Modern garden design

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An attractive and properly decorated garden is the main decoration of a private house, and a place where you can spend your free time in warm weather. Wealthy people often invite designers who are able to competently and best arrange a homeland territory. But you can create a beautiful garden design with your own hands, photo-examples of our article and useful recommendations will help you with this.

Modern garden design. Making a beautiful garden yourself

We develop a plan and place the territory

Landscape design of the garden site begins with work on planning. It is best to use a special computer program for this, but you can walk with simple paper and pencils. So, the compilation of the plan occurs as follows:

  1. Initially, a schematic representation of the boundaries of the site is created with an accurate indication of its size.
  2. The scheme is applied that already exists on the territory. For example, house, garage, household buildings, reservoirs, etc.
  3. Then the figure depicts what is planned to put or build on the plot, even if it is a dog booth or another small element.
  4. The scheme of the household plot is divided into squares for the convenience of the location of all objects.
  5. All perennials and trees also need to be applied to the plan and decide on what other multi-year cultures will be planted in the garden.
  6. The figure indicates the existing and future location of engineering systems: garden lighting, water bodies, irrigation systems, etc.
  7. When drawing up a plan, it is also necessary to check the composition of the soil, the depth of groundwater, the presence of wetlands, hills and elevations. In places of stagnation, water is carried out drainage. The hills on the territory can be rated or left as it is, scoring them into a landscape design.


Garden design. Choose a color palette for the garden

When creating garden design, it is important to decide on the color palette in advance. This will help achieve the effect of harmony, make the garden in one whole, show its originality. It is worth thinking over the color palette of each design element, and they can be divided into such groups:

  1. Natural landscape objects. These include all natural elements that exist on your site: herbs, stones, reservoirs, trees, shrubs, and so on. Influence the overall impression will be all that you leave in the garden. Note that the shades of such objects may vary depending on the season.
  2. Architectural details: residential building, housekeeping, greenhouses, sauna, garage, gazebos, decorative bridges, etc. Architecture items do not have to be identical in color, but the harmony of their shades must be observed.
  3. When choosing a color palette of the garden design, you need to take into account the decorative landscape elements created by the hands of a person. These may be artificial reservoirs, flowerbeds, lawns, alleys, etc. In this case, playing with shades is easy and interesting, using the taste and fantasy.
  4. Additional objects, such as garden tracks, lights, sculptures, statues, swings, bridges, etc., also need to fit into a common color palette.


Avoid mistakes in garden design

Deciding to create a beautiful garden with your own hands, listen to the following recommendations:

  • do not clutter the space by an excessive number of objects;
  • avoid monophone - furniture, fences, bridges, small architectural forms should not be performed in one shade;
  • do not decorate the garden with artificial plants;
  • try to observe the systematic in placement of objects;
  • exotic plants and large trees do not disembark in one place.


Garden tracks as the necessary element of landscape design

Garden landscape design is impossible to imagine without paths and tracks. They take on two functions at once: decorative and practical. Garden tracks in conjunction with lawns and flowerbeds sometimes look like a real work of art, so you should not scatter them in the territory chaotically.

Depending on the style of the garden or its own preferences, it is possible to place paths in accordance with strict geometry or to have a fantasy. Materials for performing tracks There are quite a lot, and often skillful crafts apply what is at hand. The paths in the garden can be careed with brick or clinker tiles, paving, natural or artificial stone, gravel, pebbles, sand, concrete, wooden dies and even glass bottles.

No one prohibits connecting several types of materials. For example, lay out the trail with concrete tiles, and the distance between them flood with pebbles or woody crust.

Garden paths are not better emphasized by the beauty of a neat lawn, well, the lawn itself can be shedding her grass or buy in a roll and spread on the site. The second option looks more beautiful, but also requires appropriate costs. The lawn must regularly cut, supporting it in a neat form.

