system for giving not far from the road. This will simplify the entrance of the assessing agent. There are maintenance requirements for septicism:

  • minimum distance to home -5 m;
  • to green plantings - 3 m;
  • to the borders of the site - 2 m;
  • to the source of drinking water fence - 50 m;
  • depth - from 1.2 m.

Marking of the site and subsequent earthworks should not entail damage:

  • communication lines;
  • landscape design.

Pipe laying and the creation of a septic tank

To create a local sewer with your hands is better to use plastic pipes with a diameter of 10-11 cm. They are not clogged for a long enough time and are hardy. Laying of sewer pipes is made with the following conditions:

  • minimum slope from the house to the sewage treatment capacity of 2º;
  • careful compaction of the soil before the installation works;
  • straight trajectory tube location;
  • sealing joints.


The tillage of the soil after giving the trench will allow more reliably to fix the pipes. So they will not damage the soil drawdown. The bottom of the trench under the pipes can be coated with concrete solution. If it fails to avoid turning pipes, then the creation of viewing wells should be envisaged. The locations of the joints of the pipes are subject to mandatory sealing. This uses silicone sealant.

The next step of the local sewage device is the creation of septic. When using a cleaning station, you must purchase three tanks for wastewater treatment. All of them are connected to each other.

In the first tank septic, the process of primary cleansing of effluents occurs. In the second container (aerotane), biochemical reactions are carried out, which lead to the decomposition of various elements. In the third filtering compartment, the final water purification is performed. By pipe with the third tank, purified water enters the filter well.


The installation process of the local sewage involves the presence of a vent pipe in the first tank. It is designed to withdraw unpleasant odors from wastewater. It is also recommended to equip aerotane compressor hose. So there will be enough oxygen. It is necessary for the development of microorganisms that eat the organic in sewering drains.

After mounting the elements of local sewage, the sewer water purification station is performed. After checking the performance of trench equipment, they will fall ashamed. On top of the septic, you can fall on the lawn and lay an artificial stone.

The installation of modern stand-alone sewage will save the owners of country houses from many problems associated with waste recycling.

Video to create local sewage in a private house:

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