3D bulk floors do it yourself

January 22. Interior decoration Views 4288. Comments to write bulk floors 3D do it yourself No

Making repairs in the apartment, quite often the question arises about the choice of outdoor coverage - carpet, laminate, parquet, etc. However, it should be noted that it should be at least soundproof, waterproof and wear-resistant, and also correspond to the interior of the room.

Today, the stroke offers unlimited possibilities and a huge variety of materials. Therefore, we recommend to stay on one of the types of coating - 3D decorative bulk floors.


The three-dimensional flooring in its characteristics is similar to self-leveling ordinary floors, but has a more advanced and exclusive appearance.

The 3D effect is obtained thanks to a special technology: the figure is applied to the base base, and then coated with a polymer transparent layer. As a result, the floor acquires a three-dimensional depth, which can be adjusted by the thickness of a special polymer.


When creating an image, you can use various natural materials - pebbles, sand, etc. However, what will be the bulk of the floor in the apartment 3d, solve you exclusively.

The advantages of bulk polymer 3D floors:


  • have good performance characteristics (do not require repair, they do not crack, they are quite simple to wash, do not fill);
  • hygienic (various microbes do not multiply on them);
  • resistant to open fire (not melting, not lit);
  • have a hermetic surface;
  • resistant to ultraviolet and sudden heating;
  • not afraid of alkali, fats, acids and chemicals;
  • Possess increased wear-resistance, mechanical effects and loads.

It is quite difficult to damage such an outdoor coating, so if there is a need to dismantle, then it is knocked together with the basis. If you wish to update the interior, the polymer floor is better to leave as a steady and even base for any type of coating.

Types of polymer floors


Among such coatings, several options are distinguished today, which differ in type of laying, fillers and materials for the manufacture of mixtures:

  • Epoxy floors (are used to create a 3D effect and have a special layer of film or photographic paper with the applied image);
  • polyurethane (can take a different shade, possess an attractive appearance, durability and durability);
  • Methyl methacrylovy (have increased strength, but used exclusively in industrial premises).

In order to make bulk floors 3D, initially need to decide on the view of its decor:


  • Will he have a matte base with a screen image;
  • Decor in the transparent layer of resin;
  • Or want to get a bulk drawing under a transparent layer.

Get a really bulk image is quite possible if you contact an advertising firm, printing 3D stickers using optical printing techniques. However, another option is possible - an order in the printing house. Its specialists can apply bulk graphics on a self-adhesive vinyl film.

The decor created in the transparent layer of resin is made a little differently. First you need to decide on its elements - marine shells, beads, coins, etc. And only then proceed to work.

If you wish to create a matte base with a screen image, then as in the first version you will come to the aid of the usual printing house, but it will not have a drawing, but stencil on the plotter.

Materials for bulk floor 3D


When building a decorative bulk 3D floor indoors, it is important to choose a special transparent polymer that will be a protective finish layer. Specialists call such a "Commander" resin, which is sold complete with a hardener. With its preparation it is very important to comply with all manufacturer's recommendations in order not to receive a large number of bubbles and damage the material.

Tools that will be needed:

  • individual protection means;
  • Ships with spikes;
  • painting brush;
  • Malyary roller;
  • needle roller;
  • Flat and toothed spatula (from 20 cm wide, but not more than 80 cm);
  • perforator with a mixing nozzle (power from 800 W);
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • Grinding machine for concrete.

How to make a bulk floor 3d


Stages of fill:

1. Preparation of the foundation;
2. His primer;
3. Education is an ideally smooth surface;
4. Finishing of the basic coating;
5. Application of the image;
6. The coating of the polymer finish layer;
7. The coating of the lacquer protective layer.

Bulk Floors 3D Technology


1. Preparation of the basis

The laying of the filling floor is made on the tie of concrete. To prepare the basis will need:

  • Collect the basis of concrete with a special machine and remove unevenness;
  • eliminate various defects in the form of cracks and chipping, applying a solution based on cement and epoxy mixture;
  • well clean the concrete basis from dust and garbage with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Degrease the surface.

2. Priming base

Once you've cleared the concrete floor, it should be primed with special construction materials with deep penetration. Apply the primer layer need roller, a spatula or a brush with a short break in 2 layers.

After finishing work, the foundation is left for a day to complete drying, and only then can proceed to laying of the polyurethane coating.

3. Base layer

In a basic framework for the floor ornamental 3D may serve as a polymeric coating or qualitatively created screed. However, the first option is much better suited, since it has a good quality features that allow it to apply the image.

If the pattern selected natural elements, the basic foundation will serve as the background, so try to carefully approach the masonry technology and the choice of its color.

The base polymer layer is poured on a rough base and just as self-leveling floor. However, follow the immutable principles - a surface that flooded, must be aligned perfectly and have no air bubbles.

4. Image application

Before applying the drawing, it should be not used to dry the base layer. To create an image using 2 methods:

  • Painting;
  • Sticking.

The drawing performed by the paints will be distinguished by high brightness and cost. However, if you have artistic abilities, you can make it yourself. After applying the image, be sure to wait for it complete drying and only then apply the protective layer.

If you decide not to bother and take advantage of the sticking, then you will need to choose the image, edit it and print it in the printing house, applying a banner fabric or vinyl film. The size of the finished pattern should be a little more field area, because it is much easier to cut down than to hide joints.

Technology Application Image:

  • Initially, the base layer of a polymer composition with a solvent with a flat brush or roller should be processed;
  • Literally through a day, the polymerization of the primer will occur;
  • Next, the picture is applied to the basis (make sure that air bubbles do not occur);
  • The floor is then covered with finishing coating.


5. Coating the finish layer


  • All elements of the transparent floor are mixed in the capacitance of a drill with a special nozzle;
  • The composition is then poured into the image (be sure to observe the equal layer of thickness over the entire surface);
  • Next, the mixture is levelingly leveling in accordance with technology.

To eliminate air bubbles, the surface should be labeled with a needle roller of 15-30 minutes (before the initial hardening). All activities are carried out in ships with spikes.

Upon completion of the work, the surface is covered for several days by plastic film.

The period of complete drying lasts depending on the thickness of the polymer layer, humidity of the room and the temperature regime.

6. Application of the lacquer protective layer

After the finishing layer is dry, the surface must be covered with varnish, which will subsequently protect it from adverse external influences and mechanical damage. Also the floor can be given an anti-slip property.

Bulk 3D Floors Making Technology:

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