Garden design, photo

Konica Minolta Digital Camera







Modern garden design. We make garden cozy

Working on the design of the garden plot, it is worth taking care of the creation of a cozy corner for recreation and relaxation. The ideal means to achieve the effect of harmony is water. Well, when a small pond is already in the local area or flows, but in the absence of a natural reservoir, it is possible to equip its artificial analogue. There are several options here, and you can create on your site:

  • swamp;
  • waterfall or cascade;
  • creek;
  • the fountain;
  • pond;
  • pool of any size.

Water pacifies, soothes, configures on a positive way, charges energy, helps to relax and contribute to cleansing thoughts. Of course, the reservoir will require not only competent arrangement, but also regular care. But those who do not want to spend at this time can be advised to make the so-called "dry stream" on the site. In the literal sense, this is not a reservoir, but a very successful decorative element of the landscape, often used in the Asian style gardens.

It is impossible to imagine a cozy garden without a recreation area, create a soft or wicker furniture, hammocks or something similar. Such a recreation area is desirable to arrange on a wooden platform or on a platform paved with plates either by stones. Practical and convenient option - Rattan furniture with removable soft pillows, which are easily cleaned of dirt.

Examples of beautiful garden design can be viewed in the photo gallery:











Garden design styles

French Garden Design Style

French style is advisable to use in large territories. Ideally, if the site is at least 20 acres and will have a smooth, not hilly relief. Features of this style are as follows:

  1. Originality that sows in everything. Gardens decorated in this style carry the idea of \u200b\u200bman's domination over nature.
  2. Almost all elements of the landscape obey strict geometry, the center of which, as a rule, is a residential building. Lawns look well-groomed and neat, have exactly defined forms.
  3. The central focus of the garden is often a large bright flower garden. It certainly needs to be careed, not allowing the presence of the living cultures of faders or patients, weeds.
  4. Another bright french style item is a fountain. It is often installed in the middle of the flower bed and is made in the form of any sculpture.
  5. The elements of such landscape design include beautifully trimmed symmetrical alive hedges, as well as evergreen perennials.
  6. If a pond is present in the garden, he also needs to be given geometric outlines.
  7. Furniture and small architectural forms made from expensive wood or natural stone, as it is impossible to fit into such a garden design.




English Garden Design Style

English style, which is also called landscape, can be implemented in small gardens. We list its distinctive features:

  1. The main idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a design is the unity of a person with nature. The focus is on comfort - being in such a garden, you must penetrate him comfort.
  2. Unlike strict French, the English style allows for a small wildness, pristine. There is no strict geometry that all design elements would be subordinate, on the contrary, the softness and smoothness of the lines are traced in the landscape.
  3. The house corresponding to this style often has a cozy terrace with armchairs or bench.
  4. In the English garden, large splashing trees must grow. There are many secluded shady corners with arbors.
  5. Very often, the recreation area is distinguished by arch, served roses, ivy or other curly cultures.
  6. Another distinctive element is multi-level flower beds. In such a garden, there are many paths covered with small gravel. They do not obey strict geometric lines and look curved, smooth, winding.
  7. In the English garden, a pond must be present, which, like everything else, will have a primordial appearance. This is expressed in small launches, the presence of wild herbs, blurred coastline.
  8. If there are sculptures on the site, then you can place them everywhere, even in the most unpredictable places.




Baroque style in gardens design

Baroque style is ideal for those who appreciate abundance, chic and wealth. Sometimes a baroque garden may seem unnecessarily luxurious and even sniff out. Implement such design appropriately on large areas.

Very often, Baroque includes the features of English and French styles, only it looks more elegant and magnificent. Perhaps the brightest detail of such a garden is a labyrinth, which must invariably be present in a similar landscape.




