Preservation of the foundation for the winter. How to "put the foundation for the winter

December 29. Foundation Views 4794. Comments To the recording of the preservation of the foundation for the winter. How to "put the foundation for the winter No

The construction of the house is a laborious process that can delay indefinitely. Of course, experts recommend starting the construction of spring when favorable natural conditions are created. But it is not always possible to avoid unforeseen situations, they require the adoption of the right measures to maintain the integrity of the design and the laid characteristics.

To obtain a strong base, in no case cannot be left the foundation in the winter without prior canning, because the surrounding situation partially destroys it, which affects the reliability of the entire building.

Causes of the need for conservation


If not to take measures to conservate the foundation can happen:

  • blurring the base of the structure with groundwater;
  • concrete coating cracks;
  • folding the foundation.

The first item involves obtaining an unstable base, respectively, there will be no reliability of further construction. In the second case, the consequences depend on the depth of the resulting cracks, but in general the design is not subject to restoration, it will have to disassemble it completely. If you do not cover the foundation for the winter at the time of strong cold weather, then the concrete will just move. This leads to its destruction after a while, literally after a couple of years, the finished building will become unsuitable for operation.

Stages of preservation

So, it is possible to leave the foundation for the winter only under the condition of preliminary work. There are preservation stages:

  • waterproofing of the foundation;
  • thermal insulation;
  • answering of groundwater.

Qualitatively implemented waterproofing - the basis of obtaining a qualitative result


Waterproofing is carried out only after 4 weeks after the fill of concrete, moisture protection is required by certain types of structures. Tile and ribbon foundations for winter need to create waterproofing before the onset of negative temperatures, in the presence of a pile or bar type, these measures are not applied.


From moving and moisture, the rubberoid protects well, they cover the entire design to the depths of the level of primerization of the soil. An excellent substitute is a polyethylene film reinforced with polypropylene - it refers to cheaper materials. Thanks to this, moisture does not fall between the coating and the design, respectively prevents the appearance of cracks.

Without heat insulation it is impossible to preserve the design


Specialists suggest how to insulate the foundation for the winter - thermal insulation is provided with the help of extruded polystyrene foam, it is necessary to insulate the entire foundation area with plates. This stage occurs after applying a film or rubberoid. To secure the effect around the perimeter, the foundation is sprinkled with chips or straw. From above, polystyrene foam plates are placed film, it can be sprinkled with clay or other heavy materials, such as brick or concrete blocks. There is one nuance - if there are exits under communication it is important to close them with dense plywood.

Dustwater dilution is important with spring onset


Before the start of construction, the site is subject to a survey, it is necessary to carefully examine the characteristics of the soil. Saturated soil does not provide proper reliability, cracks appear in the concrete, respectively, it is quickly destroyed. In addition, the water present in the ground expands, and the soil has a strong pressure on the design, deforming it. Therefore, it is important to take water from the construction site, this will require a system of grooves and wastewater. Then the foundation after the winter will not succumb to adverse effects.
The appliance device of groundwater implies such actions:

  1. determination of the lowest place on the site;
  2. breaking deep holes as a tank;
  3. digging grooves with a depth of 0.4 m throughout the perimeter of the foundation, the depth of the grooves from the tank side should be 0.5 m;
  4. drafning of the effluent perpendicularly formed grooves towards the tank.

It will only remain to check the integrity of the grooves made during conservation, because the wind and rain are able to destroy all the efforts made. Such methods allow you to maintain the basis of the design at the required time without losing its quality.

The second solution is to continue construction in the winter


Another option remains to continue construction, the foundation is quite possible to fill in the winter. But this requires additional labor, temporary and financial costs. Because there must be special additives in concrete, the process time increases for a number of reasons.
Independent fill of the foundation in the winter is carried out when plasticizers are included. Some manufacturers offer consumers solutions that provide rapid solidification and frost resistance of concrete. The required amount is determined depending on the instructions, but there are certain rules:

  • water consumption when using plasticizers is reduced by 10-15%;
  • the temperature should not be below -20 ° C;
  • frost-resistant additive does not apply with humidity above 60% and in the rain;
  • it is important to watch plasticizer compatibility with aggregates and reinforcement.

After the fill process, after 3 days, the foundation is insulated, without removing the formwork, the available surface is covered with dry grass or sawdust with a layer 20-30 cm. The formwork is removed only when switching to the next stage of work.

Screw foundation technology for winter is an ideal base option, because the possibilities of using screw piles are limited to a rocky area. This foundation is not a problem in winter, it is an optimal solution for frozen, with high humidity and ground mobility. The main thing is to correctly calculate all consumables.

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