Painting painting. How to paint outdoor plinth

January 26. Repair and construction work Views 4306. 5 comments to the painting of the plinth. How to paint outdoor plinth

The modern building market offers buyers a large selection of various materials that are immediately ready for installation and do not require special training. Such finishing materials includes outdoor plinth. Most people will be surprised at buying a plinth, which is then needed also to paint if you can immediately purchase a ready-made product. But there is another category of consumers who seek to emphasize their interior and make it unusual.

The main advantage of the floor plinth from a tree is a wonderful opportunity to give him any shade. For people who wish to make their own interior with a highlight, and not boring monotony, and plinths are intended for painting.

Painting painting will allow the interior stylish and bright, since this finishing material is installed after the repair is completed, that is, at the final stage. It often happens that throughout the repair, a person has not decided on the choice of the color of the plinth, then the outdoor plinth is installed in shape and size, in the hope that the final shade "ascends" himself.

Types of Plintus Painting

As you know, not every floor quilt can be covered with paint. Available are models ready for installation. But, despite this, there are much more stringent requirements for floor plinths than to ceiling plinths.

So, the plinth must be durable, but not necessarily heavy. Basically, standard material for the manufacture of floor cartel - MDF or tree. Such products can be sold with a decorative finish of a specific color. You can often find outdoor plinths from MDF or wood array without decoration.

What are the advantages of the plinth under painting:

  1. The surface of the product is smooth.
  2. In the manufacture of plinth passes several preparatory stages, including the application of several layers of primer coating, which allows not to spend a lot of time on the color.
  3. The strength of the plinth remains unchanged.
  4. Installation is not different from finished products. Carnate floor plinths can be used using special clips, glue, screws, or use "liquid nails".
  5. Plinth masks the edges of wallpaper and wires.

How to choose a suitable color

Everything is suitable for the finishing of the plinth. Someone decides to invite a designer and completely give the completion of the interior in his hands, and someone, on the contrary, believes that he will cope on his own, and starts work. There are also such people who are the main thing when choosing a color for painting the plinth - so that it does not catch.

For those who wish to enjoy the choice of collapse of paint and the staining process, you need to familiarize yourself with these recommendations:

  1. Choose the color of the plinth - what can be easier? It is only at first glance, but in fact - it is not so simple. It is necessary to take into account not only its own preferences, but also the size of the room, the height of the ceilings, the interior and the presence of lighting elements.
  2. There are four color selection rules. Consider each option. Pouring the color of the plinth can be in the tone of the ceiling or floor. If your floor covering is light or, on the contrary, a dark shade, then there may be a color of the floor plinth. Such a simple reception will allow you to add the volume the volume.

in tone to the floor

  1. If your walls are a monophonic shade, then you can paint the ceiling plinth into the walls. This technique will allow visually increase the height of the ceiling.

wall color

  1. The trend of the new season - the color of the plinth coincides with the tint of doors or finishing of doorways. In this case, the plinth will be a continuation of the doorway and emphasize its beauty. You can also make an interior emphasis on these details. The light floor plinth will be well combined with the doorway finish and look like its continuation, visually expanding the space of the room and focusing the attention of guests.


  1. Staining the plinth into a contrast color. The option is risky, but if you managed to get exactly "into the target", then success will be guaranteed. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a bright shade of the plinth should be repeated in any detail of the interior. It can be curtains, drawing on wallpaper, sofa pillows, and so on. Remember that a horizontal bright band, especially a dark shade, will visually reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, so this method is better to use in a well-lit and spacious room.


Painting outdoor plinth method "Plinth Color - Color Wall", is impossible without an accurate pick-up selection. It is best to do in specialized places so that the machine gun presented by you presented by you can mix white paint with a selected color. Only so you can achieve the exact selection of the shade.

Painting MDF Plintus

Outdoor plinth of MDF (medium density plywood) is made of environmentally friendly materials. The product does not contain phenol and epoxy resins harmful to human health. Plinths are made of plywood (main layer) and paper layer impregnated with dye, with applying a protective layer. The melamine layer does not allow the product to fade and protects it from dust.

Outdoor plinth of MDF is easily attached, which is especially important for bright shades of the plinth, and is also easily clean. Specially care for plinths from MDF do not need. Products are available both under painting and applying a specific pattern and shade.


