Do it yourself harmonica do it yourself

December 26. Repair and construction work Views 4056. Comments to record door harmonica do it yourself No

Not each of us boasts a large area of \u200b\u200byour house or apartment. Sometimes it is necessary to measure the room literally on centimeters to put the necessary furniture, favorably using space. To add some residential space, instead of a standard door you can use the door of the harmonica. It consists of a door from a certain number of panels of different widths. The standard size of one section is ten to fifteen centimeters. Thanks to a special design, the door folds to the side, and moves along the slats located on the door frame.

Read more about the design of the door

The folding door of the harmonica consists of sections that are folded in the direction and ensure the opening of the door. Such a door does not take up much space and will be the perfect option for dressing rooms, bathrooms, kitchens and toilets. In addition, the sliding door can be used instead of a partition or width to separate the room into two zones.

Interior doors type harmonica are undesirable to install on large doorways. Also, you should not install the door of the harmonica to the entrance doors.

Indoor with the door of the accordion appears more space. In such a room, the furniture is much easier to distribute, and it will be safer to exploit it than the usual door.

Types of interior doors

Modern furniture market offers a wide selection of different doors. Among themselves they differ in the way of opening.

Severe five types of doors:

  1. Swing.
  2. Road harmonica.
  3. Door coupe.
  4. Pendulum.
  5. Busty.

Swing - a popular version of interroom doors. The designs differ in size (height and width) and installation option (right or left). Swing doors are not suitable for small rooms, as they occupy a lot of space.


The pendulum door is an improved version of the swing door. Different from unpacking the fact that the door can be opened in both directions - on themselves or inside the room. For small-sized apartments, pendulum doors will not suit, because it is not always possible to use such a design when planning a residential premises.


The bias door is the subspecies of the swing door with one or two canvas. Each canvas is equipped with a separate fastening - lock and loops. This option is more suitable for the kitchen.


For a small room, a good option will be a door-compartment. The door canvas shifts on the guide rails in one direction. To install such a door - it is not necessary a lot of space, and the design itself is functional and aesthetic.


For owners of small-sized apartments, the harmonica sliding doors will be the most successful option. When opening the door, the rails are interconnected.

In turn, folding structures are divided into such types:

  1. Road harmonica.
  2. Door book.

Consider each type of folding doors in more detail. So, the harmonica door consists of a certain number of panels bonded between themselves. Outwardly, the door can resemble blinds, only the mounting of the panels is carried out vertically using thin canvases (lamellae), which are connected to each other.


If you carefully examine the design of the door, you can see that the narrow panel is attached to the rail (at the top and bottom). When opening the panel connect (the principle of harmonic). The door is equipped with pleated web. There may be several of them. One part of the web (lamella) is attached to the doorway, and the second is equipped with a roller, with which the web is moving along the guides.

Fix the position of the door (opening half or completely) allows a special check box and synchronizer, thanks to which the door opens smoothly, without a jerk.

Among the advantages of this design can be allocated:

  • multifunctionality - the door can be selected for any size of the opening;
  • silent;
  • the ability to save useful space indoors;
  • you can install an automatic mechanism;
  • the door will not shut from a random draft or other impact;
  • the ability to increase or decrease the number of panels;
  • the mechanism allows you to open the door in any direction;
  • the door of the harmonica can be installed in the shower in the shower as a waterproof partition.

The minuses of the doors are harmonica:

  • low heat and sound insulation;
  • there is no possibility to install the door to arched opening;
  • when the door is open - a part of the width of the doorway is reduced;
  • a large number of panels can reduce the strength of the structure;
  • he will serve only five years.

The door of the book is a foldable design consisting of two sash. The door model is somewhat stronger and put it much easier. This door is suitable for any interior. Especially well combined doors with the interior of high-tech and classic style.


The difference of the doors of the book is that it is easier to install it. Differs the reliability of the door mechanism. You can put such doors in any room, which will make it profitable to emphasize the interior of the room.

Install the doors of the books in the doorway of any width, in addition, they can overlap the whole room. When the door is open, it still takes more space than the compact door of the harmonica.

Door manufacturing materials

Buy the door of the harmonica can be made of natural wood or artificial materials. Most buyers prefer natural materials.

Long-term harmonica doors from such materials will serve:

  • wood;
  • skin;
  • plastic;
  • Chipboard;
  • MDF.

Popular panels made of pine are popular. Such a door harmonica is distinguished by a low price due to the softness of wood. The hardness of the natural material is only two and a half kilograms per millimeter square. This means that when a heavy item on the surface can be formed by dents.

Of the solid wood, respectively, dear, are popular with oak, beech and maple doors. This door will be resistant to wear.

