Why do you need rolled waterproofing of the foundation and how to make it

July 26. Repair and construction work, Building materials Views 1994. Comments To write why the rolled waterproofing of the foundation and how to make it No

There is no need to talk about the importance of the strength and reliability of the foundation: the life of the entire structure depends on this part of the structure. The main destroyer factor is moisture contained in the soil. These are not only groundwater, but also atmospheric precipitation. In the summer, they wash the cement from the design and contribute to the spread of mold. In the cold season, the frozen water turns into ice, which expands and destroys the foundation. Next will follow the seating of the house and the destruction of its walls. One of the effective ways to protect against such destructive processes - rolled waterproofing for the foundation.

Events needed to protect the house from groundwater

  1. The soles of the column foundation must be separated from the soil. To do this, on the bottom of the wells pour sand with a layer of 100-150 mm, which is thoroughly tamped, and then lay a few layers of rubberoid with overlap.
  2. It is required to isolate the lower strapping of the house from the foundation so that the moisture cannot penetrate the structure of the above-ground part of the structure. To do this, use horizontal insulation.
  3. In the event that the soil is characterized by an increased saturation of moisture, vertical and horizontal waterproofing of the foundation throughout the perimeter is necessary. One of the effective ways is waterproofing with rolled materials and mastic on a rubber or bitumen basis. In addition to the runneroid, it is suitable for this, pergamine, isoplast, fiberglass, etc.


Pros and disadvantages of using rolled material for waterproofing

To the advantages of this method of protection of the base of the house include the following:

  • relatively low cost;
  • a wide variety of various types of rolled materials and their availability;
  • easy and simplicity: In the paper does not require the use of special skills;
  • long life of waterproofing;
  • the possibility of quick-edge;
  • the possibility of use for waterproofing the bases of complex shape after heating.


Rolled waterproofing materials also have disadvantages:

  • the need to involve several people to perform work;
  • ruberoid needs to be protected from mechanical impacts;
  • danger that occurs when working with preheated bitumen and gas burners;
  • the need for additional stool processing.


Where do waterproofing work begins

After the foundation was flooded, you do not need to hurry to perform inverse swelling. It is necessary to align vertical and horizontal planes with cement-sandy solutions, to shock all the slots and remove all protruding irregularities with a chisel. This is necessary for a more dense adjacent of the roll material.
How to make waterproofing the foundation of the building already built? The work does not differ from the process sticker stickers to the newly constructed foundation. The exception is the preparatory stage. To do this, you must perform the following.

  1. All over the perimeter of the structure you need to clear the foundation from the soil. The trench should be so width to work comfortably.
  2. To prevent sweating of the soil to strengthen it with wooden shields.
  3. The walls of the foundation are purified from soil and dust using a rigid brush, after which a strong jet of water (for this, the pump is used) knock down the dirt residues. At the same time, fungus and mold should not be on the surface.
  4. If necessary, fluatation is carried out by a special composition: it allows you to get rid of the vapors that manifest themselves as a white plaque and improve the appearance of the base. In this case, soluble salts are converted into insoluble and fill pores and cracks, thereby strengthening the base.
  5. The base must dry completely. Naturally, this process will be completed after 5-7 days, so the acceleration should be used by heat guns.
  6. Using a perforator with a nozzle in the form of a chisel, you need to knock down all the protrusions, rounded the angles and the grinder cut the fittings. It is required so that sharp edges do not damage the roll material.
  7. Concrete and brick base is processed by primer deep penetration. It will "connect" all microparticles on the surface and improve adhesion with material for waterproofing.
  8. On top of the vertical surface with the help of a brush, roller or the square apply bitumen mastic. 2700
  9. Ruberoid must be prepared: the day before waterproofing the rolls are unwinding and declined on earth for alignment. If the area area does not allow it to do - rolls are rewound in the opposite direction.
  10. Ruberoid is placed on top of the mastic so that the upper layers "found" with an overlap at least 100 mm on top. To do this, work is beginning to bottom, unwinding the roll horizontally.
  11. In the process of unwinding, the base is heated by a soldering lamp or a gas burner, and the rubberoid is pressed against the wall of the roller. eXTERIOR-WATERPROOFING-MEMBRANE
  12. Thus, the rolled material in the end is well adjacent to the surface.
  13. The operation is repeated 2-3 times, alternating the layer from bitumen and rubberoid. At the same time additionally processed all the joints. It remains to remember that the rolled material must overlap and the horizontal (basement) part of the structure near the base.
  14. Waving the time required for the cooling of the bitumen, protect the rubberoid shields from plywood from mechanical damage before the inverse swelling. To do this, you can use the plates of extruded expanded polystyrene: they will not only protect, but also insulate the base of the building.


There are masts (on a rubber basis) that do not need heating. With their help, work can be fastened faster and safer, while the life of waterproofing will be longer, but such masts are more expensive.


Some techniques used in waterproofing

  1. Protect rubberoid from mechanical damage and additionally improve the waterproofing of the base using a clay lock. For this, clay, pre-closed in water, is applied to a thick layer on the rubberoid. After it dries, perform reverse swelling.
  2. PVC membrane is suitable for the protection of the foundation from groundwater. Preparation of the base surface in this case differs from those described earlier: manufacturers of such membranes require that the surface has a certain degree of humidity.
  3. When preparing the surface of the base of low quality (for example, folded from the brick), it is necessary to use polymer primer based on cement.
  4. Places where cables, pipes and other communications are laid, it is necessary to process with special care: the waterproofing roller must be without air bubbles.
  5. Waterproofing the foundation with their own hands should be performed at air temperature not lower than 5 ° C heat. The base surface also should not be cold. gidroizol-FundAment4-460x345
  6. It is necessary to carefully process inter-block seams by mastic to prevent condensate penetration into microcrusers.
  7. In the melted bitumen it is recommended to add spent engine or transmission oil in an amount of about 25%. Due to this, bitumen will become more viscous and its adhesion with the base material will improve.
  8. It is undesirable to acquire the deployed rubberoid: the likelihood of its cracking in the process of unwinding the roll or gluing the adjacent layers is great.
  9. The waterproofing of the foundation in the basements is carried out so that the rolled material covers the soil and found the base wall at least 400 mm, forming the "brisk". The rubberoid layers should be at least three, while the sheets of neighboring rows of each layer should be laid by the Vansels of about 100-150 mm.




Waterproofing the base with the help of rolled materials is a reliable and easy way to protect the structure of groundwater. In addition, the sticker of the rubberoid (or other similar material) is one of the stages of the foundation insulation.


About what and how waterproofing work is performed, a builder will explain on the example of a particular object (watch video).

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