How to strengthen the old foundation

December 30. Foundation Views 5490. Comments to record How to strengthen the old foundation No

In the course of long-term operation of various types of structures, it is quite often a deformation of the design.

Today there are several types of destruction:

  • depreciation materials;
  • marriage;
  • Mechanical deformation.

The reasons that may cause them:

  1. Errors during building design
  2. Production errors
  3. Invalid operational conditions
  4. Constructive errors

Not depending on which reason has affected the emergence of deformation, most likely, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation. Such a procedure is capable of suspending the process of destruction or minimize it. At the same time, all the works are associated with an increased risk, so to entrust the strengthening of the base of the house better to specialists.


The method of strengthening the base always depends on the state of the structure, its reconstruction, restoration or conservation. Reconstruction can be associated with an increase in the load on an existing foundation due to superstructures, replacement of flooring from a tree to reinforced concrete, changes in technology, etc.

The main in the selection of the method of hardening is the factors that are associated with the peculiarities of the building structure, as well as the state of the soil and the equipment of companies carrying out this activity.

Today, thanks to the equipment and innovative developments, it is possible to carry out work on strengthening the foundation of the building is quite reliable, quickly, technologically and with minimal use of manual methods.

Modern technologies of calculation make it possible to simulate the latest options for enhancing the foundations on the basis of geotechnical information. However, without a detailed settlement justification, it should not be abandoned from traditional ways, since in the complex with more modern, they quite often give a positive result.

Causes of strengthening foundation

There are a variety of reasons why the foundation may require strengthening:

  • when erecting catlings in close proximity to home or tranche;
  • when aligning the house due to its roll;
  • in the formation of cracks as a result of disproportionate deformation of the base of the structure;
  • with a decrease in the strength of building materials foundation for the period of operation of the house;
  • improving the smoke deformability;
  • construction near the existing building of another structure, which provides an additional burden on the foundation;
  • when reconstructing structures with an increase in the mass of the building or payloads to it;
  • When weakening the foundation during the operation of the house, as a result of which the defignments arise in its elements or unacceptable precipitation are formed;
  • The deterioration of the conditions for fundamental stability or soil in its foundation.

Most often, external damage is evidenced by the need to strengthen the foundation of the building:

  • Swimming windows and doors;
  • their skewers;
  • Cracks on the windows and walls.


In this case, the construction explicitly begins to experience deformation, so it should be established regular observation.

As for industrial buildings, they also have other signs, such as pipe rolls or towers.

How to strengthen the foundation of the house

Tested ways of hardening grounds, as well as protection against the weakening of the soil are:

  • retaining walls;
  • loading;
  • anti-filtration curtains;
  • drainage;
  • Smolization;
  • silication;
  • cementation.

Basic methods of enhancing foundations are:

  • straightening;
  • Summing up piles;
  • protection of the material of the foundation from weathering;
  • expanding the reference area;
  • deepening foundation;
  • Strengthening the foundation to increase its strength.

Recommendations on how to properly strengthen the foundation:

  • Remember that the choice of the formation method of the foundation depends on the state of the structure, its possible subsequent reconstruction, as well as on the characteristics of the structure of the house and the state of the soil;
  • Try to restrict ourselves to the sealing of the cracks with a solution of cement, especially if they are minor or the plantation shrinkage has ceased. Before it is to make it silent and fill in the mixture in the ratio of 1: 3;
  • In the event that a large sediment occurred, then eliminate the causes of its occurrence. For example, when deforming the foundation, which is caused by the washed-out of the soil, use the technology for pumping the cement solution into the voids formed. The foundation creates wells and the solution is injected under high pressure. This layer enhances the base and serves as a wonderful waterproofing layer;


  • If you have no special equipment for injection and drilling, then this activity can be performed manually. To do this, around the perimeter of the foundation, or exclusively in problem areas, the ground is flat down below the base. The trench is filled with masonry or concrete monolithic.

How to strengthen the foundation of the old house


The strengthening of the base of massive structures is created using the additional installation of boronobiling piles:

  • Initially, around the perimeter of the building, next to the old foundation, the wells are made in a checker order with a diameter of 10-30 cm every 100 mm;
  • then reinforced;
  • then poured concrete;
  • Next, burbilling piles are fixed with the foundation by anchors.


Also to strengthen the weak foundation of the house can be used with reinforced concrete:

  • Initially, it is necessary to dug a trench along the ribbon or around the perimeter of a column foundation;
  • Then it is good to clean the surface from old dirt and plaster;
  • Then you should score in the design of anchors from the reinforcement;
  • Install a metal mesh along the foundation, fixing it with anchors;
  • create a formwork and concrete;
  • Next, after hardening the concrete, the trench falls asleep and lay the trambet.


Anchorus must be done in such a way that the new parts of the foundation hold the mass of the facilities together with the old.

Methods of proper enhancement of the foundation:


1. Expansion of the area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation:

  • From the inner and outdoor side of the foundation, reinforced concrete blocks should be mounted;
  • The lower part of them is tightened with fasteners that pass through an existing foundation - so the design binds to the old one, thereby enhancing it;
  • The upper part of the blocks is squeezed so that the lower part clamps the soil under their base;
  • Then the places of auxiliary blocks and the old foundation are poured with a mixture of concrete - this is how the integrity of the structure is created.

2. Hardening of soil

With the help of injections to the ground, a special solid-harder solution is introduced:

  • hydrochloric acid and carbamide resin;
  • bitumen emulsions;
  • liquid glass and calcium chloride;
  • Cement mortar.


In this way, the base is increased directly under the foundation.

3. Installation of the foundation plate

Such a technology implies the replacement of the foundation of the tape monolithic sectors that create a holistic plate. It occurs in consistently by selecting the sectors of the old structure and replace them with the new sectors.

4. Strengthening the foundation without adjusting sizes

This technology is used in cases where the foundation has mechanical damage (destroying masonry, cracks) or its building material is in unsatisfactory condition.

It creates the strengthening of the foundation laying using the discharge of the cement solution through the established injectors.

5. Strengthening with the help of concrete subsidiaries

In this case, there is a complete or partial replacement of the foundation masonry. If the first option is created, then it needs to be done by individual sections.

6. Storming foundation

The foundation is divided into sectors of 1-1.60 m. Works are carried out simultaneously on sectors that are distant from each other in order not to subjected to the base of excessive load.

7. Strengthening pile

Used with a significant increase in the burden on the foundation or its global wear. Piles are mounted in an injection method - thus, they will perform the function of an additional foundation. The wells are clogged through the old base and are compacted by filling in a small concrete-sandy mixture.

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