The door from DVP and MDF is inexpensive, but its operating time is significantly reduced, and the door will not respond to environmental characteristics.

Often the door harmonica is collected from plastic panels. The material is not distinguished by persistence, cracks, scratches and chips are easily formed, but with all this, plastic doors do not require special care during operation. Plastic does not "breathe", but has good sound and thermal insulation properties. Often the owners of plastic doors mark the lack of air indoors, it becomes particularly stuffy in the room when the door is closed.

Recently, the popular type of material for the manufacture of the doors of the harmonica type is tempered glass. Colored, matte or transparent glass panels are fixed in wood or metal lamella. Such a door will become an excellent addition to the interior. The cost of the glass door is significantly higher than this design of wood.

What do the doors of the harmonica - see photos:


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Do it yourself harmonica do it yourself

The harmonica door is installed in a small room to save each centimeter of the useful area. The door will not take a lot of space, and in the open position will be collected from the opening.

What will take for work

For the equipment of the folding doors at home, it is necessary to prepare such materials and tools:

  • room harmonica included;
  • platbands;
  • screws and dowels;
  • mounting foam;
  • marker or pencil;
  • construction meter;
  • hacksaw;
  • wort;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • corolnic;
  • lobzik (electric);
  • acute building knife.

As a rule, the door is sold assembly with the necessary spare parts and fasteners. The packaging also includes spare stripes that are used if you need to increase the door width. Before buying should decide on dimensions doors harmonicaand the width of the doorway to buy a canvas with a margin. In this case, when you open the door, the lamella will not be stretched.

It is possible to make the door-harmonica and independently, but then it arises difficulty with the acquisition of high-quality fittings. In this situation, it is easier to go to a specialized store and purchase the necessary accessories in the kit. You should also buy a sheet of selected material (wood or plastic thickness of no more than twenty millimeters), self-tapping screws, door loops and suitable color edge.

materials for harmonica

Build door web

door box

How to assemble the door leaf:

  1. Take the list of fiberboard and cut the first two panels. It will be the door sash. You can make them one width or one thinner, and another wider - it will depend on personal preferences.
  1. The panels are cut with an electric bike, and the edges are treated with a fine-grained sandpaper (zero). Dust is brown with a clean cloth to prepare the surface to glue the plastic edge.
  2. The end of each panel must be pre-lubricated with glue, and the glued parts are pressing tightly to each other to fix the edge. For these purposes, you can use a roller or a graved glass bottle.
  3. Then should be postponed towards the panel to the final drying. Usually enough twelve hours so that the edge is well glued. Then you can outline the location of loops, carriages, accessories and handles with a lock.
  4. Set two metal axes to the end panel of the sash - one should be located on top, and the other below. In the designated places for marking with the help of the electric drills, make the holes in the depth less than the length of the axis.
  5. Secure each axis on the surface of the panel. Horizontally and vertically the position of the lower and upper axis should be the same.
  6. Remove the hole for fastening the roller slider in the top end of the panel. This panel is usually installed last.
  7. Place the panel on the horizontal surface in such a sequence so that later it was possible to combine them with hinges. Between adjacent sash (exception - two extremes) should be symmetrically located loops. When displaced loops - panels, cracks will be shuffled and the appearance of cracks.
  8. After the marking of the loops is made (there must be the same distance between the three loops), then they can be placed on the sash.
  9. The loops should be connected so that the distance between them was at least three millimeters with a fully open sash.
  10. In the extreme panel, you need to make a groove for the door handle. This is a distinctive feature of the door-accordion from the interior door - the handle is mounted on the extreme panel, and not on the end of the sash.
  11. With the help of the electric drill, drill the grooves for the door lock (latch) and hang the leaf on the mounting of the doorway.

type of harmonica assembly

Installing Door

When the door canvas collected, install it in the doorway will be simple:

  1. Install the rail guide. If you have a standard opening, the rail width will be thirty-five, the height is thirty-three-thirty nine millimeters. When the width of the opening is less than the rail guide, it should be trimmed.
  2. Then make holes at a distance of twenty-five or thirty centimeters to attach the canvas on top of the doorway.
  3. In the case of opening the sash on the right, it is necessary to set the latch on the right, or vice versa.
  4. Now put the carriage runner in the rail and attach the guide at the top with self-draws.
  5. Take sash on fastenings. This work must be performed when the sash is in folded form: lift and start it into the metal axis of the planting plate.
  6. Then the extreme sash panel is connected to the axis of the carriage.
  7. To regulate the position and stroke of the sash, use the adjustment key.
  8. When the height of the doorway is more than a meter, it is necessary to install a larger number of runners from above. In this case, you should install the lower rail into which the carriage wheels are becoming.


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