Under painting MDF plinth is produced in two colors - white and light gray. Collapse outdoor plinth easily, but there are certain rules with which it is necessary to familiarize themselves:

  1. The product color should be made after the plinth is installed. To avoid paints to the floor and walls, they must be protected by painting tape or fill the gaps with paper or newspaper. Naturally, this option is not the most acceptable, so most experts advise to act at their discretion: to paint the plinth before installing either after.
  2. Before applying the first layer of paint using fine-grained emery paper, it is necessary to seal the surface to remove the villus from the panel.
  3. Now you can handle the plinth of the primer mixture and wait when it is completely dry.
  4. The second layer of primer will allow you to get a perfectly smooth surface and will provide smoothness for paint.
  5. Painting the Plinth from MDF can be performed by the usual painting brush. Tassel size Choose at your discretion, but note that a thin plinth is more convenient to paint a narrow tassel, and a wide brush with an appropriate size.


General Recommendations for Staining


When choosing paint for plinths, you must choose not only the color you like, but also pay attention to its composition. So, latex paint is suitable for inside the room, as well as water dispersive and acrylic. Such paints practically do not smell, and dry twice as fast.

It is more convenient to paint the sawdust strips, which are already fitted in size. This will allow staining carefully. After the surface is covered with primer composition, you can start staining the plinth.

For work it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • plinth MDF;
  • paint;
  • primer mixture;
  • tassel;
  • rubber gloves;
  • polyethylene film;
  • capacity with water and clean, well absorbing fabric.

Paul must be seen with a polyethylene film. For convenience, it is desirable to wear rubber gloves. To apply paint to a thin layer, covering the facial surface. You do not need to paint the wrong side. After applying the first thin layer of paint, it is necessary to wait for drying and scratching the entire surface once again. It is necessary to work as careful as possible, and if the paint droplets fell into unprotected surfaces, they can be removed with a damp cloth (provided that you work with water-soluble paints).

If there is no desire to mess with a tassel, then you can buy paint in the cans. In this case, you can achieve the perfect surface, without strips and divorces. With such paint it is better to work outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.

If the floor plinth is already installed, then only one option is still painted - a tassel, directly in place. Before staining, it is necessary to protect the surface (wall and floor) from paint with paint scotch. You can only shoot it after the paint finally dries.

Painting of wooden plinths

Wooden plinths are made of wood massif. It is environmentally friendly, durable and durable material. Painting the plinth from the tree is necessary in several layers, previously treated the surface of the primer. Usually for staining the fnethood from wood use quick-drying paints and paint brush.


If you have decided to simultaneously paint the wooden floor plinth and the floor, then you must first paint the plinth, and then the edge of the floor. When working with paint, you need to make sure that the paint drops do not fall on the floor. It is much more difficult to remove the thickened paint from the surface, so it is better to not allow droplets to hit the floor to the floor.

In order to avoid flux under the edge of the plinth, you can substitute a spatula, and paint the surface with a narrow tassel, having it parallel to the floor.

putty knife

If only the staining of the plinth is assumed, then it is desirable to protect the wall and gender and salary with painting tape.

One of the secrets of high-quality staining of the surface - paint it is desirable to apply a thin layer. Each layer of paint should be thin and applied evenly, then it will stay long. When painting a wooden floor plinth into one thick layer - when drying, the paint can appear and deform. Also undesirable to apply paint and one fine layer, as lumens may appear. The optimal number of layers is two or three thin layers of paint, with a gap for complete drying.

In the case when you fail to find the plinth of the desired shade, you can always paint it yourself. Moreover, it does not take much time, and the result will please you for many years.

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5 replies on the painting of the plinth. How to paint outdoor plinth

  1. Kill:

    Better specialists no one can paint the plinth in Moscow

  2. Kill:

    Better specialists no one can paint the plinth in Moscow

  3. Andrey:

    With the author of the article, about independent painting - in the root I do not agree: I can bring dozens of arguments that you need to paint:
    • In the workshop with a paint chamber and extract
    • paint with a pulverizer
    • Only interior two component paint
    • Nobody canceled the presence of the first primer layer
    • Intermediate matt between layers of paint - removes small roughness
    • etc
    No one paints the brush door, furniture or car.
    I recommend to see examples of professional painting:
    Ukraine, Kiev:

  4. Ruslan:

    Fully agree with Andrey, specialists from They said that it was very risky to paint independently, the result could not at all!

  5. Victoria:

    Good day!
    Thanks for the info!
    And which primer mixture is better to buy for painting MDF Plinths? And what kind of paint should be suitable for the walls or should it stand for a tree?

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