Wall mural 3D

January 22. Interior decoration, Walls and partitions Views 5290. Comments to write photo wallpaper 3d No

Each of us, tired of the bustle of a big city, wants to enjoy turquoise of endless expanses, feel the rustling of leaves and look at graceful animals, but daily we are watching lifeless landscapes, gray smoke, driving cars and huge high-rise buildings.

Fix the created situation will help use in your home photo wallpaper with a 3D effect. Good quality photographes so much will be so implied your consciousness and gaze that you immerse yourself in the amazing world of exotic nature, culture of different nations and see the appearance of the rays of the rising sun. The correctly selected atmosphere will not only improve the interior of the room, but also fill its living energy of nature. You will see how the ceiling will be higher, the room is greater, and it will be much free to breathe in it.


Wall mural 3d in the interior

Wall mural 3D - represent a high-quality photo of the inspiring size, which has extremely high definition and the ability to transmit the most smallest elements of the image. This detail of the decor is able to fully update and transform the room without large financial costs. In addition, the photo wallpaper is the perfect option for expanding the space and giving the interior of a unique color and depth.


Wall murals with a 3D effect look insanely realistic and cause the corresponding associations "presence". It is for this reason that it is necessary to tremble to choosing a picture and its placement, because sometimes instead of the desired effect you can get absolutely opposite. Three-dimensional printing is capable of not only intrigue the interior, but also give it a completely different appearance.

A wide variety of shapes, sizes, textures and colors will allow you to apply a photo wallpaper 3D in any room for the incarnation of the most bizarre design fantasies, and thanks to the excellent image quality and incredible realism, they can be used to simulate various textures - marble, wood, tile, etc.

At the same time today there are photo wallpapers on a 3D wall with a fluorescent effect capable of glowing in the dark. Such a composition in the morning looks like an ordinary city, and in the evening turns into a metropolis, saturated with soft lights and rather pleasant paints. An unforgettable picture can recreate photo wallpapers on the ceiling, which displays the space space with planets and stars.


If you decide to buy photo wallpapers 3D and make them an element of the decor, then do not regret it at all, since they do not imply a special care and service life reaches from 10-15 years.

Use innovative 3D Wallpaper to order in any room:


  • In large halls for better zoning space;
  • in children's rooms;
  • In small rooms to create a perspective and visually increase the space.

Distinctive features of 3D wallpapers

Wall-and-Deco2 (1)

Wallpapers 3D differ from the usual in that innovative technologies are used for their production, allowing to make a drawing volume. Such an effect is achieved using special reflective particles that refract the rays so that all the details of the image or ornament look three-dimensional.

However, it is necessary to remember that 3D drawing acquires volumetric properties exclusively at a distance, so the wallpaper suggests quite a large space. It is best to apply them in a lobby or living room, where everything is the magnificence of the canvas can appear.

Fluorescent photo wallpaper creates a magnificent effect of glow in the dark. It is possible to strengthen it with the help of a muffled backlight, or a special BLB installed on the ceiling or wall of a special BL Lamp radiating light.


The advantages of 3D wallpaper:

  • For them, it is possible to use conventional glue for vinyl wallpaper;
  • An image that has a bulk relief does not fade;
  • A huge number of reflective particles allows not only to achieve an unsurpassed decorative effect, but also to increase their service life;
  • they can be washed using household chemicals;
  • Such wallpapers can be made individually.

Varieties of photo wallpaper 3d:


  • panoramic;
  • standard;
  • single;
  • LED;
  • Fluorescent.

LED wallpaper


They are not just 3D wallpapers, but an entire electronic system consisting of a built-in chip and 840 LEDs. Of these, 60 red LEDs, 60 - blue and other shades, 48 \u200b\u200b- white. Such wallpapers have the ability to change the image using a special console. The main advantage is that such wallpaper is applied not only for its intended purpose, but also in the form of a backlight.

How to choose a 3D wallpaper?


Today the choice of three-dimensional photo wallpaper is quite large, they are offered a huge variety of companies: Wall & Deco, Kunshan Kingart Home Deco Co., Ltd, Marburg and others. However, remember that the realistic drawing of the drawing, its brightness, paint contrast and the life of the product depends on the quality. Accordingly, they need to be purchased solely in solid and well-proven firms.

How to glue photo wallpapers 3d


This type of wallpaper is glued in the same way as ordinary vinyl wallpapers. However, it is not recommended to glue them on an uneven surface. Flaws are able to spoil the end result and your mood. Therefore, before applying them on the wall, be sure to push it and remove all the roughness. You can use glue for vinyl wallpaper and roller.

Wall mural on the wall 3d video:

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