Country style in garden design

A small household plot can be arranged in a rustic style, loved by many for simplicity and naivety. Fortunately, to create this kind of garden is quite simple, we'll figure it out in its distinctive features:

  1. Country-style garden looks a bit old-fashioned and reminds the foundation of our ancestors who lived in the villages. There are always elements of rustic life. When creating such a design, it is important to maintain the integrity of the idea and adhere to only those emphasis that is characteristic of a specific region. That is, if you stylize the garden under the Russian village, do not load the space by details characteristic of the settlements of other countries.
  2. In such a garden it will be appropriate to look for economic buildings and a real garden, where you can grow vegetables, berries, fruits.
  3. The main emphasis on the site can be a log house. The elements of the landscape design will serve both the acting well, and the bathhouse in the territory of the site.
  4. As a hedge, you can put a wint, decoring it with clay pots. The paths also emphasize the integrity of the idea, if you choose their cobblestones, stones, woodwood.
  5. In the garden, you can place the sculptures of animals or dwarves, and on the lawns, smash the motley flower beds with bright colors. Flowerbed can be made in a wheelbarrow or cart, wicker baskets, clay vases.




Ecological style in garden design

Ecological style in landscape design appeared relatively recently, but now he quickly acquires popularity. The main style concept is minimal interference in nature. The garden in ecosyl should look pristine and the most natural possible.

As a rule, when creating such a plot, all elements available on it remain in place and the designer is beautifully beat them and emphasize them. To implement such an idea, the gardens of any size, and the indisputable advantage of the design is its low cost.

The garden in an environmental style, however, requires timely and regular care. This means that the reservoir needs to be cleaned, trees, shrubs and grass - strut and water.




Ethnic style in garden design

An ethnic style garden is a plot decorated in accordance with the traditions of this or that nation. To implement such an idea, it is necessary to seriously intervene in the ecosystem of the site, because in order to make Japanese, Dutch, Chinese, Mauritanian or any other garden, will not only have to install the corresponding details and architectural elements in it, but also fall off the uncharacteristic for the locality plants. So that exotic cultures have taken root on the site, we will have to create certain conditions for them, take care of the desired composition of the soil, watering, temperature mode, etc.

The care of the ethnic garden is sometimes very long and complex. To minimize the costs of time, labor and money, it is better to stock up information in advance about certain cultures, put on the site those plants that are more likely to come down and will not be too capricious.




High Tech Style in Garden Design

Garden design in the style of high-tech is a modern trend, preferred by young people. The main concept of such design is minimalism, conciseness and comfort. Distinctive features of this garden are as follows:

  1. No extra details.
  2. Much light and free space.
  3. Furniture and design items made of modern materials: plastic, glass, metal.
  4. The presence of unusual futuristic species.
  5. In such a garden, there are not many plants, as a rule, they do not require complex care and correspond to the overall design.
  6. On the plot may be present and reservoir. Very often his role is played by the pool, but sometimes it can be streams, ponds and canals with concreted shores.




Alpine style in garden design

This landscape design is implemented on hilly areas, since its main concept is the imitation of the mountain landscape. Alpine style is not easy to perform, because it requires a careful selection of plants and special care.

In the mountaineers, stones, sand, soil-level low cultures, mountain bushes are often used.

Design of garden plot, photo:










Modern garden design. Video

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4 Replies to modern garden design

  1. Marat:

    Can you independently make such beauty? Such lawns in the garden - the dream of each dacket, I think. But how to care for the garden, is the question?

  2. Ekaterina Osipova:

    And what is the actual question? You just need to know the peculiarities of the care of each plant and water in time. Do not pour, I want to emphasize once again, but to arrange daily moisturizing. Of course it is worth using a certain watering system, purchase hoses and filters for watering And the well-kept and green plot will always look modern.

  3. Dobrov:

    I made a garden with my own hands, I do not see difficulties. The main thing to buy beautiful and a variety of trees seedlings, shrubs, lawn grass seeds and bury the hoses so that they are not visible on the site during irrigation. Put sprinklers and your care.

  4. Veronica:

    How I want to recreate an alpine style on the summer site, make a gazebo all the braided with green wagia shoots. But it will take so much time. And I want everything immediately.

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